High waist black jeans

Denim items quite deservedly take pride of place in the wardrobe of fashionistas, because thanks to their convenience and practicality, they can be worn in almost any situation. A variety of textures and colors allows you to sew completely different clothes from this fabric - from shorts to warm outerwear.

High waist jeans are achieved in one of several ways:
- the cut of the product has a high waistline;
- the presence of a wide belt;
- the presence of a built-in mini-corset.

High waist jeans in black have many advantages over other models. The main one, of course, is the ability of such a style to advantageously present advantages and hide disadvantages.
Almost any body type can be visually imparted with seductive parameters in the right proportions. High-rise jeans visually reduce the waist and make slightly plump hips narrower.
Due to the fact that the belly area of a girl in such a model is always tightly fitted with jeans, they are perfect for those with a small tummy. Black color will visually reduce the volume, which, accordingly, will also affect your overall appearance - it will become even slimmer and thinner.

To accentuate the silhouette, high-rise jeans present the bust to their advantage, even if they are small. Due to the fitting of the bottom almost from the chest line, volume is formed on top of itself. He creates the appearance of a slightly larger chest than it really is.

Who are they suitable for?
Since black jeans with a high rise accentuate the lower body, they look best on slim girls with a height of above average.

Such jeans are suitable for short owners of a proportional thin figure, as well as for tall, but slightly plump girls, but you need to be more careful in choosing a style. But for full ladies it is better to completely abandon the high landing on any trousers, since it will only emphasize all the flaws in the figure. We would recommend them to opt for black jeans with a classic cut that only slightly hugs the silhouette.

Models with holes
This model of jeans is able to transform any of your looks, adding spontaneity and brightness to it.

On black jeans with a high rise, the holes should be small and neat, because the classic color requires restraint in the details. In combination with a white blouse, these jeans can be a good option for the office, where the dress code allows a little liberties in the style of clothing of employees.

Selection Tips

When you go to the store for jeans, we recommend that you wear or take with you the set of clothes that you will most often wear with the intended purchase. This will allow you to choose exactly the style that best suits your style.

When trying on, pay attention to how the jeans "fit" in your figure. If the upper border forms some folds or "rolls" on the skin, then it is better to immediately put this model aside.
Jeans should fit snugly around the figure and slightly tighten it, but in no case should squeeze the waist.
A model with a stretch effect will be an excellent option, because unlike classic dense denim, which only holds its shape, it can literally become your second skin.

When choosing a size, you should not be guided by your previous purchase, since the sizes differ slightly from different manufacturers, only slightly corresponding to the classic table, and your parameters may have changed slightly. First of all, try on the model you like. If its stated size does not match yours, but, nevertheless, you feel great in them, feel free to buy these jeans!

What to wear with?

Of the shoes, you should give preference to high-heeled shoes that match in color with one of the accessories - they can be an adornment in the form of a bracelet or watch, a bag, as well as a scarf or gloves.