Rectangular shower cabins: types and selection rules

Shower cabins are now becoming a full-fledged replacement for classic bathtubs. They are functional, take up much less space and do not require special installation conditions. In the article, we will get acquainted with the varieties of rectangular shower cabins, as well as with the rules for choosing such structures.
Advantages and disadvantages
Rectangular shower enclosures are increasingly found in modern bathrooms today. All thanks to the versatility of such models, as well as the huge number of positive points that users encounter while using this technique.

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages in the operation of rectangular shower cabins.
- Ergonomic Due to the closed form, as well as the possibility of installation in narrow spaces and corners, these shower enclosures take up very little space. The elongated rectangular shape allows such structures to be used anywhere in the bathroom - in the corner, near the wall or even in the center.

- Ease of installation. Most models of shower cabins do not need any special installation technology. Their installation does not require advance planning even during the renovation in the room. In addition, some rectangular shower enclosures can be made to order to fit the dimensions of the ready-made hot tub.

- Plenty of room for action... Rectangular shower cabins are quite voluminous inside, which allows you to freely use bathroom accessories, take a shower, bend over or even sit down with a special pedestal on the pallet.

- Versatility and design. Modern shower cabins can be made from a range of environmentally friendly materials that will fit perfectly into any interior.

- Convenient use. The classic rectangular shape allows you to use all types of doors to enter the cab (swing, sliding and folding).

- Security. In the new generation rectangular shower cabins, there are special trays with anti-slip, embossed coating. In addition, handrails can be installed inside the booth, which will insure you against accidental slipping.

- Multifunctionality. Newer models of such booths are usually equipped with a wide variety of functions for a comfortable water treatment. These options include hydromassage, multimedia built-in units, or even chromotherapy.

Rectangular shower cabins also have their drawback - they are much more expensive than conventional bathtubs, and their installation requires professional intervention.
In addition, when using such structures, you need to be very careful not to touch the cab frame or doors, which are usually made of glass or not particularly strong polymers.

Species overview
Experts today distinguish several classifications of rectangular shower cabins, depending on the design, shape and height of the pallet, as well as on the type of doors.
Depending on the design, such shower cabins can be divided into traditional cabins, shower enclosures and shower boxes.
Let's take a closer look at each of them.
Traditional cab
The most common variety among the rest. These models are equipped with a pallet, are closed on all sides by walls and have all the necessary set of functions, and in addition to the basic ones, they can be equipped with handrails, hydromassage and other options. Such structures can be either open (without a ceiling) or closed (with a roof).

Shower corners
Such models have only three walls and are located in the corner of the bathroom, taking up a minimum of space. In such booths, pallets may not be present - in this case, the bathroom floor is waterproofed with water drainage through the drain holes in the floor. These structures are lightweight and therefore cost less than traditional cabins.

Shower boxes
Such rectangular designs are a hybrid of a shower stall and a conventional bath. Usually this type is installed only in large or combined rooms, since it takes up much more space than other types of cabins.
A prerequisite for the installation of these booths is complete tightness. As a plus, these rectangular cabins are often very functional, can be used for both showering and taking a bath, and even suitable for washing two people at the same time. Of course, such models are very expensive, and their installation requires advance planning.

Depending on the type of screen, which prevents the splashing of moisture and allows you to maintain a pleasant temperature regime, all rectangular models of shower cabins can be divided into versions with sliding, folding and hinged doors.
- Swing doors and hinged models allow you to enter the shower cabin without obstacles, are freely mounted in any conditions, but can cause inconvenience in small rooms.

- Sliding doors they are great for small rooms, they perfectly keep warm in the shower cabin and can consist of several panels at once.

- Folding doors much less common in shower stalls, nevertheless, they form a good competition for swing doors. They are compact and can be quickly assembled, but at the joints of the panels they are able to pass cold air.

Depending on the height of the pallet, all shower stalls are divided into models with low and high pallets, as well as with a full bath in the form of a pallet.
Low-type pallets include all options up to 10-15 cm, high-up to 35 cm, all that is larger belongs to the "bath" type pallets.

It is also possible to divide all rectangular shower enclosures according to the shape of a pallet: with a rectangular, semicircular, square or even asymmetrical pallet. The most compact are square options.

Pallet materials
Trays are the lower part of almost any rectangular shower cabins and are responsible for the drainage of water, and also insure a person against involuntary slipping due to a rough or embossed surface.
Usually, the following materials are used in the manufacture of such units: cast iron, steel, ceramics, acrylic, wood, natural or artificial minerals.
The pros and cons of each of these materials will be discussed below.

Cast iron
This material is used very often in the creation of structures for bathrooms, because it has unique characteristics of strength and durability. However, cast-iron trays are not often seen in rectangular shower cubicles. All because of the too large weight of such elements, which complicates installation, as well as because of the enamel coating, which quickly comes off from impacts and scratches. The advantages of cast iron include reliability, as well as low thermal conductivity, which allows it to quickly heat up and retain heat for a long time.

Steel pallets are usually installed in mid-range cabins. Steel conducts heat well - it heats up and cools quickly, but it does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and can deform. Since these trays are also covered with a layer of enamel, they should not be cleaned with abrasive detergents. In addition, the steel trays are very noisy when showering.

These are expensive options for pallets made of sanitary porcelain or earthenware. Unfortunately, they warm up very slowly, are not very shock-resistant and have the same weight as the cast iron versions.

Acrylic pallet models today occupy a leading place among the rest. They have good strength, heat up quickly, are much lighter in weight than cast iron, and withstand even the most careless use. It is believed that acrylic shower trays will perform best with rectangular shower enclosures with aluminum frames.... Another positive difference between these pallets and others - the possibility of recovery even after a serious breakdown.

One of the least common materials for creating shower trays. Natural wood needs special care and must be treated with moisture-repellent solutions for long-term use. Unfortunately, the unsuitability of such models is only a matter of time.

A material such as artificial or natural stone is very rarely used to create pallets due to the too heavy weight of such structures and the small selection on the market. Stone models differ high strength, perfectly retain heat and do not deteriorate from moisture. As another drawback, you can cite colossal prices for natural models of such pallets.

Dimensions (edit)
Below will be presented the current standard for the dimensions of the walls of rectangular shower cabins, with which you can choose the optimal dimensions for your bathroom.
All models with dimensions from 70 to 100 cm belong to narrow and compact models of shower stalls: 70x70, 70x90, 70x100, 60x80, 80x80, 100x70 cm.
Models with dimensions from 80 to 130 cm can be classified as medium-sized shower stalls: 100 by 80, 80x100, 100x90, 110x80, 70x120, 120x80, 120x90 cm.The most popular options are 120 by 80 and 100 by 90 cm.
Large shower cabins include all models with dimensions from 170 cm: 170x90, 170x120, 180x90, 180x120, 190x90,190x120 cm.

Rating of the best models
Among modern rectangular shower cabins, there are several of the most reliable and high-quality models.A list of them with names and a short description will be presented below.
Sansa S 100/45 (China)
This shower cabin model has a deep acrylic tray with a height of 45 cm. The cabin frame is aluminum, and the side panels are made of tempered glass that can withstand significant loads. An obvious plus of the model is the matte surface of the frame, on which water stains are almost invisible.

Albatros T09 R97
Chic Italian rectangular corner model with mechanical control. Equipped with an excellent steam generator and a fairly high 17 cm acrylic tray. functions of hydromassage and Turkish bath, and the side doors of the structure are made of high-quality tempered glass.

Frank F705 (Germany)
Stylish rectangular model with acrylic base (14 cm high) and tempered glass doors. The model has a full-fledged multimedia center in the form of speakers and a radio. In addition to these elements, the booth contains a large mirror and a hydromassage head.

Atlantis AKL 1107
This is one of the most functional box models: it is equipped with a deep 45 cm tray, high-quality ventilation, lighting and hydromassage, and also has a built-in radio.
This model belongs to large-sized, and therefore can only be installed in spacious bathrooms.

Potter B-901 (R)
Another German model, however, already consisting of two full-fledged parts - a shower cubicle, as well as a small sauna. The model works on electronic control, a radio, an hourglass is built into the design, there is an acupuncture massage and even a thermohygrograph. The sauna is made of natural wood, the shower cubicle consists of a low acrylic tray, a white frame and transparent glass in the doors.

How to choose
Today the market is represented by a huge number of various rectangular shower enclosures, and therefore, when buying a particular model, you should pay attention to a number of specific factors.
- Bathroom dimensions and structures. On such a factor as size, too much relies on when choosing a shower cabin for a bathroom. For example, if you have a spacious bathroom without a lot of plumbing and furniture, it would be best to choose a shower box or a traditional cubicle model with hinged doors. If you have a small bathroom (for example, in "Khrushchev"), it would be more logical to choose a corner shower cabin model with sliding doors.

- Design and style. Choose the design of the stall model based on the style that has already been formed in your bathroom. This will determine the material of the pallet and the walls of the cabin, the dimensions of the selected model, as well as the need to choose a model with a frame. Do not forget to also pay attention to the color of the shower cabin and the general color background in the bathroom - they should be in harmony.

- Pallet. When choosing a cabin, pay attention not only to the material of the pallet, but also to its height or depth. For example, for families with elderly people, low pallets will be the most convenient option, and high ones will perfectly serve as a bath for children or for washing clothes. In addition, you should pay attention to the shape of the pallet: the most compact a priori will be square - for narrow cubicles or corner - for corner shower structures.

- Functionality. Decide what you want to achieve from the shower. Today in stores you can find models with a huge number of different functions. Among the most popular and demanded are the following: ventilation, aroma and chromotherapy, built-in radio, remote control, rain shower, hydromassage and even ozonation.
Remember that the more options there are in the device, the more likely something will break in it.

A video about the choice of shower cabins can be viewed below.