All about the profession of economist-financier

The economist-financier is a difficult but interesting profession. In order to effectively carry out his professional duties, a specialist must have a large amount of knowledge and also have practical experience. Many young people are interested in this career. In our article, we will consider all the nuances of the profession of an economist-financier.
The work of an economist in financial activities is considered quite prestigious, which is why every year hundreds and thousands of school graduates enter the economics departments of higher educational institutions throughout the country. Contrary to the prevailing point of view that modern the labor market is experiencing an excess of such specialists; it is quite difficult to find a truly qualified, experienced and motivated employee.
First of all, this the specialty will interest those young people who have a penchant for the exact sciences, as well as an analytical mindset, want to work in an office and receive high material rewards for their work. Like any other profession, a career as a financier is characterized by not only positive but also negative traits. Before you finally decide to link your fate with this profession, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

To begin with, let's consider the advantages of the professional activity of an economist-financier.
- High profit payment. Leading economists and financiers of the enterprise (especially if they are involved in work in the private sector) receive a fairly high material remuneration for their work. It is no secret that each of us strives to get a profession that will ensure a high standard of living.The profession of an economist-financier falls into just such a category.
- Comfortable working conditions. Employees of the economic department of enterprises work in a very comfortable office environment. In addition to a spacious office, a leading financial economist at a large enterprise can count on a free gym or swimming pool, snack bar, convenient working hours, no overwork, and so on.
- The ability to work in a wide variety of areas. Economists-financiers are specialists who work in enterprises operating in various branches of human activity. Accordingly, you can engage in economic activities in any area that interests you (for example, medicine, sports, construction, industry, etc.).
However, do not forget about the existing shortcomings.
- Routine. The daily tasks of an economist-financier are similar, a specialist does a lot of paperwork. Accordingly, a person who is not inclined to perform typical routine and standardized tasks will not be able to stay in office for a long time.
- Uneven demand. The demand for these specialists in the economic sector is uneven in our country. So, in large cities it will be much easier to find a job than in the provinces. Accordingly, to get a job, you need to move to a metropolis.
A careful analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of a specialist's professional activity is an important step in the process of choosing a future career, which will help you not to regret your choice in the future.

Responsibilities of a specialist
The functional responsibilities of an economist-financier are spelled out in an official document - job description. Each employer is obliged to familiarize applicants for the position with this document before offering them official employment. According to the job description, the economist-financier has responsibilities such as:
- implementation and control over the implementation of financial transactions at the enterprise;
- creation of documentation on the basis of which the company carries out its financial activities;
- communication with managers, partners and colleagues;
- preparation of various documents (including banking);
- making report;
- distribution of income;
- cost accounting;
- development and monitoring of compliance with annual and quarterly financial plans;
- development of schedules for the sale of products (or services);
- study of the sources of financing for the company;
- analytical work;
- monitoring compliance with the required financial indicators and much more.
It is important to keep in mind that this list is not closed. Depending on the specific enterprise and the specifics of its functioning, job responsibilities can be changed and supplemented. Thus, the presence of additional professional skills, skills and knowledge, as well as outstanding personal characteristics will help you stand out from all applicants.

A responsibility
When applying for the position of an economist-financier, you need to keep in mind that in some cases this specialist serious liability can be attributed. For example, if an employee does not fulfill or improperly performs his professional duties, then he may incur disciplinary, administrative, civil or even criminal liability.
And responsibility can arise if the employee causes material damage. This information is spelled out in detail in the job description of a specialist, therefore it is very important to familiarize yourself with this document before embarking on the direct implementation of your job duties.
If you want to work as a financial economist, then you you need to get the appropriate specialty... Moreover, depending on the specific place of work and the requirements of the employer, a different level of qualification may be required. For example, an employer may require a diploma of secondary vocational or higher education (the second option is preferable).
When choosing an educational institution give preference to such institutions that are respected by the professional economic community. Pay attention not only to the theoretical, but also to the practical training of students. In the process of training, it is very important to receive the highest possible scores, since this factor can become decisive in employment and distinguish you from the general mass of applicants. In addition, if you want to actively advance your career, it is important to regularly attend specialized educational events: lectures, seminars, master classes, and so on.
Thus, you will remain a sought-after specialist in the labor market, and you will also be aware of all the latest news in the industry.

As mentioned above, a financier-economist can work in a variety of areas. However, most often these specialists are in demand in such areas as:
- banking;
- investment companies;
- exchanges and brokerage agencies;
- consulting companies;
- large manufacturing firms.
At the same time, a specialist can work not only as a hired employee, but also carry out entrepreneurial activities. In addition, many specialists are engaged in scientific or educational activities.