Shower cabins with a deep tray: types, sizes and selection rules

Showers are gaining more and more hearts of customers. For some, they become an alternative to the bath, and for others, a convenient addition to it. The booths can vary in many ways. One of them is the height of the pallet. Consider the features of shower stalls with a high tray.

Showers with a high tray are an ergonomic and comfortable alternative to the usual bathtub... Their choice is especially relevant for small bathrooms - you can replace your usual bath with them. At the same time, thanks to the high sides of the pallet, your feet will not freeze while taking a shower. And if you use a special stopper, you can take a sitz bath. In such a bowl, you can bathe a child or a pet.
In addition, even if not used as a bathtub, it provides a more comfortable environment inside the cubicle. When heated, the large surface of the pallet transfers heat to the walls; inside the booth it quickly becomes warm and comfortable. Due to the high walls of the sump, water will not pour out of it, flooding the floor. The likelihood of flooding of neighbors is significantly reduced. When installing such a structure, it should be remembered that a model with high sides may be inconvenient for elderly people and people with disabilities.

Special handrails and a step in front of the pallet can make the use of the product safer and more convenient.
Visually, products with a high pallet can look more cumbersome, which is especially undesirable for small units. In this case, you should especially carefully consider the design features of both the booth itself and the bathroom. The height of a deep pallet can start from 25 cm and end with 50 cm. Most often, pallets with a height of 30-40 cm are found.

Species overview
Among the booths with a high pallet, especially common are rectangular pallets. They are designed to be installed along the wall and can have more straight corners or rounded corners. The standard size is 120x80 cm. Square pallets are also popular. They are characterized by their versatility, as they can be installed in a corner, along one of the walls or even in the center of the room. Sizes start from standard 80x80 cm for small rooms and end with 150x150 cm.
For small bathrooms, corner designs are optimal. The pallet is triangular or more rounded, smooth. Then the shape of the pallet is more like 1/4 of a circle. Finally, semicircular pallets will also be compact. By the way, it is these structures that are most often equipped with a bench for taking a sitz bath.

There are also models with pallet asymmetrical shape... They are divided into left-handed and right-handed, that is, before buying, you need to understand on which side of the bathroom the booth will be installed. Asymmetric ones can be trapezoidal, pentagon, or hexagonal. In spacious rooms, you can mount booths with a round bowl, a drop-shaped tray, an oval, or models of complex geometric shapes.
Depending on the type of construction, cabins with a deep pallet can be closed or open. The first are boxes that, if desired, can be moved from place to place.

In addition to the pallet, they always have walls and a ceiling. As a rule, these are more expensive products. Open booths are mounted against one of the walls. Usually, 2 walls and a door are directly elements of the product itself, and the remaining 2 walls are the walls of the bathroom itself. Open booths have no ceiling and cannot be moved from place to place.
Cabins with a high pallet may differ in the presence of certain options. Among the popular ones are built-in radio, several shower modes, built-in sauna, aromatherapy. The pallet itself can be equipped with hydro and air massage functions.

Dimensions (edit)
Usually the dimensions of shower trays are 80x80 or 90x90 cm (some manufacturers indicate dimensions in mm, then the parameters look like 800x800 mm) If the bathroom has a non-standard shape or you need to accommodate a large amount of plumbing, you can consider the option of an asymmetric booth with a pallet size of 70x100, 70x80, 90x70, 70x90, 100x80 cm.
For more spacious bathrooms, you can choose cabins with pallet sizes of 100x100, 110x110 and 120x120 cm.Products with pallet sizes of 110x80, 120x80 cm, as well as pallets with the same length (110 and 120 cm), but with a width of 90 (120x90 cm) are also common. ... As a rule, such cabins are installed in bathrooms of medium size. For spacious premises, shower boxes with pallet dimensions of 130x80, 140x80, 150x80, 170x70, 170x80 and 180x80 cm can be called standard.

Pallet materials
Consider the most popular options for making deep shower trays.
Cast iron
The material is characterized by durability and reliability. However, it is heavy, which can cause difficulties in the delivery and installation of the structure. Due to the fact that the material cannot be called plastic, one should not rely on the variety of shapes of cast iron pallets. As a rule, these are rectangular and square options.
The service life of a cast iron pallet is 50 years on average. The material has low thermal conductivity, so the feet will be warm during the water procedures, the water cools slowly (on average by 1 degree per hour).

Steel structures cannot be called reliable, therefore, to eliminate this feature, they are covered with enamel. This improves the strength and durability of the pallet.However, the enamel surface is also quite fragile: if you drop even a light object into the bowl, you can provoke cracking of the enamel layer. When a small crack appears, the process will worsen - more noticeable chips will appear.
Steel trays must be reinforced, otherwise they will sag, vibrate, and water falling will cause a noticeable noise.

One of the most popular materials on the modern plumbing market. Differs in attractiveness, variety of forms, hygiene. Ceramic trays have a special corrugated surface, which makes them also safe. During the manufacturing process, pigment may be added to the raw materials, therefore the finished products are characterized by a variety of shades. Of the minuses - the possibility of chips appearing on the surface with mechanical damage, a rather high cost.

Acrylic pallets - it is the optimal balance between cost and quality of the product. Acrylic bowls are affordable, have an average service life of 25-30 years, are reliable and hygienic. They are unpretentious in care, are lightweight. Due to the plasticity of the material, acrylic pallets can have many shape options, it is possible to make the product in one shade or another.
During operation, the acrylic layer may wear out, cracks may appear on its surface. However, only the top layer can be renewed without completely replacing the bowls. The material keeps heat well, is pleasant to the touch, does not vibrate or bend during operation. Kvaril is a type of acrylic. In general, these materials are similar in composition, but the second contains quartz sand. This makes quaril pallets even stronger and more durable.

Most often we are talking about an artificial stone. Unlike the natural version, artificial stone is lighter (but still quite heavy), easier to process, and most importantly, has no background radiation... Thanks to modern technologies, the composite material very accurately imitates the surface of natural stone, and at the same time it costs several times cheaper.
As a rule, stone pallets are designed for spacious bathrooms, they add respectability to the room, but have impressive dimensions.

This is a pallet variant for premium cabins. Of course, not any wood is used, but moisture resistant - exotic teak.

Rating of the best models
All existing cabins can be roughly divided into European and Chinese models. In Europe, the production leaders are Italy, Germany, USA, Finland. Such designs have good functionality, hope and are durable. However, their cost is higher than most of their Chinese counterparts. As for products from China, in terms of their functionality, they are not inferior to European models. But the build quality and components are sometimes not high enough. However, this is an optional regularity - among today's Chinese brands there are many that combine high quality and functionality of cabins. At the same time, they cost 1.5-2 times cheaper than branded counterparts from Europe.
Among the Italian brands, booths can be distinguished separately. Jacuzzi and Cerutti. The first manufacturer's products are premium segment products. High quality products and advanced functionality are combined with an exclusive appearance. Slightly inferior in price (but still quite expensive) Italian cabins Cerutti and Albatros. All products with high sides are equipped with a seat, which is very comfortable.

Products of German companies are considered to be of equal quality and value: Kermi, Hyber, Hueppe.
- The first brand produces cabins with a high pallet in 3 lines: "compact", "comfort" and "extra". They differ in design and functionality, each line includes several size options.
- Hueppe booths became famous due to the special processing of glass: water from such a surface flows down in large drops, leaving no streaks.
- Connoisseurs of simplicity and practicality should appreciate the high pallet booths from the brand Hyber. It is these characteristics, as well as the well-known German quality, that distinguish the products.

Long service life and high-quality assembly - all this is typical for Finnish cabins.... Moreover, they have a more affordable cost. High pallet booths can be found in the range of Ido and Timo brands. The first firm is more expensive. Products break here rarely, but if components fail, it is not easy to find a replacement for them.
Timo booths are more affordable, the manufacturer gives them a 5-year warranty. True, the brand has factories not only in Finland, but also in Hong Kong. Those models that are assembled in China are quite often defective.

If we talk about inexpensive models, then most often we are talking about domestic manufacturers: Bandhours, Radomir, Akrilan. The high pallet booths from these manufacturers are mostly acrylic corner models. It should be understood that many European manufacturers have production facilities in other countries. For example, the famous brand Appollo is assembled in China, while Italians are working on its design. Often in this regard, the manufacturer is called Italian.
A similar picture is observed in relation to the Czech company Luxus - booth components are manufactured in China. However, this has no negative consequences for product quality.

Criterias of choice
When choosing, you should be guided by the size of the bathroom. You should also make sure that the chosen model is compatible with the water supply and sewerage system in your home or apartment. It is important that the parameters of the pallet, and therefore the booth itself, are comfortable for a person. Ideally, the booth should be literally “tried on”. For example, being in a cubicle of the same size but different shapes can give you different sensations.
If in a square bowl measuring 80x80 cm it is cramped, but still quite comfortable, then in a rounded model of the same size it will be cramped and uncomfortable. For a rounded pallet, the minimum size should be 90x90 cm.
It is noteworthy that rounded models usually have a higher cost. It makes no sense to choose such products if this is not dictated by the peculiarities of the design itself and there is a financial limitation in the choice.

The most expensive are the asymmetrical booths with a high pallet. However, sometimes it makes sense to overpay for such a product: they usually fit well into small irregularly shaped bathrooms or rooms that are too cluttered with furniture and other plumbing fixtures. For narrow bathrooms, it is recommended to choose designs with a rectangular base. They can be 120 cm long and 70-80 cm wide. However, if the booth is used by a person with an impressive build, then the recommended booth dimensions are 150x90 cm.
For large rooms, almost any booth is suitable, but if the issue of ergonomics is still relevant, it is better to choose an angular booth model of the maximum size, for example, 150x150 cm. It will not take up much space, but the use of the booth will be as comfortable as possible.

The total amount of the product is also affected by the presence of certain functions. Before buying multifunctional products, you need to clearly understand whether you really plan to actively use them.
For small spaces, it is usually more convenient sliding doors. They are usually more expensive than swing counterparts. But they do not "eat up" free space. There is an opinion that such booths turn out to be leaky. However, this will not happen if the doors slide along 2 guides (top and bottom) with rubber strips and magnets. It is better if the guides themselves are made of metal (steel, in extreme cases, aluminum). And here the plastic guides must be discarded. When choosing a booth with swing doors, you need to pay attention to the features of the hinges - they must be made of metal.

Regardless of the type of pallet (used material, shape, size), its surface should not be smooth. The presence of pimples, corrugations and other artificial irregularities is required. Otherwise, the use of the pallet will be injurious.
Of the materials, cast iron (more expensive) and acrylic (more affordable) pallets are preferred... You can consider a product made of ceramics and quaril. However, if small children live in the house, it is wiser to refuse to buy a ceramic bowl, because this material is rather fragile. To create exclusive interiors and give the room an atmosphere of luxury and respectability, we recommend wood or stone products.

Examples in the bathroom interior
An example of a modern bathroom. The elongated corner shower stall does not take up much space, but at one glance it becomes clear that it is an easy-to-use and multifunctional device. Thanks to the light shade of the pallet, the structure does not seem massive.

Another version of the corner booth, but this time in a special niche. The bathroom is filled with an atmosphere of freshness, tropical showers, freedom. This is achieved thanks to the design style. Pay attention to the transparent doors of the shower stall, the interior trim in blue and the light tray. All this creates the illusion that the booth literally dissolves into the interior.

Spacious bathrooms can easily accommodate both a bathtub and a shower stall. Here is an example of how a corner shower can be located behind a niche that separates one area of the room from another.

In the next video, you will find detailed instructions for assembling a shower stall with a deep tray.