Spiritual Practices

All about asceticism for women

All about asceticism for women
  1. What it is?
  2. What are they?
  3. What impact do they have?
  4. Who are they suitable for?
  5. How to do it right?

It seems to many that asceticism is a concept that is directly related to the spiritual life of monks who devote themselves to a particular discipline, pursuing a higher goal. And this is partially correct judgment. But if in the distant past only priests persecuted asceticism, today everyone is familiar with them, especially the fair sex. It is austerities that contribute to the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Austerities save the lives of women who take even small problems to heart from negativity.

What it is?

Asceticism for a woman is a spiritual practice that involves voluntary self-isolation from a comfortable life and penetration into a zone of discomfort. This requires a lot of effort, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

As the legends say austerities originate from "Hellas". This word has Greek roots - "asketes", which means "one who exercises." In ancient times, this concept referred to the preparation of the Olympians for the upcoming competition. The essence of the preparation was diet and vigorous exercise. Athletes had to give up a comfortable existence, which is why the desire to be the best increased several times.

Analyzing the word asceticism in the realities of modern life, it becomes clear: the main accents of spiritual practice are considered to be the exit from the usual life and the entrance to the concretizing conditions, taking into account many prohibitions.

A person who decides to practice austerity should not suffer from inconveniences, only to receive forgiveness in the future life. This means that all stages of the teaching should take place in complete calmness and humility.

In the modern world, asceticism is distinguished by gender. Men tend to have certain themes of practice, while women have others. At the same time, the number of austerities for the fair sex is much higher, because women's concerns have no boundaries. The fair sex at any age should be kind, humble, flexible. They should do household chores with great love and joy. But not every modern lady is able to wash with her hands with love or do the daily cleaning of children's toys with joy.

What are they?

No matter how trite it may sound, most of women's austerities are aimed at family well-being and the happiness of loved ones. The spiritual path of the fair sex is to support the family and develop their own inner world. Almost all the daily affairs of women are austerities.

Not everyone enjoys cooking or cleaning, but if you tune in, you can turn seemingly grueling activities into a real blessing.

The list of traditional female austerities includes:

  • harmony with the environment;
  • needlework;
  • kind conversations;
  • truthful statements;
  • drawing wisdom from parents and grandparents;
  • respect for the spouse's relatives;
  • doing everyday activities with love and pleasure;
  • taking care of personal beauty.

Many modern girls have a conservative view of dealing with guys before entering into a marriage union. They preach freedom, hoping to find a betrothed. But not everyone succeeds in meeting the love of a lifetime. But age also does not stand still. And when their hands are already beginning to give up, then the girls should think and reflect on the issue of communicating with others. But as an indispensable help, austerities for marriage will come.

  • Parents - harmony in relation to the most dear people is the key to the well-being of a child's adult life. If there are constant conflicts, quarrels, disagreements between the mother and father, especially from her to him, it will be difficult for the daughter to get married and build a personal life. In this case, the essence of asceticism will be in the perception of parents, getting rid of personal grievances towards them and the hope of making your life radically different from the life of mom and dad.
  • The society of married ladies allows you to fill the spiritual world of an unmarried woman with a special aura, thanks to which it becomes interesting for the stronger sex.
  • Reading prayers and performing mantras will help build a thin bridge, connecting the spiritual world of a woman with boundless divine powers, from which you can ask your betrothed.

After the conclusion of a marriage union, women have the question of having children. Asceticism in this case will also be irreplaceable. Both spouses are required to maximize concentration on achieving their goal, namely conception. However, a woman has to put in much more effort. Before she starts fasting, she promises to meditate regularly or follow a fasting diet. And in return for strict observance of his promises, he asks to give her a baby. All the woman's energy, accumulated during the period of fulfilling the promise, gathers into one whole and then increases the flow to fulfill the desire.

    Asceticism of femininity is considered important for women of any age. Each representative of the fair sex wants to remain a mysterious person for her man. And this is not so easy to do, living with your spouse in the same apartment. However, you have to go to different tricks so that the flame of love does not go out. You can not deny a man intimacy, telling him a specific reason. It is better to hint, specifying that, despite the physiological characteristics of the female body, she also wants to spend time with him.

    The asceticism of femininity involves hiding items of intimate hygiene from the spouse, washed underwear, do not wear old grandmother's dressing gowns and, in general, always look neat.With regard to intimate life, when communicating with your husband, you should not use the word "sex". Ideally, replace it with “proximity”.

    Sex as a word resembles spontaneous intercourse, and the feelings of partners do not always have a high bar. But closeness carries something different - in the word itself, mutual love, tenderness and respect are felt.

    • Bodies. In this case, we are talking about the austerities of bodily practices. In many religious denominations, the body is the temple of the human soul. The cleanliness of this temple lies in the regular shower. Internal purity presupposes the reception of spiritual food, namely, the observance of cleansing fasts and reduced physical activity.
    • Speeches. Speech austerity involves reducing the negative vibration in the environment. It is important to forget about gossip, judgments, discontent. These negative factors drain the positive energy of those who slander. Asceticism of silence will be of great benefit in this matter. A woman gives herself the instruction not to utter a word during the day, for example. And I have to stick to it. After several practices, the fair sex notice how their general condition improves, their energy increases.
    • Uma. Mental asceticism involves the study of literary works about good people who have left their mark in world history. The narrative stories should describe their good deeds, love for others. Thus, the reader analyzes his life and the life of a famous person, independently finds shortcomings that should be worked with.

    What impact do they have?

    Any female asceticism should have a result, bring the desired results. Buddhists say: if you do everything correctly and from a pure heart, you will be able to burn negative karma, process coarse energy into beneficial energy, and receive spiritual blessings.

    The sages are convinced that there is a law of the universe about obligatory exchange. If a person gives something, depriving himself of comfort at the same time, he will definitely receive compensation. And we are talking not only about cleansing the body and soul, but also about heavenly rewards, which can be expressed in a successful marriage, the birth of a child, family happiness and much more.

    The main thing is to remember that the quality of the prize received depends entirely on the depth of the austerity being performed.

    Who are they suitable for?

    At the sight of a successful person, different thoughts come to everyone's mind. Some see talent in him, others - creativity, and still others are sure that he worked hard. But in reality, everything looks a little different. Anyone can achieve success by practicing regular austerities. And some have already achieved what they want, while others are just thinking.

    Many famous people lead an active lifestyle, live according to a planned regimen, diet or simply impose some restrictions on the diet, attend psychological trainings. Only this is not done to support a beautiful figure and good health - these people, in principle, could already stop there, bathe in wealth and luxury. But they are still moving forward, setting new goals for themselves.

    Based on this, it becomes clear: the practice of asceticism is suitable for everyone. This is especially true for modern women who want to be the first both at work and at home. However, at work you have to show some qualities, and at home - slightly different.

    A little cunning - and the husband thinks that he is the head of the family, when in fact everything is controlled by the spouse.

    How to do it right?

    First of all, you need to choose a practice that you will have to follow in life. This choice should be the only one, so it is important to prioritize.

    Today, many scriptures teach that a person must wake up and get up before the sun rises. But this austerity is not suitable for everyone. For some, the work schedule does not allow, while for others, natural strength will become an obstacle. The same goes for fasting, which is written about in various modern publications for women.This is a serious austerity. After 2 days of fasting, the charming lady will become a real fury.

    It is important to remember that asceticism should not bring suffering. The practice must be accompanied by pleasure, even if a lot of effort is put into it.

    Choosing a suitable austerity, a woman's soul is filled with enthusiasm. And now the first day is aimed at studying literature, thanks to which it will be possible to decide how to change your life. For example: planning a morning jog, daily fasting, meditation, gymnastics. So one week passes, then another and another. One feels severe fatigue, but the results from asceticism are not visible.

    To get the effect, you need to create a certain incentive, similar to the monetary budget. It should be imagined that for each run and meditation, a payment is made, for example, 1,500 rubles. You can even create a notebook for records of virtual payments in order to calculate income after a month. In this case, the training will be much more pleasant, since the payment for them, even in a virtual equivalent, will occur immediately. But in case of violation of the rules, write off penalties.

    A person is built on such a principle that even virtual money stimulates him. After some time, it becomes clear that the practice of performing austerities is a certain balance of accumulating energy, which is used to achieve the set goal.

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