What to do if jeans are stretched?

Jeans have long occupied a place of honor in the modern man's wardrobe. Men and women of all ages have appreciated this garment.
Comfortable, practical, stylish, they serve as a universal basis for dressing for different occasions. From the work and everyday wardrobe, jeans have gradually migrated into all areas of our life.
Weddings, social events, concerts - even at such festive events, the appearance in jeans is considered quite appropriate.

High-quality jeans can last you more than one year. However, if you do not follow the washing recommendations, denim clothes can stretch. If one day you pull jeans a couple of sizes larger from the washing machine or accidentally get pants of the wrong size, do not rush to get rid of the thing.
You can return your jeans to their original size at home. Read more about this below.

Where are jeans most often stretched?
Improper grooming isn't the only reason jeans can grow big for you.
Many girls complain that jeans, which fit perfectly on the day of purchase, begin to stretch in socks in a couple of days in various places. Moreover, not only economy class pants were noticed in this, but also quite expensive branded products.

The most likely reason for jeans warping during wear is due to poor material quality (for example, a high percentage of synthetic fibers in the fabric).

Usually jeans are not stretched in length, but in width. The most problematic areas are the waist, hips and knees.High-rise pants can also stretch at the waist and abdomen.
As a rule, washing solves the problem, but not for long - after a day, the jeans begin to increase in size again.

We shrink jeans in certain areas
If for some reason your favorite jeans have become too big for you in a certain place, you can solve this problem with one simple method. To do this, you will need warm water, some fabric softener, and a houseplant sprayer.

- Mix water and conditioner in a 3: 1 ratio and pour the resulting solution into a sprayer.
- We tighten the lid tightly and shake the container several times so that the liquid is well mixed.
- Then we spray the mixture on the problem area so that the jeans are well saturated with water with conditioner. Areas that remain dry will not shrink.
- We throw our pants into the dryer and start the highest power mode. In the absence of a washing machine and dryer, you can use a regular hair dryer.
- If necessary, repeat the last two steps until we achieve the desired result.

With this simple method, you can shrink your jeans in a specific location, such as at your knees or at your waist. In order for this effect to spread to the entire product as a whole, you need to act differently.

How to reduce all jeans by size?
We have compiled for you a selection of the most effective measures for shrinking jeans.
Before using any of these methods, first experiment on an inconspicuous area of the garment - after all, the reaction of the fabric can be unpredictable.

Hot wash
To make the pants shrink a size or even two, sometimes it is enough to wash them in a machine, setting the maximum water temperature. The main thing is to choose the right mode.
No delicate wash! Choose a wrinkle-free program or an intensive program. When doing this, you can pour your regular fabric softener into the dispenser.

After finishing washing, put your jeans in the dryer. For best results, dry them for as long as possible.
Drying in the sun or wind will not have a similar effect. If you do not have a dryer in your home, contact your nearest laundry or dry cleaner for this service.

Shrinking jeans on yourself
This method can only be used on a very warm, sunny summer day, otherwise, you run the risk of earning a bunch of unpleasant sores:
- Fill the bathroom with water. The water should be hot, but at the same time comfortable for the body, since you will have to spend some time in it.
- Put on your jeans, zip them up and sit in the tub so that the water completely covers the jeans. You should stay in the bath until the water cools down to room temperature. This usually takes no more than 20-30 minutes.
- After leaving the bath, immediately go to the sun - to the courtyard or to the loggia. Here you will have to spend several hours before the jeans dry out in the sun.
- Be sure to turn periodically to help the fabric dry evenly.

Soaking in boiling water
Boiling water can ruin the color of your jeans, so this method is not suitable for new pants.
Even worn jeans are recommended to be turned inside out before immersing them in boiling water.

- Start by filling the largest pot in your house with half of the water and let it boil.
- Then carefully place the jeans in the boiling water. Use large metal tongs to avoid scalding yourself.
- Reduce heat to medium and simmer the jeans for about 30 minutes. Make sure that the jeans are completely submerged in the water, top up if necessary.
- When enough time has passed, take out the pants, let them cool, and place them in the dryer. You can dry your pants under normal conditions, but then the effect will not be so noticeable.

You can also return the jeans to their original size with an iron.Before that, you need to wash them as recommended in methods 1 or 3, and then dry them - preferably in a dryer at the highest possible power level.
Make sure your jeans are completely dry when you take them out of the dryer (even better if they are steaming).
Now you can start ironing. Experiment with different modes. Ironing jeans can take a very long time, so do it until you get bored (but at least 10 minutes).

Can the jeans be prevented from stretching?
In order for jeans to retain their original shape as long as possible, you need to follow simple precautions that allow your pants to remain in perfect condition for a long time:
- Jeans should not be worn very often. After each wear, give them a day or two to “rest” and regain their shape.
- If jeans contain more than 10% synthetic fibers, in no case wash them in hot water or boil them.

- Buy jeans with a high percentage of cotton. If the jeans are almost 100% cotton, they will have little or no stretch.
- When buying jeans, choose a model that is one size smaller than the one in which you are comfortable. Jeans should fit very tightly and be a little restrictive. After a few days, they will inevitably stretch out and become exactly your size.
- Do not wash jeans too often, then the structure of the material will not deteriorate quickly, and the pants will retain their original shape and color for a long time.