Features, types and implementation of spiritual practices

Every person needs spiritual growth. The search for ways to improve his spirit often leads a person to study various trends. The subject chooses a technique that is suitable for himself, the implementation of which requires an investment of considerable effort and labor.
What it is?
Spiritual practices contribute to the development and strengthening of the spirit, the awakening of the best moral qualities, the acquisition of clear thinking, and the filling of the personality with new knowledge. Spiritual development using various techniques helps an individual to replenish his own energy resources and find his true purpose.
Spiritual growth is accompanied by the development of will, intuition, love, mercy. The subject achieves a state of calmness and inner happiness. He develops good relationships with others and improves his health. A person loses the ability to worry about trifles and loses interest in conflict situations. He no longer condemns other people, but gives them his love, expecting nothing in return. There is a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to enjoy every moment of life.
The practicing individual is able to realize his divine origin. He feels like a part of the Universe, which gives him the opportunity to establish contact with higher forces and strengthen the connection with his own soul.
Awareness of his spiritual essence leads a person to an understanding of the essence of things in the entire universe. As a result, a person finds answers to important life questions.

What are they?
The goals of gaining spirituality through various techniques vary by religion or spiritual system.Many occult trends are aimed at comprehending higher truths. Orthodox people strive to save their souls through repentance. Eastern spiritual techniques call to seek the path to God without repentance.
There are contemplative, energetic, trance and analytical types of spiritual practices.
- Contemplative spiritual practices keep the subject's attention on the necessary thoughts and knowledge of the spiritual principle... They help turn off internal dialogue. Learning this process can take years.
- Energy practices are different types of yoga and reiki. People who practice these techniques focus on the human subtle shells and chakras. Classes contribute to improving the emotional background and strengthening physical health.
- Trance states are typical for shamanic rituals, special breathing, virtual travel... Various potions and mantras also artificially temporarily expand consciousness.
- Analytical techniques are associated with the spontaneous flow of the thought process in the upper layers of consciousness. They allow a person to look at their desires and aspirations, realize the consequences and choose a creative path.
Prayers are considered the most popular form of spiritual practice. People mentally or verbally turn to higher powers with a request for help and support. They express their gratitude or repent of their actions.
The energy field is purified, the psychological balance is restored, inspiration appears. Prayers bring a sense of relief to a person.

For some, the diary helps to clarify thoughts and feelings, to stabilize the inner world. Diary entries affect self-development and self-organization. Since ancient times, people have been practicing various methods in order to restore vitality and energy.
- Slavic... The earliest forms of spiritual techniques among the Slavs are associated with the cleansing practice - to breathe on fire. After this process, the person keeps his hand in the flame for some time and is not burned. There are known Slavic shamanic practices and meditation techniques aimed at opening the chakras.
- Buddhist... Tibetan techniques have an impact on the physical and psychological health of a person. The main goal of Buddhists is to achieve the state of nirvana. The person seeks to completely free himself from suffering, desires and all attachments. In Buddhism, methods are aimed at cleansing the mind and psyche from any affective reactions.
- Hindu... In Hinduism, a person seeks to understand life as a whole and achieve unity with God. The person achieves unconditional love for him, complete pacification, freedom from material desires.

Where to begin?
Spiritual practices are simple and clear. They are understandable to any person. Daily workouts help people restore mental and physical balance, tune in a positive mood, replenish the body with missing energy, and find inner harmony.
The initial level of spirit training is meditation. With their help, a person is freed from extraneous thoughts, thereby cleansing his mind. Diving into oneself helps to calm down, completely relax the body and mind. In a trance state, the subject is able to concentrate on the main moments of life.
Respiratory-energy practices allow a person watch your own breathing. The ability to control and manage respiratory activity leads to positive changes in brain processes. Their acceleration or deceleration affects the consciousness of the individual.
Experiencing special sensations, the subject is capable of extracting various images from memory and working out his psychological trauma.

One can start spiritual practice with austerity. Some manage to achieve their goal by staying alone or in solitude for a certain time.They limit themselves to something, they keep a voluntary vow. Asceticism does not imply self-torture, but redirects attention and personal energy from the comfort zone to the achievement of divine grace. A person learns to control his emotions and instincts. Asceticism develops willpower and relieves stress. It is temporary in nature and should not turn into any vow, for example, a vow of celibacy or eternal self-restraint.
Yoga, martial arts and other bodily-spiritual systems help a person to concentrate on specific exercises that develop flexibility and beauty of the body, as well as will and patience. With the help of regular exercise, a person improves his physical and mental health. He strengthens the spirit through body work. Intuition develops.
The subject acquires the ability to listen to himself, the people around him and the world in general.

Examples of specific techniques
Silence allows a person to provide continuous mental communication with higher powers. Difficult spiritual practice puts the mind in order. To establish a connection with the spiritual principle, Buddhists can remain in silence from several minutes to 10 days. In Orthodoxy, there are cases of long-term solitude of monks in cells, ascetics in the deserts for the sake of gaining silence and focusing on the inner world and communion with God.
There are various religious and philosophical movements, such as Agni Yoga, "New Life", Allatra, which are aimed at expanding human consciousness, cleansing the aura. The Nyaya technique suggests directing thoughts to the object of knowing one's feelings, abilities, mind and body. Supporters of this philosophy strive to rid the soul of its attachment to the body.
Most of the meditation techniques are aimed at healing, restoring vitality and releasing blocked energy... Vipassana meditation is aimed at purifying consciousness, eradicating suffering and gaining the ability to solve various problems in a balanced way. It brings people to complete enlightenment.

Static energy practices cleanse the mind and strengthen the strength of the spirit. Exercise "Tree Pose" enhances the movement of energy through the entire human body... Gradually, the energy channels are cleared. The stored energy has a powerful effect on the body. As a result, the human body is loosened up, all clamps disappear.
Buddha Lotus Flower Meditation helps a person to find inner harmony, to come to enlightenment. You should focus on the solar plexus point, mentally sow a grain of love there and imagine how it grows. First, a tiny sprout appears. The power of love transforms him into a golden lotus, then into a huge white flower. Human anger provokes plant disease, anger - wilting. You need to constantly nourish the flower with love in your thoughts.
Performing the technique of Sri Maha Marga Guru, one should lie with his head to the north and present the teacher's warm gaze... He feels forgiveness, selflessness, positive energy, and love for the guru. A special attitude helps to get answers to exciting questions.

Yoga and meditation are well suited not only for adults, but also for children. Experts give some advice.
- For men. During meditation, the stronger sex is advised to breathe through the left nasal passage or through both nostrils. The breath can be switched if necessary. To this end, you need to lie on your right side, your fist should be under your armpit. After a while, breathing will change.
- For women. In order to gain beauty and eternal youth, a lady must imagine the process of the appearance of a gentle shoot from a seed. A ray of the sun helps him to break through the thickness of the fertile earth. The sprout is gaining strength, getting stronger and turning into a wonderful flower. He fills the room with an amazing scent. At this time, the girl reveals her inner reserves, feeling physical and spiritual beauty.
- For a child. Preschoolers are advised to exercise "Balloon". The child should inhale and exhale air through the nose. Then you need to fill the stomach with air as if a huge balloon is being inflated. The air from the imaginary balloon should be released slowly through the nose.

You can touch your baby's belly with your finger, as if you want to burst a balloon. The child should exhale sharply and fall to the floor.
How often should you practice?
Spiritual development should be carried out constantly. The effectiveness of the practice depends on the activity of the subject. The desired result can be obtained by exercising at least once a week.