Shower cabins with a low pallet: types, sizes and selection rules

When choosing shower cabins, they usually pay attention to the overall size and external style. However, such a parameter as the height of the pallet should not be underestimated. It is useful to know what the specifics of the "low" models are, and how to choose them correctly.

Features and device
A shower enclosure with a low base can have a number of electrical systems and a variety of functions. Expensive pallets are sometimes even equipped with stiffeners. For your information: if there are no such parts, you can always increase the strength of the bottom yourself with a metal profile or an internal frame. The drain of a low-pan cabin is usually connected to a drain located in the kitchen. The adapters are placed on the pipes at a non-steep slope.
The lowest of the series-produced shower cabins are equipped with 0.05 m high pallets. They can be purchased separately or together with the cabins. Typical equipment for most models includes:
- overhead lights;
- shelves;
- mirrors;
- siphons with corrugations;
- hand shower spouts and fittings for them;
- containers for liquid soap;
- seats;
- pallet frames (optional).

The most expensive designs contain:
- hydromassage units;
- radio receivers;
- tropical showers;
- LED lights;
- active ventilation;
- built-in phones;
- aromatherapy systems;
- sensory control systems;
- water sprayers;
- steam generators;
- mixers with multiple modes of water spray;
- speakers and many other add-ons.

Species overview
First of all, it is worth distinguishing open and closed shower cabins. The former are characterized by a modular design, while the others are characterized by a monolithic design. The open version is cheap and has no roof.However, a considerable number of consumers prefer closed-top designs. As for the corner models, they are ideal for small bathrooms.
The development of technology has made it possible to create infrared shower cabins. Such products occupy more and more solid positions in the Russian market. However, they are in demand mainly by medical institutions and beauty salons. Only in recent years has this technique begun to be used at home. Returning to open cabins (they are shower enclosures), you need to point out their advantages such as:
- minimum occupied space;
- relative cheapness;
- long period of work;
- ease of care;
- increased reliability;
- ease of installation.

At the same time, the negative sides of shower enclosures are:
- difficulty in cleaning after washing;
- limited functionality compared to a full-fledged cab;
- high risk of deposits and scuffs, which are almost impossible to cope with.
In the vast majority of cases, people try to choose closed shower cabins. The reasons for the popularity are obvious:
- they have been used for a long time;
- they are sold in almost any store;
- they are distinguished by excellent functionality and meet all modern requirements.

It is also useful to compare monoblock and assembled booths. The all-in-one is assembled at the factory, and therefore installers do not have to design or connect anything. All that remains is just to connect the cabin to the water supply, sewerage and electrical communications. At the same time, the advantage of the prefabricated version is the ability to flexibly customize the functionality and composition of the device. Asymmetric shower enclosures are in wide demand.
Quite a few companies point out that these models are bought regardless of the price range. It is also important that the asymmetric cabins are equipped with the latest technology. They have a considerable internal volume and, at the same time, a relatively small external size. Asymmetric cabins are divided into right-hand and left-hand versions. Therefore, you can choose the model that is optimal for a particular placement in the bathroom. Rectangular shower enclosures are more expensive than the simplest square devices. But they will be more perfect and more practical. The problem is that a rectangular model rarely has a low pallet.
Pentagonal modifications are also occasionally acquired. They are considered to be the most elegant and stylish in comparison with other schemes.

The pentagonal cockpit is appreciated for:
- harmonious entry into any design styles;
- the widest possible interior space;
- minimal whimsical care;
- reliability and thoughtfulness.
As for the materials used, then Glass shower enclosures have retained the undisputed leadership for many years. But over time, new facets were revealed in them. A few years ago, consumers noted only external grace and prestige. Now practicality and economy of free space are much more appreciated.
Glass models can be selected both ready-made and ordered according to an individually prepared project; the pallets themselves are most often laid out with ceramic tiles.

Dimensions (edit)
Are square and rounded showers usually of this size?
- 80x80;
- 90x90;
- 100x100;
- 110x110 cm.
Such solutions have long been recognized as the most convenient for almost any bathroom. However, there are also relatively small (70x70) and large (120x120) shower cabins. It is quite difficult to put them in a bathroom in a typical apartment. The largest items - 150x150 cm - are made to order, or at most are made in small series. The intermediate size - 85x85 cm - is very rare.

Rectangular shower cabins can also be quite large (for example, 100x150 cm). In the overwhelming majority of cases, the size of the "rectangle" is:
- 80 to 100;
- 90x100;
- 110x90;
- 110 to 80
The smallest dimensions of rectangular booths are 70x110, and the largest are 90x170 cm.The standard (often used) option is a booth of 120x80, 150x85 cm in size.In them, as well as in devices with dimensions 110x110 and 135x135, two people can already fit without problems at once. Often, such designs are equipped with a large number of additional functions, primarily:
- hydromassage;
- additional ventilation;
- steam generators;
- aromatherapy systems.

But consumers can, of course, choose a simpler solution - if they want to save money first of all. As for the booths with non-standard dimensions, it is not at all necessary that these are some large products. So, the design 100x80 is quite functional and roomy, while it harmoniously fits even into small rooms. Such non-standard proportions as 170x80, 110x80 are quite popular.
In houses of the "Khrushchev" series, cabins 90 by 120 or 120x90 cm are sometimes used, depending on the proportions of a particular room. The same solution will be optimal for studio-format apartments. Despite the relatively modest parameters, it is far ahead of sit-down baths in terms of comfort, comparable in price.
You just need to understand that the cost of a particular instance strongly depends on its technical equipment. The same applies to more traditional versions of 80x100, 80x120 cm.

Rating of the best models
If you need to choose a simple shower cabin without hydromassage devices, it will do model of the Russian manufacturer "Drops" 90x90 cm. The height of the structure is 177 cm. Excellent styrene glass with increased impact resistance was used for the manufacture of the booth. It is equipped with sliding doors. Assembled weight - 19.81 kg. Painted aluminum is used to secure the glasses.
Hardware based on white plastic looks quite attractive. The list of the best user preferences includes and shower cubicle Tira New... It also lacks the function of hydromassage, and the size is slightly smaller - 85x85 cm. The version in the form of a "quarter circle" allows you to put the structure in the corner and save maximum space.
The good thing about Tira New is that there are no sharp parts pointing towards the inside of the room. Therefore, safety is 100% guaranteed. The total weight of the structure is 100 kg with a height of 1.91 m. It is equipped with sliding doors, no lighting elements are provided.
Watering can and ABS plastic can only work in one mode.

A very attractive option can be considered and Sensea Zia. The size of this shower stall is 90x90 cm. Like the Tira new, it is made in a quarter circle pattern. But the height of the pallet will no longer be 0.08, but 0.15 m. The overhead shower with a diameter of 0.3 m frees up the hands and completely pours those inside.
You can always switch between modes and use the most convenient stream type. The choice of a hand shower is also possible, which is suitable for those who want to quickly wash or cheer up. A useful option is the presence of an internal shelf, where it is convenient to put various accessories and personal items. The thoughtful shower handle is comfortable to hold when a person enters or exits. The double-design metal rollers guarantee optimal distribution of the glass load, therefore the door moves smoothly and the rollers themselves serve for a long time.

And the selection of tempered glass with a thickness of 0.4 cm can only be praised. Even if it breaks, which is very unlikely, you will end up with crumb without cutting edges. The Sensea Zia weighs 82 kg. The height of this shower stall is 2.175 m. Other parameters are as follows:
- drain with a diameter of 0.5 m;
- screen printing on glazing elements;
- painting "aluminum chrome-plated";
- backlight is not provided;
- installation only with silicone (and always in a corner);
- the pallet is made of ABS plastic.

Criterias of choice
Showers with a low pallet are often purchased for disabled people and other people who cannot normally use full-size products. But those it is more important to choose the right product and take into account the maximum subtleties. So, an open-type shower room will significantly save and simplify installation work. However, it will be impossible to use additional equipment elements in it. Such a product is suitable for those who want to limit themselves to a simple watering can and do not need various kinds of delights..
When choosing the required dimensions, one must first of all take into account the parameters of the bathroom. It is precisely because of its limited dimensions that it is often necessary to use the simplest designs without additional equipment. Important: if you buy a cabin without a pallet, you will have to organize a shower box and take care of its reliable waterproofing throughout. As a result, you cannot count on saving money and effort during installation.
Attention must be paid to the material of the pallet. Cast iron is a classic, time-tested solution.

However, this is a "cold" material that causes discomfort even in a heated heated room. Steel pallets serve for a long time and turn out to be lighter than their cast iron counterparts. But this is rather a choice for a private house. In a city apartment, loud noise when water hits steel can cause conflicts with neighbors. Wanting to save money and simplify installation, you need to choose pallets from acrylic. Another advantage is their external attractiveness. Faience looks about the same, but it is considered a more solid material.
If you need to choose a sufficiently strong and not too noisy pallet, you should pay attention to products from synthetic marble. True, you will have to pay a lot for them. Besides marbleLike acrylic and ceramics, it prickles easily when a heavy object is dropped.
It is necessary to pay attention not only to the material, but also to the surface of the pallet. It is better if it has characteristic ribs or protrusions in the form of hemispheres. Such products slip less and are therefore safer. Recommendation: if you have already purchased a cabin with a smooth tray, special rugs will help make showering safer.
You can show individuality by deviating from the template forms (square, rectangle).

Wall-mounted cabins can be made round or in the shape of a semicircle, and corner ones in the format of a quarter circle or ellipse. This almost does not affect the quality of washing, and therefore you can only focus on the features of a particular bathroom, as well as on your own tastes. Having dealt with the shape of the booth, you need to choose the door arrangement. There are options with one or two doors.
The first option is better suited for a small cabin. But if there is enough space in the bathroom, choose the model of your choice. If the doors are of a swing type, then only all-metal hinges will fit them. Pressed metal powder and silumin will definitely not please people with durability. It is undesirable to purchase inexpensive plastic guides; they are much inferior to "rails" made of steel, aluminum.

It is worth considering the choice of glazing material. The superior performance of the triplex is greatly overshadowed by its high price tag. On the opposite "pole" there is a door made of polystyrene. However, the savings in buying it are illusory: the service life is too short, and the appearance is frankly unpresentable. The classic version (in addition, moderate in price) is tempered glass.
There are other nuances that are often overlooked. Thus, hard water is absolutely incompatible with the "tropical shower" regime. In small holes, deposits accumulate quickly and inevitably. If you like a certain model in the store, you must definitely test it:
- check the force for opening and closing;
- evaluate the move;
- see if the doors are moving by themselves (or from an insignificant push);
- make sure that all parts of the structure do not generate even the smallest noise.

It is very useful to draw up in advance a plan-diagram of plumbing communications in the bathroom and show it to consultants in the store (or send it to the employees of the online store by mail). Then there will be no problems when installing the cab on site. If you choose a cabin with additional options (telephone, radio broadcasting and other functions that require the use of electronics), take into account the peculiarities of the wiring in the room. You should definitely read the reviews about a particular model, and on different resources.
And the last, but no less important advice - even if a shower stall, “suitable” by all criteria, causes some kind of antipathy, albeit vague, it is not worth taking it for sure.

Examples in the interior
This is what a relatively simple shower stall with a low base looks like. The square design with sliding doors looks very attractive against the background of the "striped" wall. The absence of any decorative items in this corner, the use of only functional additives turns out to be a completely reasonable step.

But rectangular cabins can also look pretty. Especially this one - with expressive lighting inside and with slightly frosted glass; it is perceived harmoniously surrounded by a light blue wall and a dark floor. An original vase with flowers, a ledge decorated like a tree, a distant red door - all this is completely stylistically compatible with such a booth.

A 90x90 shower cabin with a low pallet may look like this. The abundance of internal "filling" is perceived in the surrounding interior quite well. The pronounced gray color of the walls harmoniously sets off a very light shower room; the white floor is completely consistent with it. The result is a laconic space devoid of unnecessary details.

But quite a few people want to be original. And this option can suit them. The shower stall itself is immediately distinguished by a very dark color, which corresponds to the general mood of the room. At the same time, there is an undeniable high-tech charm. Despite the prejudices of a number of designers against dark colors in the interior, it turned out to be quite an attractive solution.

In the next video, you will find a detailed assembly of such a shower stall.