Boiled jeans or spectacular boiled jeans

The phrase "boiled jeans" is likely to cause confusion among young people born on the border of the 20th and 21st centuries. So that the uninitiated do not have questions about why you need to cook jeans and how to eat them later, this article will tell you.

What are boiled jeans?
During the years of perestroika, the “iron curtain” with the West began to rise a little, and fashion was one of the first to slip from there, of course. Denim clothing with various prints became very popular among the youth of perestroika, but, unfortunately, was practically inaccessible. Therefore, the main fashionistas and fashionistas were considered those who themselves or whose relatives on duty were abroad, because from there it was possible to bring high-quality jeans for that period of time.

But not everyone had access to overseas counters. A lot of imported things were sold under the counter, since officially the resale of things bought abroad was called speculation and was punishable by the Criminal Code. It was illegal to buy almost everything, including the very fashionable then highlighted jeans. But only a few could afford them because of the fabulous cost.

The desire of girls from the 80s to be beautiful was so strong that they looked for various ways to look stylish and fashionable for little money. One of such inventions is jeans-boiled-downs. Having carried out simple manipulations with chlorine bleach and ordinary blue jeans (by the way, also bought from speculators, but much cheaper than bleached ones), it was possible to get the most fashionable model of denim pants, which in appearance was very difficult to distinguish from a real imported thing.

A huge plus when boiling jeans was that the size of white stains and their intensity could be independently controlled during the boiling process, and even if the desired result was not obtained the first time, the whole procedure could be repeated with a different concentration of bleach.
How to do it at home?
According to contemporaries of boiled jeans, the digestion procedure is quite simple, and it is quite possible to carry it out on your own in your kitchen.

If you want to do a similar thing yourself, despite the fact that today you can buy any model you like in stores without any problems, clearly follow the instructions below.
So, the procedure for boiling jeans is conditional can be divided into three parts:
1) Preparation
2) Boiling
3) Completion
Let's go through each step sequentially.

Preparation... To make boiled jeans yourself, you will need:
- Blue jeans
- 7 liters of clean water
- 1 cup whiteness or other concentrated bleach
- Enamel basin, saucepan or bucket with a volume of at least 10 liters
- Wooden clips, clothespins and a tight elastic band
- A plastic or wooden stirrer (regular sturdy stick will do)
- Rubber gloves.
All listed items must be clean and not emit paint when in contact with whiteness or boiling water.

Pour water into an enamel container and put on fire. While the water is boiling, prepare your jeans. First of all, they must be dry and clean. The product must be chosen from real denim, since the presence of impurities in cotton fabric can give an unpredictable, and often deplorable, result.

To obtain a certain print, there are various ways to fold jeans when boiling. Vertical stripes can be obtained by tightening the legs with a tight elastic band; for large streaks and spots gins should be loosely twisted and fixed with a clamp, and for thin stripes the twist should be especially tight. An interesting print will turn out when using ordinary clothespins - pinch them on the fabric, and during the boiling process beautiful bright stars are formed in these places. Their size depends on the width of the clothespin.

Boiling... When the water starts to boil, you can start the cooking process itself. Since we are dealing with chemicals, there is a risk of burns, so be sure to wear prepared rubber gloves. Measure out 250 ml (faceted glass) of whiteness using an unused kitchenware in the kitchen and pour into hot, but not boiling water. When the solution boils, jeans can be dipped into it. Remember that the desired pattern will be obtained only when the jeans are twisted correctly, so you should very carefully put them in the container without damaging the fasteners.

The duration of the jeans boiling is 15 minutes. But this figure can be adjusted up or down, depending on the desired intensity of tissue lightening.
Do not let the jeans float to the surface while boiling. To do this, use a wooden spatula or special tongs for a semi-automatic washing machine.
Completion... When the desired level of lightening of the fabric is reached, the jeans need to be removed from the pan and allowed to cool slightly. Next, thoroughly rinse the bleach out of the product - for this, rinse first in warm and then in cold water. Only after all the chlorine has come out of the jeans can they be washed in an automatic machine. When washing, it is advisable to use fabric softener to soften the fabric and give it a pleasant scent. To completely get rid of the chlorine smell, jeans need to be dried in an open and well-ventilated place.
You can watch the process of "cooking" jeans in the following video.

What to wear with?
When boiled jeans appeared, there was no particular question of what to wear them with - they were worn with what they had.Today the situation has changed dramatically, and now these exclusive hand-made jeans can be included in a variety of ensembles.

The best option would be combination of boiled jeans and tops... Since jeans are not business attire, bright colors are fine. But the color of the bottom in this image is combined, so the top must be selected in a solid color. An exception is shirts with a checkered print - they, in combination with jeans, will create a vivid image of a modern girl, free from stereotypes in fashion.

Jackets and jackets will look great as outerwear with jeans. with a fitted silhouette. They will help to accentuate jeans and stretch your figure, visually adding a few centimeters to your height. High-heeled shoes will give the same effect.
Remember that shoes and jacket paired with boiled jeans should be neutral and unprinted to avoid overloading the look.

In fact, good dumplings are made in a slightly different way. To do this, you need a washing machine, a solution of potassium permanganate in an ordinary sprinkler, hydrogen peroxide, a lot of foam cubes, jeans themselves and a large basin. And the technology is as follows. We soak the pants in warm water and after a while we need to lay these pants on the table and form folds with our fingers as if squeezing jeans. After that, the wet pants are placed in the washer and dried in a centrifuge. Next, dried pants with fixed folds are sprinkled with foam cubes sprinkled with potassium permanganate. It is necessary that it rotate in the drum of the washer without water for 10-15 minutes. After that, the pants are placed in a strong solution of pyrohydrol and rinsed in running water after the development of scuffs. The result is great.