Electric guitar

What do you need for an electric guitar?

What do you need for an electric guitar?
  1. Combo amplifiers
  2. What to choose for tool storage
  3. Overview of other components and accessories

The electric guitar is one of the most sought-after musical instruments of today. It is used in almost all genres. And especially in rock music of all directions. Also, the electric guitar and its accessories are more affordable than all other instruments. Therefore, it attracts newcomers.

If you want to learn how to play the electric guitar at a high level, then you must immediately start your training with high-quality sound. For the electric guitar it will be necessary to purchase a number of accessories and some accessories. You can immediately highlight the most necessary ones. Firstly, it is a combo amplifier, or in a simple way a speaker or "combo" through which your guitar sounds. Secondly, it is a music sound effects processor that allows you to customize a variety of sound options. And finally, it is, of course, a pick for the game itself.

Combo amplifiers

Let's take a closer look at the combo amps that you will need to choose for the quality sound of your electric guitar.

A combo amplifier is a special speaker through which an electric guitar sounds. This is the most basic piece of equipment.

It includes a sound amplifier and, in fact, a speaker or speaker.

For a beginner guitarist, a low-power transistor combo amplifier is well suited. For a home, a power of 10-30 W will be optimal.

Let's decide on the brand. The leaders here are the likes of Marshall, Ibanez and Fender.

But for a start, Orange, Roland or Hughes & Kettner might do the trick.

According to their design, amplifiers are transistor and tube. They sound differently, and it is generally accepted that transistor amplifiers are a more amateur level of equipment. And their price range is acceptable.

Tube fixtures are more focused amplifiers for specific sound effects. They are mainly used by professional musicians at concerts.

Combo amplifiers have a variety of volume and effect settings, but for a more interesting sound of your electric guitar it is still better to use special music processors, and the “combo” itself is only used as a speaker and sound amplifier.

What to choose for tool storage

Guitar storage accessories are the first thing to look out for after purchasing a musical instrument.

To keep your electric guitar safe for a long time, you may need an accessory such as a stand. This accessory will help you keep your instrument in good working order and eliminate the need to buy a new guitar.

Also, the stand will be your permanent place for storing your electric guitar, from which you can easily and quickly take it.

It should also be noted that guitars can be stored in a carrying case or carrying case. They are usually used to carry the instrument down the street.

The covers also protect the instrument from external influences and dust.

Covers are divided into heat-resistant (protects from the effects of temperature), waterproof, soft (the simplest and lightest cases that protect from the sun and dust) and semi-rigid (have a lining that protects the instrument in the event of a fall).

Overview of other components and accessories

Let's talk about that set of accessories and equipment for playing an electric guitar at home if you want to learn how to play well and beautifully.

The first step is to understand what level of play you want to go to, and the second is to show healthy rationality and interest.

To make your electric guitar sound like your favorite rock bands, you will need to purchase a number of so-called “gadgets”.

Firstly, this is a high-quality speaker or speaker, which we talked about above, and secondly, this is a number of processors and pedals, which will be discussed further.

But An important factor is also a set of high-quality shielding cords, adapters and all kinds of plugs that will not fade.

Also for your guitar you will need spare strings, a case for storing and carrying the instrument, a pick for sound production, and much more. For example, a belt will be needed if you want to learn to play while standing. You will need a tuner to tune your instrument. You can also use headphones if you can't play loudly.

Let us dwell in more detail on such an item of equipment as a belt. This accessory is necessary for the guitar to hang at an acceptable level for the musician. There is also a clip on the strap for adjusting the length.

Among the accessories for guitars, there is also such an element as a turntable for guitar strings. It is used for tuning the guitar and when changing strings. It makes it easier to twist the tuning pegs.

To play the electric guitar, you may need a device such as a compressor. This element evens out the sound and turns soft notes into loud ones and vice versa.

A compressor can facilitate the extraction of artificial harmonics. It also makes it easy to perform techniques such as trills, tapping and legato.

It is often used when playing solo parts of musical compositions.

The compressor is connected first in the entire circuit. But if there is a "wah" effect, then the compressor is connected after it.

Also, a capo is used to play the guitar. This is a special clip for an artificial barre at a specific fret. It is mainly used on acoustic guitars.

Instrument Cords

Cables and wires are used to connect the electric guitar to equipment, such as a music processor or a variety of pedals.

Typically, an electric guitar uses at least one cord to connect to a combo amplifier. And if you are using a music processor, you will need another cable.

In other words, cords are used to connect the electric guitar to various equipment and to each other.

Picks & Fingertips

An element such as a pick is used instead of fingers when playing the guitar. This allows you to extract sounds more quickly, which is often necessary for playing electric guitar. The pick also makes the sound clearer and more sonorous.

Mediators come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Everyone uses the most suitable option for the game. Also, the size of the pick depends on what exactly you are going to play.

It should be noted that it is always necessary to have several picks at hand for the game and in reserve.

The following materials are used for their manufacture: Tortex, Derlin, celluloid, nylon and metal. Metal is rarely used.


Music processors are used to change the sound and apply musical effects. Essentially, a processor is a combination of multiple pedal effects in one unit.

The advantage is that it is easier to work with the processor, and the number of different effects is quite large. He is also very mobile. But the sound quality is slightly worse than that of the pedals.

In general, for a beginner musician, such a processor would be a very good option.

Among other things, all processors have a metronome and drums.

Effects Pedals

It should be noted that at present, almost all music (and especially the rock genre) uses a variety of sound effects in real time.

Les Paul is considered to be the creator of the first effect. He then became the founder of the classic guitar shape design. It is she who is used to create guitars of the Gibson brand.

An effect pedal is, in fact, a special case of a music processor, since it produces an effect for only one kind of sound. During play, it is pressed with the foot for use.

Let's list the most used sound processing options among musicians: These are distortion (guitar overdrive and growl), tremolo (vibrato with volume change), delay (echo), reverb (surround effect), chorus (multi-guitar effect) and flanger (flying sound).

And, for example, bluesdrive creates a velvety color. This effect was used in the 50–70 years of the twentieth century.

Over time, the musician begins to understand all these effects and finds the most suitable sound for himself.

It should also be mentioned that at the present time, with the development of digital technologies, it became possible to emulate all guitar effects programmatically.

This emulation for electric guitar makes it possible to reproduce any sound one-to-one. Still, real equipment sounds more realistic and lively.

Tuners for tuning

The tuner is used to tune the guitar. It is carried out visually using an arrow that reacts to the sound of the guitar. Music processors are often already equipped with an electronic tuner.


After purchasing a new instrument, the first thing to do is to change the strings, since so-called demo samples are always used in the sale. They do not differ in quality.

Strings vary in material and rigidity. The stiffness of strings is influenced by their thickness.

It should be noted that at first you should play on softer strings, for example, from nickel. However, the harder strings produce a harsh and fuller sound.

For a beginner musician, the best option would be strings with a tension of no more than 10. But over time, the strings wear out, so they should be replaced periodically.


An element for an electric guitar, such as a stand, is a convenient, but far from mandatory accessory. Often it is popular in studios and, for example, in schools for teaching the game. At home, you can always replace the stand with a regular case to store your instrument.

To summarize, we can say that acquiring the electric guitar itself is still half the battle. For a full-fledged game and storage of the instrument, you will also need a variety of additional accessories. But if you are passionate about your hobby, then you can understand this variety of musical accessories.

You will see a visual overview of the necessary components for an electric guitar in the next video.

1 comment

Thank you so much for the article. It helped a lot. I realized that the price of the electric guitar should include other things, such as a combo amplifier, cords, adapters, plugs, as well as a cover, "gadgets" - pedals, a capo for tuning, etc.


the beauty
