Crimea parks overview

  1. Popular places
  2. Natural parks
  3. Where else can you go?
  4. Rating of the best

Going on vacation to the Crimea, one cannot ignore the famous parks of the Crimean peninsula. In addition to aesthetic pleasure and a relaxing effect, they also provide an opportunity to touch the history, since many recreation sites have been functioning for many years.

Popular places

There are various parks in Crimea, including thematic ones.

Gagarinsky park

Located in Simferopol. The description of the green zone contains information that it is also the largest park in the entire Crimea, with an area of ​​50 hectares. The location of this recreation area largely determines the peculiarity of its functioning. Since the Gagarinsky Park is open near the confluence of the Salgir and Maly Salgir rivers, the area here has always been swampy.

The area was drained relatively recently, after which the park was opened. Excess moisture is removed for further use in irrigation and the formation of artificial ponds. The name of the park, as you might guess, was chosen in honor of the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. From the historical sites located on the territory, it is worth mentioning the remains of an unknown soldier, on whose grave the Eternal Flame is burning. It appeared in 1975, and 10 years later another memorial appeared in the garden, as well as the Walk of Fame.

Several ponds provide water and coastal recreation - riding on catamarans, boating, the opportunity to sunbathe and play sports games. The sports theme is continued by the sculpture "Three Graces", depicting athletes. In general, the park is intended for lovers of both calm and active recreation. In the first case, we are talking about family picnics, playing badminton on the lawn, reading in the shade of trees.In the second - do not forget about rollerblading and bicycles, yoga and jogging.

The available attractions will delight children, but they will not surprise them with anything special. In several cafes, you will be able to have a snack without any problems. Finally, it is worth mentioning the opportunity to ride a donkey, horses and feed squirrels.

"Wine Park"

Not yet open, but judging by the plans of the developers, something impressive is expected. The park will occupy an area of ​​more than two hectares, which will house a structure with four underground and one aboveground floors. Downstairs there will be a cheese dairy, a winery, various shops and catering points. Visitors will be able to attend a tasting session, listen to a 1.5-hour guided tour and purchase their favorite specimens. An observation deck will be located at the top. Vineyards will be spread on the territory of the "Wine Park".

"Crimea in miniature in the palm of your hand"

It is a miniature park showing the important sights of the entire peninsula, both historical and architectural. The used scale of the exhibits looks like 1 to 25. You will have to spend about an hour and a half to inspect the park. In the evenings, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the light show and illumination.

Park "Montedor"

It was opened in 2017. It attracts visitors with its natural beauty, abundance of trees of different types, calm alleys and neat bridges.

Park "Paradise"

It is the park named after Aivazovsky. It has been operating for more than 5 decades on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Its main treasure is considered to be an olive grove, which is more than 200 years old. In addition, visitors love this holiday destination for the opportunity not only to walk, breathing in the clean air, but also to sing in an acoustic gazebo, make a wish in a magic well, and study the sculptures of all Greek deities.

The Japanese garden is based in the Aivazovskoye park, located in PartenitIt occupies about a hectare and is the creation of Japanese masters. The Japanese garden amazes visitors with its laconicism and thoughtful unusual structure. On the territory there are a couple of wooden tea houses, stylistic lanterns and arched bridges. Of course, the swimming pools immediately attract attention. All plants presented in the park are typical of Japanese gardens.

Natural parks

Of course, Crimea is a concentration of beautiful natural corners and famous nature museums. Of the latter, the museum located in Alushta is well known. The presented exhibits demonstrate all the diversity of the natural reserve located nearby. Collections of minerals, herbariums and rocks are also presented here. In addition, there is an arboretum, the area of ​​which corresponds to 6 hectares, where you can see representatives of the Crimean mountain forests. The Karadag Nature Museum is one of the oldest on the peninsula.

The first exposition was launched back in 1914. Today the museum, based near Koktebel, receives over 25 thousand visitors annually. The exhibits occupy an area of ​​over 100 square meters and provide an opportunity to get acquainted not only with representatives of wildlife, but also with the history of the biological station and the museum itself.

Where else can you go?

The Chair Park is a wonderful recreational place for a walk. Conifers, covering almost 23 hectares, create a truly inspiring atmosphere. There is also a large rose garden near the entrance. The palace in the park, built by Nicholas II, as well as the hunting lodge are of particular interest to visitors.

Melas park

It is deservedly considered a monument of gardening art. The area of ​​the resting place corresponds to 12 hectares and is decorated with fragments of boulders and original bays.

The "sea" side is ennobled by the embankment, the length of which is more than one and a half kilometers. The Melas Garden is rich in various species of flora, even the rarest ones.Long-livers stand out from the trees, for example, the thick-leaved pistachio, which has reached the age of almost 500 years, and the broad oak, which celebrated its thousandth birthday. The paths are covered with a neat layer of gravel, which only enhances the natural beauty of Melas Park.

Park "Patriot"

The park will certainly attract the attention of the males. Now its construction has not yet been completed, but the general idea is already visible - to create a place that would combine military training facilities for the army and facilities for ordinary visitors. A total of 5 branches are planned in Sevastopol and 2 branches in Kerch. The total area of ​​the park should be approximately 240 hectares. In the meantime, residents and guests of the peninsula have the opportunity to visit Victory Park, based in Sevastopol.

Victory park

It was founded in 1975, but is still very popular today. The main attraction of the recreation site is the monument to George the Victorious, which was erected in honor of the 220th anniversary of the founding of Sevastopol. The territory has all the amenities necessary for a family vacation - from cafes to attractions. Most of the beaches are covered with pebbles, but one of them, the most modern, is sandy. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to mention the diving center, a small stadium and a 5D cinema.

"Fedyukhin's heights"

Finally, it is important to mention the unique historical park, the construction of which is in full swing. The main goal of creating a recreation site is to acquaint vacationers with the history of Sevastopol and Crimea. The preliminary name sounds like "Fedyukhin's heights". Park visitors will be able to appreciate several iconic eras in interactive exhibition spaces. The selected time periods include Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the First Defense of Sevastopol, the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the Great Patriotic War, the Afghan War. In addition, a historical playground, an archery shooting range and a playground with military devices from the times of Antiquity and the Middle Ages will function on the territory.

Rating of the best

Numerous ratings contained in various sources make it possible to choose the most beautiful points on the map for your trip.


The standard rating, as a rule, contains a park located on the territory of Partenit and occupying about 18 hectares. Visitors will long remember the walks along the cypress alleys and the quiet time spent in the shade of the pine trees.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Also takes leadership positions. This park complex is filled with unique flora from all over the world in the amount of about 20 thousand species. The territory of the park reaches thousands of hectares.

Vorontsovsky park

It is located near the palace of the same name and is quite famous. The area of ​​the territory is 40 hectares. The elegant tiered structure divides the recreation area into several zones.

Livadia park

It also borders on the palace of the same name, known all over the world. Several dozen hectares are filled with numerous shrubs, trees and flowers. In addition, the Tsarskaya trail begins in the Livadia park.

Foros park

Located in the south of the peninsula in the town of Foros. Almost 70 hectares are divided into 2 parts. The upper one is a habitat for natural inhabitants of the Crimean subtropics, and the lower one is home to exotic plants. The territory also houses the estate of Kuznetsov, who at one time founded this park. The park in Lower Oreanda has already reached 90 years of age. The area of ​​42 hectares was decorated in a typical English style.

Miskhorsky park

It is located on a flat surface with no elevations, making it ideal for family walks. The main attraction of the place, which covers an area of ​​21 hectares, is the cypress alley.However, the Miskhorsky Park is also known for the abundance of exotic representatives of the fauna.

The sights of Crimea are described in the video below.

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