Lee Cooper Jeans

Lee Cooper is a recognized brand in the world. A well-known brand among young people and lovers of classic cut, it was founded in England by Morris Cooper in 1908.

You can find out more about the history of the creation and development of the brand, about the main models and sizes from our article.

A bit of history
The production of clothing for workers - this is how the history of the development of the Lee Cooper brand began.
During the First World War, the management of the factory made a decision to change the production strategy. The company switched to sewing military uniforms.
During World War II, Morse Cooper decided to sew uniforms for British soldiers.

The tragic death of Maurice Cooper in 1940 did not stop the production of the company, and only in 1946, Maurice's son, Harold Cooper, became the head of the factory.
The company acquired its current name Lee Cooper during the leadership of Harold Cooper, when he decided to add his wife's surname to his. So, in 1946, the world famous Lee Cooper brand appeared.

In the 50s, the Lee Cooper brand became widely known through the media. In the same years, Harold Cooper's company released a novelty - women's jeans with a zipper fly in front. A little later, a line of children's clothing was launched. At the same time, thanks to the Lee Cooper company, Britain learned about the "slacks" model, which are now produced not only in the usual classic style, but also with a "cage" print.

Another important event for the company during these years was the opening of a denim production facility in Holland.

In the 60s, the company launched the production of skinny jeans, as well as colored jeans for women. In the 70s, when corduroy became fashionable, the company develops its production in many countries of the world, the most famous fashion magazines write about it.

Lee Cooper jeans are becoming an integral part of the then fashionable subcultures, such as "rock and roll".

It was Lee Cooper who made the England squad in 2008 for the Beijing Olympics.
Today, the company employs the best designers, artists and jewelers who bring the main concepts of the company to life.

The name itself speaks for itself. These are jeans with a classic fit. The leg width is medium. The color scheme is classic blue, classic black, white and shades of brown. Such models are suitable for casual style. You can wear them by tucking them in or leaving the classic length.

Pearl Skinny Jeans
Skinny jeans of the Pearl range are a combination of classic style and fashionable skinny. Jeans have a classic length, with frayed in the pockets, tapered to the bottom.

With print
Fashionable prints "flora and fauna" did not pass by the Lee Cooper company. For several years in a row, the brand has been producing skinny jeans with various prints. Small flowers blend evenly with polka dots or other geometric shapes.

Shortened models
The cropped models of Lee Cooper jeans have a length just above the ankle, tapered towards the bottom. The color scheme of cropped jeans is classic - blue, light blue and black, as well as white.

Insulated models
Warm jeans are a good option for the cold season. The company has released models with insulation based on fleece, wool or bikes.

Size chart
In order to choose the correct size and enjoy your purchase, you should study the size chart in the picture below.

Selection Tips
For a company with a century-old past, there are a number of distinctive qualities that make this brand recognizable. In addition to the lineup, the texture and colors are easily recognizable.

Classic browns, classic white and classic black, shades of red do not make collections boring, but on the contrary, they bring variety to denim fashion.

How to choose quality jeans for yourself and not get fake. Take our advice.
- When choosing jeans from Lee Cooper, pay attention to the seams, as well as the back pockets, they are stitched with red thread.
- The arcuate stitch has not changed since 1908. You can easily recognize it in the back pocket of your jeans.
- A leather label with branded letters of the brand name speaks of the quality of the product. Just like many branded jeans, each letter on the label should be voluminous. Run your hand over the inscription, you will immediately feel it. The letter is applied with ordinary paint or embossed and filled with paint.
- The rivets on quality jeans are presented with the brand name.
- To ensure the quality of the denim, turn it inside out. High quality corrugated material is used in the production of Lee Cooper. In other words, when you run your hand along the wrong side of the jeans, you will feel a rib under your fingers.
- Quality Lee Cooper jeans have a small red tag sewn into the pocket with white lettering. This distinguishes the original from the counterfeit.
- All jeans may discolour in the first wash. Finding out whether your jeans will shed constantly and leave a mark on your underwear or shed only at the first wash is simple: take a damp cloth and slide it along the front of the leg. High-quality paint will leave a small mark on the napkin under your fingers. If you have a fake in front of you, the napkin will be completely painted.

After reading the specialized sites and forums of trendsetters with reviews about Lee Cooper jeans, we found reviews of the following content: (hereinafter excerpts in the text without any changes)
- "The things are pretty pretty, but the relatively high cost stops them from buying."
- “… The quality of their jeans fully justifies its value. You change your jeans not because they are worn out, but because you are tired. "
- "... there were no complaints about the quality ... so there is nothing to complain about."

Having studied a large number of jeans reviews, we can say that the main advantages of Lee Cooper jeans are quality, a large range of models, a variety of colors, with or without a print. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost of the goods was noted, which is fully justified by the quality of the goods. To attribute this "disadvantage" to a minus or a plus - it is up to the buyers to decide.

We invite you to enjoy an excellent choice in favor of Lee Cooper