Electric scooter

Electric scooters with a seat: a variety of models and recommendations for choosing

Electric scooters with a seat: a variety of models and recommendations for choosing
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Species overview
  3. Rating of the best manufacturers
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. Operating tips

The electric motor immediately makes all the things it's mounted on a lot cooler. But there are a number of subtleties and nuances in the device of an electric scooter with a seat, in its positive and negative sides, in the choice and even use, which must be taken into account.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is clear that an electric scooter with a seat will definitely be heavier than its non-electric counterpart. After all, the motor itself, the battery, and also the seat are by no means weightless. But this drawback is not too significant - the engine power allows you to "stretch" the vehicle without unnecessary effort. True, carrying an electric scooter over barriers (railways, curbs, underpasses, escalators), and it will be harder to lift or lower it up the stairs. Such a device will take up more space both in the apartment (house) and in the trunk of a car.

In addition, a conventional mechanical device is versatile - you can ride it even where there is no power supply, or it works intermittently. But this does not mean that electrical equipment should be abandoned in principle. Nevertheless, in most of the territory of Russia, the power supply is quite good for such a scooter to show all its merits.

For example, a seated electrified vehicle can travel as fast and as far as it is impossible even for a world champion to travel on a regular scooter. For the transport of goods and in cases of severe fatigue, an electric scooter with a seat is the ideal choice.

Such a device can be equipped with sophisticated electronic control systems for maximum flexibility. It makes no sense to say too much how pleasant it is to use such a technique. But you will have to be much more careful, carefully avoid riding in damp terrain and in rainy weather. And nobody canceled the requirements of electrical safety. But the electric scooter is able to withstand a rather heavy load (over 100 kg).

Even if the readers of this article weigh clearly less (which is very good), this property is still valuable - after all, you can take with you a rather voluminous and weighty load. In terms of maneuverability in the city, the ability to drive into rather narrow places and bypass traffic jams, the electric scooter is ahead of any cars and even motorcycles. The undoubted advantage of the device will be the fact that it does not create any kind of toxic exhaust.

As for the obvious disadvantages of an electric scooter, it can be noted:

  • difficulty folding;
  • lack of folding handles (in most models);
  • low suitability for skiing in spring, autumn, and especially in winter;
  • quite a high price (after all, the production of engines, batteries, electronics is not cheap).

Species overview

It is appropriate to start the conversation about electric scooters with a saddle with the fact that there is a clear difference between adult and children's models. Their mass and size can vary significantly. After all, even the landing site for an adult will be noticeably larger than when a child is rolling. But the point is not only that some devices are light, while others are heavy, there are much more significant nuances. So, the structural strength of "adult" models should be higher.

Even the most active and restless children cannot create such a strong load as other adults. Remember physics - the pressure on the surface depends on the mass of the pressing object.

    An adult electric scooter is capable of a higher speed. Versions traveling at speeds of up to 20 km / h have become quite commonplace. Such modifications can be used not only for leisure and entertainment, but also for purely practical purposes.

    Many adult scooters can ride both on the street and inside various premises... Most of the models can withstand a load of 120 kg. But the most "hardy" structures are designed for loading up to 150 kg. Of course, they are a little more convenient for practical purposes - however, the cost of such scooters is invariably higher. It's all about the thicker metal and other precautions.

    Many people are faced with the problem of how to determine how many wheels a scooter should have. Of course, the simplest children's models are produced in a three-wheeled version. But already from a certain age, boards are actively used, placed on 2 wheels. It is the two-wheeled versions that are the most versatile. They can be used:

    • for walking;
    • for sports arrivals;
    • for extreme travel.

    You can quickly pick up speed and make sharp maneuvers without the risk of losing your balance and falling. Models with three wheels are more in demand in the children's and teenage segments. They are good because guarantee greater stability... However, it will be more difficult to maneuver and accelerate. However, these disadvantages of 3-wheeled scooters are not too important for those who are just starting to learn to ride.

    A four-wheeled scooter is very rare. Yes, it is especially stable and stable when moving. But its speed will be less than that of any other modifications.

      But the difference concerns not only the number of wheels, but also their parameters. So, models with large wheels are unlikely to be suitable for a sporty riding style. It is most convenient to go in for sports when the size of the propeller is about 0.1 m. As for ordinary riding around the city, then the "average" indicators are most appropriate - about 0.18 m.

      Recommendation: it is worth trying several “close” sizes to get a better understanding of what you really need.

      Some people prefer scooters with wide wheels. They are as stable as possible and easily overcome even rather difficult barriers. However, the increased area of ​​contact with the surface means that a lot of forces will be spent on elementary forward motion. True, very narrow movers have a significant drawback - it is convenient to ride them only on a specially prepared and leveled area. A collision with any stone, any branch will immediately cause a strong concussion.

      The question may arise whether the models with thick wheels or with thin tires are better. There is no universal answer to this question and cannot be. A lot depends on how the electric scooter is planned to be used. The significant thickness of the tire improves the vehicle's driving performance, allowing it to overcome almost any off-road. However, at the same time, the mass of the structure itself grows, and the resistance increases during movement.

      Similarly: fat bike tires are used to ride in particularly difficult road conditions. However, this does not mean that such models are unsuitable for driving on the most ordinary city road. For a comfortable movement there, it is enough to slightly increase the pressure in the tires.

      When it comes to folding electric scooters with a seat, this option is very valuable.... Thanks to it, you can safely transport the device in a car, on a bus, on a train, and so on, without fear that its dimensions will create any problems.

      Finally, it is worth mentioning and about versions without a motor in the basic configuration: These are electric scooters for experienced riders who can easily find the optimal engine on their own.

      Rating of the best manufacturers

      One of the most powerful devices in terms of carrying capacity is now Eltreco Uber ES04-E. This electric scooter performs well both on city and country roads. It can transport up to 110 kg of cargo. In this case, the pressure on the seat should not exceed only 70 kg. Thanks to the strong (0.7 kW) motor, the Eltreco product confidently climbs a relatively steep slope.

      This model got to the top because an adult and a child can safely ride on it... The all-wheel drive scheme ensures long-distance ride comfort.

      However, it is worth noting the weaknesses of the model: the battery takes a long time to charge, and the scooter itself is very heavy.

      Alternatively, you can consider Zaxboard Rider. Its designers have provided for a 3-step waterproofing, which allows, albeit with caution, to ride even in winter.

      The Zaxboard Rider is equipped with 8-inch motor-wheels, the power of which is 0.35 kW. A state-of-the-art built-in computer is used to control the movement parameters. Ride comfort is ensured by spring-type shock absorbers installed at the front and rear. The battery is rated for 12000 mAh.

      However, because of it and a number of other features, the electric scooter is significantly heavier.

      Quite popular Kugoo light 350W. This electric scooter has a battery with a capacity of 8.8 Ah. The designers claim that the product will perform equally well on asphalt and on a primer. There is a high rate of ascent uphill and easy acceleration from a standstill. The front wheel is well damped and completely suppresses all bad driving sensations.

      The soft seat also has a shock absorption function... Wheels with a diameter of 8 inches are relatively well passable. The design of the frame and the quality of the joints allow for a quiet ride with a total load of 130 kg. The lithium-ion battery is very reliable. The scooter develops a speed of up to 30 km / h and easily travels 35-37 km on a full charge.

      At the request of the consumer, the height of the steering wheel and seat can be adjusted individually... There is a high-brightness LED headlight in front. And the rear brake light cannot be called faded. Drum brakes make it easy to maneuver, even in heavy traffic.The display of key indicators while driving is implemented using the built-in computer.

      Other parameters are as follows:

      • own weight 18 kg;
      • charging the battery from scratch in 240 minutes;
      • required mains voltage 220 V;
      • optimal operating mode from +10 to +30 degrees Celsius;
      • a footrest is provided.

        The even more powerful one deserves attention. Kugoo Max Speed ​​500W 48V... This electric scooter is equipped with a 13 amp-hour battery. The motor power is 0.35 kW. When the battery is fully charged, a scooter weighing 20.5 kg will travel up to 45 km. At this moment, the load can be up to 130 kg maximum.

        Other parameters are as follows:

        • 10-inch wheels;
        • top speed 40 km / h;
        • permissible tilt 20 degrees;
        • filling the battery in 5 hours;
        • ideal temperature from +10 to +30 degrees;
        • the maximum allowable temperature values ​​are from –10 to +40 degrees Celsius.

          Among adult models of electric scooters with a seat, it is worth paying attention to Eltreco Iconic L. This modification is thought out to the smallest detail and created with great care. The dimensions of the device are 1.15x0.2x0.55 m. The frame is made of aluminum, and the product as a whole weighs 15.3 kg. However, it is designed for loads of up to 110 kg and will suit even unsure sedentary eaters.

          Curious that the center of the platform is made of a monolithic aluminum sheet. It was bent so that the strength of the metal did not change. Reviews of the Eltreco scooter invariably note the absence of any backlash and very fast control response to any rider's manipulations. The front and rear have been fitted with carefully tested disc brakes. The rubber, made to order by Kenda, is resistant to rainy and snowy weather.

          Xiaomi m365 differs little from the model just described, since it occupies the same niche... Also used wheels with a diameter of 10 inches and rubber brand Kenda. Therefore, the reviews indicate amazing depreciation even in difficult conditions. The seat is quite wide and soft so that you can safely go on a long journey.

          For your information: for an additional fee, the electric scooter will be equipped with a front rack.

          Thanks to the motor, strengthened in comparison with the Eltreco product (0.5 kW), it was possible to raise the driving speed to 32 km / h. The designers took care, of course, to minimize backlash. Disc brakes are used, so stopping if necessary is very easy and simple. On the Xiaomi electric scooter, the maximum load is 110 kg. The total weight of the device itself (minus the seating position) is 16 kg, 5 different speed modes are provided.

          But some riders prefer Eltreco Uber ES07-1200W 48V. And this choice is quite reasonable. This model is attractive for residents of large cities with their intense pace of life. The ES07 design is also in line with the modern lifestyle. The maximum speed of 35 km / h is provided by a 1.2 kW motor. The current is supplied to it from a battery with a capacity of 12 ampere-hours; the voltage is 48 V.

          Criterias of choice

          The choice of an electric scooter with a seat for the elderly and children, paradoxically, obeys general requirements. It is imperative to ensure maximum safety and stability. It is by this criterion that you will have to evaluate:

          • steering;
          • brakes;
          • wheels;
          • shock absorbers.

          As for the country of origin, there is practically no choice. Only 1% or slightly more of electric scooters are manufactured outside of China... You just need to give preference to proven, well-known brands, and not dubious crafts from little-known firms. Then, most likely, there will be no reason to be disappointed in your choice. It is imperative to check the certificates of conformity.

          Reading the attractive numbers of speed and range in the descriptions, you need to take into account that in reality these parameters are also influenced by:

          • temperature of the air and the scooter itself;
          • slope of the road;
          • coating quality;
          • wear rate;
          • weight of the driver and transported cargo;
          • wheel pumping;
          • frequency and duration of acceleration;
          • driving style.

          Under very unfavorable circumstances mileage may be 40-50% less than the stated indicators. Therefore, it can be taken into account only as a general guideline, and not to place too high hopes.

          Important: the description should contain information not only about the capacity of the battery, but also about its voltage. Otherwise, there is an attempt by the manufacturer to hide the current indicator.

            A common recommendation is to “try on” the scooter and test it in motion.

            But not even all "physical" stores provide such an opportunity, not to mention e-commerce. To buy a quality product, you need to pay attention to other indicators. And above all, the type of battery. Yes, almost all modern models are equipped with lithium-ion batteries. However, lead-acid batteries, despite their great severity and memory effect, are good in that they almost do not lose capacity in the cold.

            If the lightness of the apparatus is very important, you need to give preference to models with motor-wheels.... With identical driving characteristics, they are 2-3 kg lighter than scooters equipped with separate electric motors. As for the size of the wheels, the diameter of 8-10 inches is considered sufficient in the city. However, overcoming pavement curbs with a wheel section of less than 10 inches is very difficult.

            Where there is a lot of tiles, pneumatic polyurethane wheels are great. They are also recommended for trips on dirt roads.

            Important: do not forget about the properties of the suspension. Maximum cushioning is achieved when the scooter is equipped with pneumatic wheels and both are cushioned. For your information: very often electric scooters have a suspension on only one wheel.

            Operating tips

            But now the electric scooter is bought, and the owner has everyday problems. The correct approach will help to soften them or even eliminate the appearance altogether. It is imperative to avoid completely discharging the battery. Driving until the charge is completely depleted can only be justified by very serious reasons, and not by the desire to have fun.... As in the case of mobile phones and laptops, the charger is first connected to the electric scooter, and only then to the current source.

            If the battery starts emitting a strange smell or becomes very hot, it must be replaced immediately. The same is done when some kind of liquid is poured from the inside. Connecting the scooter to wet connectors is prohibited. It is highly undesirable to store it in cool rooms, as well as where the humidity is high.

            As for trips in winter, in principle they are permissible. but be sure to wear warm clothing and thermal underwear. They dress before leaving as if the real temperature is 10-15 degrees below that shown by the thermometer. Given the wind and fast movement, this is likely to be the case. You should definitely take care of protection from splashes and snow.

            Important: you should not ride any electric scooter unless absolutely necessary if the air is colder than -10 degrees.

            You also need to choose the right road. Even on packed snow it is not as dangerous to ride as on ice. If ice is common, which is common in autumn and early spring, it is advisable to cover the wheels with spikes. You don't have to go somewhere - you can do the same yourself.

            Important: in cold weather, wheels made of polyurethane or solid rubber will be better than inflatable counterparts.

            For an overview of the Kugoo M2 folding electric scooter with a seat, see the next video.

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