Semicircular doors for a shower cabin: types and tips for choosing

Renewing the look of the bathroom is a cherished dream of many people. The easiest way to do this is with a shower cabin. But do not forget about the importance of decorating its doors, and they can also be semicircular.
Construction characteristics
Of course, all people have their own special requirements. But summing them up allows you to create a more or less homogeneous picture of the "ideal shower door". Of course, it must be reliable both mechanically and with respect to high humidity and temperature extremes. The more openings the structure can withstand, the more attractive it turns out to be.
Attention is also paid to dimensions: they should not be too large, since there is rarely a lot of space in the bathroom.

They also think about:
- ease of execution;
- durability of doors;
- compliance with the overall design.
A shower cabin with a rounded base has an important advantage - a lot of space is saved in a cramped bathroom.

Materials (edit)
The total operating time directly depends on which structural material is chosen. Most often used tempered glass or clear plastic... For obvious reasons, ordinary window glass cannot be used. Plastic is considered a more budgetary option, and the opinion that it is always inferior to glass in strength and durability has long been outdated. Modern manufacturers have mastered the production of quite solid plastics.
Brushed plastic better than having a simple surface. And yet the usual glass doors will not give up their positions for a very long time. In most cases, their thickness varies from 6 to 8 mm.Compared to plastic curtains, such models are not so demanding in everyday care, and usually even have a special coating. Therefore, the increased price is fully justified.

Species overview
Along with the material of construction, the opening method is also very important. In a full-sized bathroom, you should choose hinged semicircular doors for a shower cabin. Depending on the specific engineering concept, they can be equipped with slewing mechanisms or fixed parts.
Important: operating experience has shown that hinged doors allow the cab to dry out faster. All other things being equal, it is worth giving preference to structures with hinges made from a single piece of steel.
A product of this class is promoted mainly by European suppliers. If compactness is in the first place, you should give preference sliding doors. They work in much the same way as an ordinary wardrobe. The rollers are attached to the curtains, moving along the guide rails. Thanks to magnets and rubber strips, the opening will be hermetically closed.

However, one cannot fail to point out the "weak link" of the entire system - that is, the rollers. They are easily destroyed if they jump out of the guide lines. The owners themselves will have to monitor this. Guides are made from:
- become;
- plastics;
- aluminum.

Among these three options, the worst is by far plastic... Gradually, even with the most careful handling, it will loosen. Replacing such a part will cost a round sum. Therefore, metal guides, even despite the initially higher price, are better suited for a sliding door. If the size of the bathroom is small, it is better to give preference to a cabin with doors folding like a "book" or "accordion".
It is even simpler in terms of the structure of the cab with a fixed wall. In it, a semicircular door can be located on one or both sides. In the practice of foreign manufacturers, this design is called Walk-In.
Usually doors have plastic or aluminum edging. But there are also non-profile designs (although they are noticeably more expensive than the profile version).

How to choose?
First of all, you need to decide on the number of valves. Space-saving compact cabins with only one door. In a spacious bathroom, you can put a cabin, where there are 3 or more. The width of the opening is very important. It should be such that all family members can freely take a shower, without squeezing "back to back". Another important point is visual compatibility with other details of the bathroom in terms of overall style and color.
If there is enough money, it is better to give preference to European-made products... Products of Italian, Finnish and German origin are especially good.
Important: it makes little sense to buy a cabin and a door separately. When included, perfect compatibility is guaranteed. Attention must be paid to the origin of not only the door as a whole, but also of individual components.

It is worth checking the thickness of the material used. Glass thinner than 4 mm is almost always a waste of money. At the minimum permissible thickness, a protective film must be used. Plastic doors can be thinner, but should be considered last. Along the edges, there should be at least about 1 cm of free clearance for sealing (otherwise the doors will rub against the walls).

Doors to a niche of non-standard size or unusual shape are best made to order. Yes, it is more expensive, but there is less risk that something will not be taken into account. If there are no particular design preferences, it is better to use a proven universal option, that is, plain glass or colorless plastic. In more complex cases, you can use:
- drawings;
- various spraying options;
- stained-glass windows;
- colored inserts.

Dimensions (edit)
Of course, the size of the door must be chosen taking into account the size of the opening. You can only vary the height of the product.For maximum tightness, the canvas must reach the ceiling. If this is not required, they usually stop at a value of 2.1-2.215 m. The narrowing of the door when mounted in a wide opening is achieved by using rigid frame inserts.
One rack is enough to make the smallest copy of the opening. If the niche is very wide, symmetries are achieved by using two niches at once. It will be possible to change the width when the installation of the doors is carried out in the very fence of the shower box (however, this situation concerns mainly individual projects). Most often, there are constructions with a width:
- 0,8;
- 0,9;
- 1;
- 1.2 m.

For tips on choosing a shower stall, see below.