
All about the profession of a leading economist

All about the profession of a leading economist
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Knowledge and skills
  4. Requirements for personal characteristics
  5. Education
  6. Place of work

Economist is a popular and prestigious profession. Every year, hundreds and thousands of graduates of Russian schools enter the economics departments of universities throughout the country. Developing as a professional and moving up the career ladder, you can reach the position of the leading economist of the enterprise. Today in our article we will talk about the peculiarities of the profession and job duties of a specialist.


Lead Economist - this is a responsible position in the enterprise, accordingly, the person who holds this position is subject to increased requirements regarding professional and personal characteristics. This profession is also included in the unified qualification and tariff reference book of workers' jobs and professions (or ECTS). Contrary to the prevailing opinion that today the domestic labor market is overflowing with economists, it is very difficult to find a truly competent and highly qualified professional.

It is important to note that a leading economist is a managerial position; a large number of employees may be subordinate to this employee.

In this regard, a professional must not only possess a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also be able to lead a team, control the work of subordinates and pass on his experience to them.


The leading economist carries out his professional activities on the basis and in accordance with specially developed official documents. So, an employee of the company must know the job description and professional standard. It is here that all the qualification requirements are spelled out, as well as the duties that the employee must fulfill in the course of his daily activities. It should be borne in mind in advance that, depending on the specific place of work, as well as on the wishes of the employer, the duties of a leading economist can be changed and supplemented. The duties of a leading economist include:

  • research and development;
  • drawing up annual and quarterly work plans;
  • development of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the enterprise;
  • collection and accumulation of scientific information;
  • use of advanced and international experience in their work;
  • execution and control over the implementation of calculations necessary to accurately determine the material and labor costs for the implementation of a project;
  • preparation of various documents (certificates, reports).

In addition, it should be taken into account that job description - This is a document that provides for the occurrence of responsibility in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by a specialist of his duties.

That is why you should familiarize yourself with this official document even before formal employment. This will help you match your employer's requirements with your ability and make sure you are able to complete all the required tasks ahead of time.

Knowledge and skills

In order for a leading economist to be able to perform work with high quality, he must have the appropriate theoretical and practical training.

The specialist should know:

  • regulations, laws and by-laws governing the work of a specialist, as well as the area in which the company operates;
  • materials that determine the further development of the industry;
  • methods and principles of scientific research;
  • basic scientific works on economics;
  • rules and format for drawing up and filling out documentation;
  • labor legislation;
  • tax law;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection.

A professional should be able to:

  • apply theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • work in specialized economic computer programs;
  • perform the necessary calculations;
  • participate in research;
  • supervise subordinates.

Requirements for personal characteristics

Many employers in the description of the vacancy of a leading economist indicate not only the necessary professional knowledge, abilities and skills, but also the personal characteristics that the applicant must have. So, the most important personality traits of a specialist include:

  • discipline;
  • a responsibility;
  • Analytical mind;
  • high intellectual level;
  • the desire to develop and improve;
  • sociability;
  • attention to detail;
  • stress tolerance;
  • determination.

Only if you successfully combine the necessary professional and personal characteristics, you will be able to efficiently and competently do your job. Such specialists are always in demand among employers.


An appropriate level of education is a mandatory requirement for a person who aspires to take the position of a leading economist. Moreover, if for the initial stage and in order to get a starting position, a diploma from a secondary specialized institution will be enough, then for such a high position as a leading economist, you need to have a diploma from a university. It should be borne in mind that most employers will give preference to the applicant who graduated from a prestigious university. Accordingly, if now you are choosing an educational institution, then give preference to universities and institutes that are located in large cities or the capital, and also enjoy authority and respect in the industry.

The presence of high marks in the diploma is another advantage of the applicant in the process of finding a job. That is why in the process of study you need to be as responsible, attentive and diligent as possible.

Do not forget about obtaining the necessary practical skills, which can be done thanks to the various internships that take place in the process of obtaining a diploma.

Try to show yourself as best as possible in front of the management of the company in which you will be doing your internship. In addition to basic education, to maintain your intellectual level and for professional development it is recommended to attend specialized courses, master classes, seminars, lectures, etc. on a regular basis. Through these educational activities, you will always stay on top of all the latest industry trends.

Place of work

An economist is a person who works in almost every enterprise (be it a budgetary institution or a private firm). After graduation, a graduate can only apply for starting positions, slowly but surely moving up the career ladder. Thus, one can apply for the position of a leading economist with 5 years of work experience. Leading economists are involved in the following areas of human activity:

  • construction;
  • Housing and utilities;
  • Agriculture;
  • computer sphere;
  • industry;
  • educational sphere, etc.

In addition, many economists start their own businesses or work in the scientific field. Thus, depending on your personal interests and inclinations, you can choose almost any field of work.

The salaries of leading economists are quite high, so this profession is very attractive for many young people.

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