Electric scooter

Children's electric scooters: types, popular manufacturers and selection criteria

Children's electric scooters: types, popular manufacturers and selection criteria
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Species overview
  3. Manufacturers rating
  4. Criterias of choice

Many have noticed that the development of modern children in comparison with past generations is much faster. Kids start talking early, sit down, walk. With the onset of the age of two, the child already has inquiries about toys and gadgets. This means that soon there will be a desire to ask parents for an electric scooter.


With every year of life, the child's worldview changes, new interests and unusual desires appear. And at one point, the parents will find out that the child wants to have a personal scooter, and not a simple one, but with a real motor. In the first seconds of such news, the parents are terrified. Pictures appear in my head of how their baby is rolling at high speed along the road, without insurance and without protective clothing, which can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.

In fact, there is no point in worrying and worrying. Modern electric scooters designed for small children are constructively thought-out models with a high level of safety. The maximum acceleration speed of children's devices is 15 km / h. But even with a quiet ride, an adult must be present nearby.

The assortment of electric scooters for teenagers and adults is replete with various modifications, among which everyone can choose a device that meets the individual needs of the rider. In electric models for children, everything is much simpler.Firstly, there is no wide variety of types of children's electric scooters, and secondly, each individual design has significant limitations.

Some manufacturers claim that their scooter range is suitable for use by children as young as 3 years old, but it's not worth the risk. Even the most developed kid can get confused when an unexpected situation occurs on the road. For this reason most experts advise parents to purchase an electric scooter for children over 5 years old.

In terms of appearance and design, electric scooters are reminiscent of classic children's transport options with a similar foot platform, multiple wheels and a steering rack. The engine is hidden in a special box under the platform.

The batteries are located at the bottom of the steering rack, and the throttle and brake levers are located on the steering wheel.

Manufacturers of devices take the development of children's modifications and subsequent testing of finished structures as seriously as possible. They also report that the comfort and safety of the child's ride is ensured by the technical equipment of the devices.

  • Only hypoallergenic materials are used in the production of children's electric scooters.
  • The platform is covered with a special non-slip surface. There are rubber pads on the steering wheel.
  • The motor power is minimal, the speed of the device is low. The device is overclocked smoothly.
  • As an additional function, there is a manual setting of the speed limit.

Species overview

Many parents, who have just introduced their child on an electric scooter, show the first signs of panic. The reason for this is the preserved stereotypes of the past, where the structures did not have a motor, and also did not differ in the number of wheels. Electric scooters have slightly different characteristics these days. Unlike their non-motorized predecessors, their first and main task is to protect the little driver as much as possible during the trip.

Electric scooters for children are one of the fashionable features of our time. Manufacturers, realizing this fact, have created many modifications of this transport. Moreover, each individual model is intended for a certain age of the child.

There are electric scooters with a seat, large and small wheels, and seat belts.

The maximum speed that an electric scooter can reach is 15 km / h. The design of the apparatus itself can be 2- and 3-wheeled. Two-wheeled models are less stable, which means that the child must be able to maintain balance and confidently use the multifunctionality of the device. Three-wheeled modifications are more stable on a flat surface, but still require certain skills from a young driver.

Of course, it is necessary to teach a child to drive independently with a four-wheeled modification. But today such designs are produced in minimal quantities, which means that it is quite difficult to find them freely available.

As for the pricing policy, different models of children's electric scooters have different prices. First of all, it all depends on the complexity of the product design, then on the brand and supplier. Reliable manufacturers advise children over 5 years old to purchase electric scooters. At this age, the child can already control the situation, if necessary, jump off the apparatus or change direction. But unscrupulous manufacturers, trying to increase sales of their goods, argue that electric scooters can be purchased by children aged 3 and even 2 years. But during this period it is very difficult for kids to sensibly assess all situations on the road.

In all varieties of children's electric scooters, the engine is practically inaudible, therefore, the child is not distracted from the road. The usage time of each individual model depends on the capacity of the batteries.Some designs are designed for 4 hours of non-stop driving, others are enough for a day. And if the battery is out of order, there is no need to worry - any specialized store will be able to offer similar batteries.

Manufacturers rating

Today there are many manufacturers of children's products, most of which are well-known world brands. But unfamiliar names are best avoided. It is impossible to say for sure how high-quality goods they produce. But first of all we are talking about the safety of the child.

Thanks to the reviews of parents who bought an electric scooter for their child, it became possible to make a rating of the best manufacturers of these products.


Switzerland is the birthplace of the brand. In the culture of this country, accuracy, clarity and coherence of actions are valued, which the engineers of this brand are surely guided by. Today the Micro brand is known all over the world. Its product line includes devices for both adults and children. Each individual model meets European quality standards.

The range of the brand is different brightness, convenience and safety... Plastic structural elements are necessarily reinforced with fiberglass. As an addition, corrugated pads are placed over the entire surface of the electric scooters in order to exclude possible slipping of hands during the ride. Thanks to these nuances, Micro is very popular all over the world.


A young Russian brand that has gained popularity among young drivers and their parents. The assortment of the company is filled with models of electric scooters for children of any age. They also make high-speed modifications of devices for adults. Transformers are in the greatest demand.

The main specificity of the brand is the use of hypoallergenic materials.


The presented brand pays special attention to reliability, durability and safety of its products... The history of the represented company began quite recently, but it declared itself loudly. The quality of the product was appreciated by tens of thousands of buyers.

The brand feature is in the assembly of structures for children's electric scooters, the parts of which are made of durable aluminum and plastic. The production process itself takes place on the territory of the Russian Federation, due to which the cost of Trolo products is much lower than that of imported products.


The presented brand is in great demand in the world market. The brand's product line includes all existing modifications of electric scooters for children and adolescents. The variety of colors and the unusual design of the visible elements attract the enthusiastic glances of consumers.

At the same time, the cost of the goods fully corresponds to the quality of the products.


The main specialization of the brand is to create high-quality and maximum durable balance bikes. The main feature of the designs is the ease of folding the products - it is enough to make a couple of simple movements with your hands, and a large apparatus acquires miniature dimensions.

In the line of the Y-Scoo brand there is a huge selection of transformer electric scooters. At the same time, every single detail is thought out with maximum precision. The multifunctionality of the devices meets the requirements of parents and world quality standards.

Criterias of choice

An ideal gift for a modern child of 7-9 years old is an electric scooter. Parents who go shopping will have to make a very serious choice, and first of all consider not the design, but the technical characteristics of the structures. Although girls appreciate the beauty of a vehicle, boys are interested in speed.

  • Seat. Modifications with a seat should be purchased for kids for general familiarization with transport.It is easier for a child to learn the basics of driving while in a sitting position than in a standing position.
  • Power... For crumbs 3 years old and younger, models with the lowest characteristics of speed and performance can be considered. Children 4-10 years old can already choose designs that can reach speeds of 10 km / h. Teenagers from 12 years old choose scooters with a maximum speed of 15-20 km / h.
  • Battery... Most electric scooter models have a lithium-ion battery. However, this type of battery is characterized by a lower capacity than lead. If you wish, you can change the battery yourself.
  • Wheels... Standard sizes range from 2.8 to 16 inches. Some models have identical wheels, others are equipped with a different wheelbase. The child, on the other hand, will not notice any difference during operation. Nevertheless, it is advisable for kids to purchase electric scooters with a small diameter of wheels - it is much easier for them to acquire the skills of independent driving.
  • The amount of material for making the wheels. For children under the age of 4, it is preferable to purchase three-wheeled vehicles. They are distinguished by their stability, characterized by the simplest parameters. The body of such structures is made of light metal, there are plastic inserts. A child 5-6 years old is already allowed to stand on two-wheeled devices, the main thing is that the baby has the necessary driving skills. In modern designs, wheels are made of silicone, polyurethane, plastic and rubber. Inflatable wheels are a separate variation. From the list presented, polyurethane wheelbases are most often installed, since they are distinguished by maximum wear resistance and increased cross-country ability.

When choosing the right model, it is important to check the strength of the handlebar post, handles and footplate.

In the next video you will find a test drive of the iconBIT children's electric scooter.

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