Shower cabins with a roof: description of types and selection rules

Shower procedures are considered an integral part of a person's life, therefore, having a comfortable and multifunctional shower is not a delight, but a necessity. The use of a shower stall became the most convenient in small rooms, in a combined bathroom, which made it possible to save useful space. To buy a shower cabin for yourself, you need to navigate the varieties and features of the functions of open and closed options for cabins with a roof.

The shower cabin has become a real way out of the situation when the bathroom is so small that nothing can fit in it, except for the bathtub. Thanks to modern plumbing and new household technologies, you can place a booth, a washing machine, a washstand and, if possible, a storage space in a small space.
The popularity of shower stalls has led to the need to create various options that differ in appearance, materials and functions.

A shower stall with a roof differs from the open version in several ways.
- Configuration and size - this product can have different shapes, be round, semicircular, square, rectangular, angular. Open structures are often presented as semicircular, square or rectangular. The dimensions of the booth are directly dependent on how large the pallet is installed in, the sides of which can be 70x70, 80x80, 90x90, 100x100 cm in size or different in length - 120x80 cm.
- Item Height - open structures can be made lower than closed ones, because there is no need to adjust them to the height of a person or the height of ceilings. Closed ones are matched to the dimensions of the room, so that the upper part adjoins the ceiling.
- Body and door material - each version of the booth may differ in the material of manufacture. Closed structures must be more durable to support the weight of the roof, open structures can be made of thinner and lighter materials.

Closed booths have acrylic or steel pallets, but sometimes you can find cast iron or earthenware options. The base of the structure and the ceiling are made of metal coated with an anti-corrosion compound, and the walls are made of transparent or translucent plexiglass.

To decide whether to buy a closed shower stall, you need to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. First, let's look at the positive aspects.
- Ease of installation and the ability to move the cab when moving. Communications in this version are connected quickly, as they are part of the cabin.
- The presence of a large number of functions.
- Large assortment of models.
- Good soundproofing qualities.
- Inside the booth, its own microclimate is created, regardless of external factors.

The disadvantages include:
- flaws in some models, especially from unknown manufacturers, with low cost;
- the main disadvantage of closed booths is their high cost, therefore, not everyone can afford to purchase a high-quality version with a large number of functions.

When choosing a closed shower stall, you need to familiarize yourself with its species diversity, functions and characteristics that will help you stay on the right option. In addition to the closed and open types, there are also combined designs where a closed box can be connected to a bathroom.
The choice of a particular booth should be based on its size, functionality and cost.

Species overview
A closed cubicle is a box that is completely independent from the bathroom and does not border on its walls. The types of shower boxes differ in a number of indicators.
- Number of functions - simple or multifunctional. A shower cabin is considered multifunctional if, in addition to a shower, it has from one to several options.
- Configuration - shower box can be round, semicircular, square, rectangular, angular. The shower stall can be of a wide variety of shapes, the choice of the appropriate option will depend on how much space there is for the new plumbing.
- Pallet height and material. Any version of the booth can have a low, medium and deep pallet, an open version can be made without a pallet by installing a water drain system.

Dimensions (edit)
When choosing a shower stall, you need to navigate in its dimensions, taking into account the dimensions of the pallet and the height of the entire structure. In a closed booth with a roof, the pallet can be of different sizes:
- 80x80 cm - the smallest, suitable for a combined bathroom;
- 90x90 cm - the best option for a medium-sized room, a deep pallet will make it possible to use it as a container for washing or bathing pets;
- 100x100 cm - a large pallet, with a depth of more than 30 cm, allows people of any size to swim comfortably, you can bathe children, arranging a fun and interesting bath procedure.

The depth of the pallet can be different and depends on the purpose and ease of use.
For older people who cannot climb over the side of the bathroom or high base, the lowest depth is optimal. The lowest pallets have a height of 1-4 cm, products from 4 to 7 cm are considered low, medium ones have a height of 10 to 20 cm, options with a side height of 25-35 cm can be referred to as high, pallets with a height of 45 to 70 cm.

As soon as the issue with the dimensions of the pallet is resolved, it is necessary to proceed to determining the height of the future shower stall. These values may vary depending on the type of construction. If the booth is open, the height of its walls should be up to 2 meters in order to ensure normal air exchange and microclimate inside the booth.
The design is considered optimal, the height of which is 190 cm, lower products can cause splashing water.
Closed booths are not made with a height of 200 cm, there are two options for sizes: 210 cm for apartments with low ceilings and 240 cm for rooms under 3 meters high.

When purchasing plumbing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, his experience, fame and pricing policy. If there is a desire to buy a domestic product, then worthy brands are:
- 1Marka;
- Alavann;
- Aqualife;
- Bach;
- Eurolux;
- Finn.

The products of these companies are of good quality and affordable prices, which makes them popular among a large mass of buyers. The average price of a shower stall ranges from 30-40 thousand rubles.

For those who prefer German quality, you can choose a booth from manufacturers such as:
- Edelform;
- Sturm;
- Wasserfalle;
- Westerhof.
Shower companies of these companies are famous for very high quality standards, but the cost of products starts from 70-80 thousand rubles.

If you want to buy a quality product for adequate money, it is best to pay attention to Italian showers. The most famous firms are:
- Primo;
- Valencia;
- Sturm;
- Axa.

Finnish products differ in approximately the same characteristics. The most common brands will be:
- Master Finn;
- Novitek;
- Oras;
- Timo.
The pricing policy of such equipment is quite flexible, the number of functions and design features of shower stalls are taken into account. The cost of the goods will vary from 40 to 100 thousand rubles.

It is worth mentioning products from China, which are more and more on the market every year. It is very important to find a quality product that will last as long as possible and will delight you with its work. The most famous Chinese companies are:
- Avanta;
- Ammari;
- Baraka;
- Goldman.

Before you buy any product, it is worth evaluating its counterparts from other manufacturers, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each option, finding the product you like on the Internet and reading reviews about it - only after that you can make an informed decision and buy a shower stall.

Criterias of choice
When choosing a closed shower stall with a roof for your needs, you need to navigate the main factors, which will make it possible not to make a mistake with the purchase.
- When choosing a shower stall, you need to look for such a product, the functionality of which fully meets the needs of the family. For those who only want to take a shower and nothing else, there is no need to buy a booth with a whole range of auxiliary functions, and vice versa.

- In addition to the internal set of functions, it is worth paying special attention to the dimensions of the future plumbing. New plumbing must be chosen so that it fits into the room and is easy to use. In addition, there should be free space in the bathroom for other equipment and household items.

- Those who want to take both a bath and a shower, it is better to opt for a combined design, in which you can combine both of these methods.

- When choosing a booth, you should think about all family members. If the plumbing is designed to be used by elderly people, then the pallet should be as small as possible for easy access inside. If there are small children in the apartment, a much more practical solution would be to buy a booth with a deep pallet, which can be used instead of a bath, which will make it possible to get by with a booth without buying a separate bath for the baby.

- To provide yourself with comfortable water procedures, an important factor will be the water pressure, which is not always the case on the upper floors of high-rise buildings. In order not to be disappointed in the work of the shower stall, you need to check what is the minimum water pressure in the apartment - if it is more than 1.5 bar, then there will be no problems with the use of plumbing.

- Selecting a trusted manufacturer, other options worth evaluating, consult with experts and choose the model that suits the number of functions, design, quality of materials, as well as cost.It makes no sense to overpay for a product if there are similar products, but in a more affordable price range.

The purchase of a shower stall is an important event that takes place for several years, and maybe decades, therefore, the issue of choosing a model, size, shape, materials and companies should be taken responsibly.
It makes no sense to rush and buy the first product that comes across, be led on dubious promotions or cheap offers of unknown brands - it is better to buy a good product and enjoy its work for a long time.

The following video presents an overview of the Niagara NG-2308 roof shower cabin.