What kind of animal can you have at home?

A pet is always a great addition to the cosiness of your home. Pets will always delight, protect, or even console their owners in difficult situations. Pets also have a positive effect on children, increasing their level of sociability, making it possible to feel what responsibility is, and helping children to openly show their emotions. All this contributes to the harmonious development of a new personality, which will become a full-fledged member of society. But when choosing a pet, you should carefully consider the pros and cons.

Whom to choose?
To make the right choice, you need to focus on your preferences, lifestyle, and, of course, opportunities. The most popular options are presented in this list.
Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the phrase: "I want to have a pet at home" are dogs. These representatives of the animal world have become an integral part of our life since ancient times, when the first dog was tamed. The man got a reliable, courageous, intelligent and devoted friend. Moreover, Dogs are unpretentious in grooming, especially breeds such as the German Shepherd, Great Dane, Collie, Pekingese and Poodle.

Care consists in the following procedures:
- feeding;
- walks;
- combing wool;
- timely visit to the veterinarian
- training.
These basic actions will make your four-legged pet happy, and therefore you too.

Some, thinking about the question of choosing a dog for the role of a pet, fear that the animal will constantly spoil shoes, wallpaper and other things, but all these problems are too exaggerated, since a well-bred dog will know the framework and will never harm the place where it lives ...
The average lifespan of these tailed beasts ranges from 7 to 15 years, but there are dog breeds that live much longer than the rest of their brethren. These breeds include the following
- Yorkshire Terrier (17-20 years old);
- Pomeranian (16-21 years old);
- dachshund (13-17 years old);
- toy poodle (12-16 years old);
- beagle (12-18 years old).

Also, the life span of an animal largely depends on the conditions in which it lives. A pet with vaccinations, quality food, and proper care can even live up to 20 years.

A cat is a direct competitor to a dog. These are equally popular candidates for the role of pets. These animals great for people who want to come home after a long day at work and have a good rest in a pleasant company. Cats have an incredibly well-developed thirst for tactile communication. That's why your purring pet will surely endow you with its attention and tenderness.
Cats, as scientists recently found out, can even heal people with their purr. It turned out that this characteristic sound is in the range of 24 decibels. With frequent exposure to this frequency, the processes of creating new cells are activated in the human body, and the restoration of damaged tissues is accelerated.
Also, feline purring helps to normalize the work of blood vessels, eliminate problems with pressure and headaches. All this led to the creation of feline therapy.

Cats are more demanding about grooming than dogs... They prefer special food, and in toilet procedures it is better not to save on fillers and choose one that will completely absorb the smell.

Although cats seem to be constantly kind and docile animals, this is not entirely true. Animals are known for their wayward nature. They are easy to offend, and it is very difficult to earn forgiveness. So, for example, if you behave rudely towards your pet, then a cat who has been accustomed to the litter box for a long time may start shitting all over the apartment or house, and this will continue until, after an incident for a long time, she changes her attitude. to you.

Cats have a lifespan of about 15 years. With sterilization and proper care, this figure can rise up to 17-18 years.

Fish can be considered another great solution. These aquarium dwellers will become a wonderful addition to the interior due to its beautiful colors. They do not create a fuss, set you up for rest and relaxation, and more importantly, these pets are ideal for even the most severe allergy sufferers.

As for the care, there must be a special approach, since if certain norms are not observed, the fish begin to get sick and die. The care procedures are as follows:
- the aquarium should be cleaned regularly;
- feed at the same time.
Even in the kit with the aquarium, you just need to purchase additional devices:
- thermometer;
- heater;
- compressor;
- filter.
All of them help to keep the fish healthy. The costs of fish can be hefty, but the relaxing effect of watching the carefree movement of aquatic life is worth it.

The most beautiful representatives of aquarium fish are:
- African cornflower blue haplochromis;
- blue surgeon;
- koi carp;
- discus;
- aravana;
- gold fish.
The life span of fish is record high and in good conditions can be from 20 to 25 years old.

These pets require special attention when choosing. If you want to have a bird, then start first with the small and common representatives of the feathered kingdom. It is better to immediately turn your gaze to wavy, African and parrots - monks. These small birds only need regular feeding, clean water and timely cage cleaning.

Another of the advantages of birds can be considered ease of training. They can be taught some tricks and even simple phrases. True, do not forget that it is better to keep birds in cages, since by releasing a feathered pet, you endanger furniture, wallpaper, books and small objects. Moreover, the bird can get hurt in the apartment. So if you let them out of the cage, in a large open space.

Guinea pigs, hamsters, rats - all these are just ideal pets for an apartment and for children. They are easy to care for, picky about food and always active.... For children, talking to such a pet will help relieve stress and develop a sense of responsibility. On average, the lifespan of a rodent is no more than 5-6 years. It is undesirable to let them out of the cage, by doing this, you endanger the safety of your things.
If you are dealing with rats, spaying them is the best option, this way you protect yourself and your neighbors from the appearance of rat nests.
Rodents can eat everything, from meat products to grain. But to control the health of the pet, it is necessary to feed as many vegetables and fruits as possible.

Exotic animals
Nowadays, it has become popular to have unusual or rare animals, but before you take an outlandish pet to your home, do not forget to check if it is allowed to keep this or that animal at home in your country. It is also worth considering the fact that in captivity, such animals live much less than in the wild. In addition, remember - if you have children, exotic pets will have to be abandoned, since such animals can be dangerous if handled incorrectly.

An active, playful pet that will not let you get bored. The lifespan of a marten in captivity is about 10-12 years. For its content, it is simply necessary a vast area where the animal could run and play. Also, for the marten, it is necessary to purchase some additional decorations in the form of pipes, ladders, tree-like pedestals and much more, these elements will help her keep herself in shape and work out instincts inherent in nature. Martens are carnivores, so plant foods or dog / cat food will not work for her.
The diet of the animal should be largely dominated by meat, moreover, raw.
Get ready for a lot of trouble: your furniture, wires, wallpaper will be nibbled. It is possible that family members will get it, so you should always be on the lookout with such animals.

Fennec fox
From a distance it may seem like a dog, but the main distinguishing features are the characteristic fox face and, most importantly, huge ears. Most of the Fennec fox reaches the size of a small dog. It feeds mainly on meat however, you can include dried apricots, plums, whole grains, and fish in your diet to maintain health. Otherwise care identical to caring for ordinary dogs.
It is better to walk the chanterelle 4 times a day with a walk duration of 2 hours. This is important, since at home such animals are prone to obesity, and physical activity will keep their body in shape.

They have become especially popular. Such a pet perfect for people who love thrills. Boas must be kept in special aquariums that maintain a constant air temperature. Some especially courageous ones dare to release snakes for a free walk around the apartment. At first, such a neighborhood with a snake can be frightening, but over time you realize that they have a docile and calm disposition.

In the next video, you will learn about 10 of the most unusual pets.
We have a wonderful miracle - a dwarf rabbit from the nursery. I consider him to be the best pet we have ever had. He is unpretentious in care and food, and he adds good emotions every day.