How to distinguish a natural sheepskin coat from an artificial one?

Thanks to the development of advanced technologies, the modern fashion industry creates a wide variety of artificial materials. Often, only a professional can distinguish them from natural ones, especially when it comes to synthetic fur. Therefore, if you decide to purchase such an expensive thing as a natural sheepskin coat, you need to approach the matter responsibly so as not to become the owner of a fake.

10 ways to differentiate
Please note that the cost of a genuine leather sheepskin coat is not less than 20 thousand rubles. A suspiciously low price is a serious reason to think.

It will not be superfluous to take with you a friend or one of your relatives who will not let you lose your guard and will remind you of the various nuances of the purchase.
- First of all, find a label on the sheepskin coat (it is usually neatly sewn into the seam from the wrong side of the thing) and carefully study it. It should contain information on the composition of the product, as well as advice on care.
- Stroke the surface of the product with your hand: a palm imprint will definitely remain on the natural leather.
- Then evaluate the sheepskin coat visually. There should be no creases on it, despite the fact that the thing could be stored folded.

- Turn the product inside out: natural fur is always uniform, evenly colored, the villi should be directed in one direction, usually from top to bottom. Real fur is soft to the touch and is difficult to pull out. Synthetic usually climbs in bunches.If you set fire to a few villi, then you will smell the burnt wool (if the thing is natural) or the characteristic synthetic smell (in the case of an artificial thing).
Try to move the villi apart: in a natural sheepskin coat, under the pile, you will see a leather base - the flesh, while in an artificial one - an ordinary fabric.

- Try wrinkling your clothes. On a natural sheepskin coat, the folds will straighten out instantly, but the artificial material will not soon become homogeneous.
- Find open sections of leather (on a turn-down collar or sleeve cuff) and examine them carefully. On natural fur, they are not completely even, even with perfectly dressed skin.
- Also appreciate the seams. They should be hidden, hidden under the skin. A high-quality sheepskin coat is sewn as accurately as possible, fragments of clothing are connected very tightly.

- Finally, smell the product. A quality item has the smell of leather and sheepskin. If you feel the chemical smell of paint, then you have a clearly artificial thing.
- Try researching the water resistance of your clothing. Drop a drop of water onto the surface: water will roll off the skin, and synthetics will immediately absorb it.
- Estimate the weight of the product. Artificial sheepskin coats for the most part are very light. A natural thing will not weigh less than two kilograms.

What if you still have doubts?
If you have thoroughly checked the thing that you are planning to buy, then consider this interesting point. Having found out during inspection single barely noticeable defects on the material (streaks, scratches, etc.), then you do not need to blame the manufacturer. On the contrary, it proves that this is a natural thing.

In fact, sheep (namely, from their skins, sheepskin coats are most often sewn) are not as calm as it is commonly believed: they often bite one another, leaving wounds on the body, and, accordingly, these "battle wounds" will be noticeable on the sheepskin coat.
During the production of natural sheepskin coats, these small damages are masked by coloring. That is why things of light shades are made of higher quality fur, while dark paint hides defects better, so the fur on such sheepskin coats may be slightly inferior in quality.