What kind of pet is better to have in the apartment?

An animal in an apartment is a joy! They are funny and spontaneous, especially children will be delighted with the appearance of a pet in the house. The child loves to play with them, learns to care and responsibility. Before deciding which pet to have in your apartment, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Take into account the living conditions, the availability of free time and, of course, the tastes and preferences of each family member.

Dogs and cats of large and small breeds
Dogs are intelligent animals, they are perfectly trainable and loyal to their master with all their hearts. These animals require a lot of attention to themselves, they adore when they play, talk and walk with them. Dogs can be quite impressive in size. For lovers of large animals, we present the top 10 largest dog breeds:
- Irish wolfhound;
- doberman;
- Labrador;
- Newfoundland;
- German dog;
- komondor;
- St. Bernard;
- Moscow watchdog;
- Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog;
- English, Spanish, Pyrenean and Tibetan Mastiff.

A large dog is a faithful protector of its owner, it is not scary with it on a walk in the dark.
But the content of such an animal has its own specifics. They have a lot of energy that needs to be released. The dog should be walked 2 times a day and given enough time to run over. It should be noted that by law, in public places the dog must be on a leash and muzzled.

Cats can also surprise with their parameters, for example, the height at the withers of the savanna reaches 1 m, and the weight is 20 kg. Other large cats include the following breeds:
- Maine Coon;
- chausie;
- Norwegian forestry;
- Siberian.
Big cats are beautiful! They are graceful, imposing and proud.They love to play and run around the apartment. Some breeds, such as the savannah, are recommended to be walked on a leash. Although cats are more independent than dogs, they also become attached to their owner and get bored if he leaves for a long time.

Keeping a large animal in an apartment requires spacious living space.
An ideal place for them would be a summer cottage or a private house. Aviaries and insulated booths are made for dogs. The animal feels comfortable and does not frighten others with its size. If the apartment is small, then it is better to choose more "compact" breeds of dogs and cats. Bulldogs, corgis, poodles, pomeranians will make your life more fun and varied, and "plush" British or ordinary domestic cats will fill the house with warmth and comfort.

Cats and dogs of all breeds, regardless of size, can ruin furniture or tear the wallpaper in the most prominent place. Especially a teenage animal, because he needs to run, play, sharpen his teeth and claws. They buy a special scratching post for the cat, but it will take time to accustom it to it. A variety of synthetic bones and toys that you can sharpen your teeth on are suitable for dogs. You need to purchase them in specialized stores, this is the only way to make sure that the toy is safe for the dog.

Little cute animals
If you want less hassle - get the animal in the cage. He does not need to be toilet trained, walk and clean his hair throughout the apartment. It is enough to choose a suitable house, add sawdust, feed the animal and keep its home clean. Let's describe in more detail the animals that are kept in cages.
- Hamsters are funny rodents. They love to run in a wheel, sleep curled up in a ball and eat, amusingly stuffing their cheeks with food. There are many varieties of these rodents, differing in color and size. The most popular are the long-haired Angora and Syrian, which can be golden, black, gray and white in color.

- Guinea pigs - animals with a dense body and short legs. They can be tortoiseshell, white or red in color. During the day, they constantly chew something, like grass, fruits and vegetables. Sometimes they emit a squeak that indicates dissatisfaction or hunger.

- Decorative rats - smart and quick-witted rodents. Amenable to training and attached to the owner. They love to spend time in their arms. They are clean, relieve themselves in one corner. If the cage is cleaned on time, there will be no smell in the apartment.

- Chinchillas - animals with gorgeous fur, because of which they are hunted and bred on special farms. But these animals are kept at home. They need a spacious cage, the minimum size of which is 50 × 70 cm, or better an aviary. During the day, the chinchilla usually sleeps, and at night it is awake: it eats, sharpens its teeth, jumps and constantly rustles with something. For this reason, the cage should not be placed in the bedroom.

- Decorative rabbits - calm and unpretentious pets. The animal can be kept in a spacious aviary or in a small cage. In the latter case, the "eared" one must sometimes be released to jump, constant sitting in a tight space has a bad effect on the health and mood of the rabbit.

- Ferrets - animals with an elongated body and a soft fur coat. If you give them freedom, they will crawl into every crack and gnaw through the whole apartment. Because of this, many people prefer to keep them in spacious cages, letting them run only a few times a day. People with a keen sense of smell should know that the animal has a specific smell that not everyone likes.

The cage with the pet is placed away from drafts and direct sunlight.
They put a house, a bowl for food, a drinker and a tray in it. A small container with fine sand is also installed, with the help of which the animals clean their fur coats. It is not difficult to take care of your pet's house: you need to throw away food leftovers, refresh the water and change sawdust every 3-4 days.

Amphibians and reptiles
Those who love unusual exotic animals should pay attention to amphibians and reptiles.For them, it is necessary to equip a terrarium or aquaterrarium in which an environment close to natural conditions is recreated. For example, a desert, rainforest, or semi-aquatic setting. We present a complete list of the most unpretentious terrarium inhabitants.
- Achatina - snails are large in size, can grow up to 20-30 cm. They do not require special attention, they are very easy to care for. A container with a lid is chosen as a house for them, the bottom of which is covered with a thick layer of peat substrate.

- Newts - cute amphibians. At home, they are settled in a container filled with water with land areas - an aquaterrarium. Newts have a two-week rest period once a year, they choose a convenient place for themselves and do not show any activity.

- Pond slider - an excellent swimmer! For a full life, they will also need an aquaterrarium, in which, in addition to ultraviolet lamps, incandescent lamps are placed. In nature, this species of turtles, after active swimming, likes to bask in the sun.

- Central Asian turtle Is a very friendly and peaceful animal. She can be taught to hand, then, upon contact with the owner, she will not hide her head in a shell. Contained in spacious dry terrariums. If you put an animal in a container that is too small, it becomes restless and may try to find a way out.

- Gecko - small lizards with a variety of colors. Beginners are advised to have a leopard gecko, also called spotted eublefar. Geckos can shed their tail, but you should not provoke them to this, because the new one will not be so smooth and beautiful.

- Frogs - amphibians with interesting behavior. The most popular and easy to care for is the red-eyed tree frog. These frogs have a beautiful color: colored stripes on the sides of a green body and bright red eyes. They can change colors depending on external conditions.

- Snakes - reptiles with a calm disposition. There are many species that differ in size, color, behavior and keeping conditions. There are small snakes that do not exceed 12 cm in length, but there are simply giants that grow up to 10 m. For beginners from miniature species, we recommend the maize snake, and for those who want a larger animal, the California king snake, reaching 1.5–2 m.

Most of the listed reptiles and amphibians are predators. Therefore, all kinds of insects or small animals should be present in their diet.
For example, a gecko is fed with spiders, cockroaches, flies, and a snake is fed with mice and frogs. Feeding snakes is not a process for the faint of heart, so it is better to abandon the maintenance of this reptile for those who are too sensitive to all living things.

If you want your home to be filled with ringing chirps - get a bird. They are easy to maintain, you can leave them alone for a long time, and they do not smell. The disadvantages include only the litter that pours out of the cage and the noise generated by some species. If you want to sleep off on your day off, it is better to cover the cage with a dense cloth: birds behave quietly in the dark. Consider the most popular birds that are kept at home.
- Parrots Are some of the brightest and most beautiful birds. Most often, apartments contain green or blue budgies. But there are many other interesting species. For example, gray, cockatoo, cockatiel, lovebirds. A parrot can be taught to speak; many buy them for this very purpose. But in order for the pet to speak, daily training is required.
- Canaries - nimble and agile birds. They can be taught to hand. If you want to listen to bird singing, then it is better to buy a male, female canaries do not sing.
- Amadines - bright and cheerful birds. Some species have very beautiful plumage. Most often there are zebra finches - birds of an ashy color with expressive red cheeks.

Domesticated birds are kept in a cage, which is equipped with a drinker, a feeder and perches.To prevent the pet from being bored, place a mirror and hang a bell.
The cage should not be placed by the window, your feathered pet can catch a cold from a draft. Birds are quite fragile creatures and are easily injured - this should be remembered when you pick them up.
Wild bird species can also be kept at home. The starling, bullfinch, siskin and nightingale can live well in captivity. They get used to the owner and communicate with him with pleasure. Some give birth to ducks, this bird does not sit in a cage, but moves freely throughout the apartment. She can be tamed, she lends itself well to training. And so that the bird does not spoil around the house, they put on a diaper.

If you want to surprise your guests, get an exotic insect: a Madagascar cockroach or a red-winged stick insect. They are kept in insectaries with soil and live plants. Insects require a minimum of attention, they do not make noise or smell. A container with such a pet will not take up much space; it can be safely placed on a desk.
Recently, an ant farm or formicaria has been gaining popularity - it is a transparent container, consisting of several chambers, in which a colony of ants is populated.
You can watch their life, it is very exciting. In the colony of these insects, a strict hierarchy is formed, each with its own profession and status. It is not difficult to care for an artificial anthill, but it must be done regularly. Beginners are advised to choose ants of the myrmycin family.

Whatever pet you have at home, you have to take responsibility for it. This is a living creature, and it will require care, even the most minimal one. It is necessary to correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities: can you feed the animal in accordance with its needs, walk with it or clean up in its cage in a timely manner. His life is now in your hands.
About pets, which can be kept without unnecessary hassle even in a small room, is described in the video below.