Three-wheeled electric scooters: model overview and tips for choosing

Classic models of two-wheeled scooters have long overshadowed modern three-wheeled designs equipped with electric motors. Such vehicles have shown themselves to be very stable and easy to use. They are presented in a wide range - each consumer can find the best option for himself that meets all his requirements. In today's article, we will take a closer look at the features of three-wheeled electric scooters.
What it is?
The electric three-wheeled scooter is a classic kids scooter, but it is an improved design. It is complemented by a motor of a certain power, as well as an additional wheel, which makes it different from standard two-wheeled models.
They ride this type of transport without making any effort, since there is no need to push off the road with your foot.

Advantages and disadvantages
Three-wheel electric scooters are popular these days. This technique is in many ways ahead of conventional models, in which there are only two wheels. Let's take a look at what these advantages are.
- Three-wheeled electric scooters are stable, more comfortable and obedient to operate, which is noted by many of their owners.
- The technique in question can develop quite high speeds. There are such copies on sale that can be accelerated to a mark of 50 km / h or more.
- Three-wheeled scooters with a motor are presented in a rich assortment.For example, you can buy a very comfortable model with a seat, which will be able to travel long distances without feeling tired.
- Such vehicles usually contain lighting elements, thanks to which you can ride an electric scooter without hindrance even in the dark.
- Moving on an electric scooter through the streets of a big city with heavy traffic flows and concomitant traffic jams, the owner saves a lot of time, which is always in short supply.
- There are folding models among three-wheeled scooters. They are especially popular because they are very light and compact. They are conveniently stored in a small city apartment.
- To travel on this type of transport, you do not need to obtain a license or other permits. There is also no need to register a three-wheeled electric scooter separately.
The battery of the device may run out while driving, but this does not mean that after that it will be impossible to continue driving. The user can continue to hit the road, making his own efforts (pushing off the road with his foot).

But the devices in question have some drawbacks.
- They are almost unsuitable for cross-country travel.
- Too great distances are unlikely to be covered without recharging.
- Such equipment must be charged up to 100%, which often takes a lot of free time.
- Many models of three-wheeled electric scooters are quite expensive, especially when it comes to a product of a well-known brand.
- Most of these devices, with a low percentage of battery charge, can only be activated in the same way as conventional scooters move, that is, pushing one foot off the road surface.

When buying this modern form of urban transport for a child or an adult user, it is advisable to find out how it works. Electric models are made on the basis of classic scooters, but with a more reliable frame part, supplemented by an electric motor. It also has a lithium-ion or lead-acid battery. The latter is less common and less practical, being inferior to lithium-ion cells in many respects.
In addition, the following parts are provided in the device of a 3-wheel scooter:
- electronic controller (responsible for the control and operation of all systems in the unit);
- brakes (can be disc, caliper, drum with steering control);
- folding or stationary seat (not available in all designs);
- measuring components (speedometer, odometer);
- light type signaling (headlight, brakes, turn signals);
- rear view mirrors;
- trunk with a basket for transporting various goods;
- wheel suspension with shock absorbers.

Model overview
Let's take a look at some of the popular three-wheel electric scooters.
- SF-8 Comfort. A compact three-wheeled copy, equipped with a large and most comfortable seat. Ideal for riders weighing no more than 90 kg. The throttle stick is used to start. The device can accelerate to 40 km / h.

- MyToy Zappy. A very nice scooter that looks respectable and expensive. Manufacturers have taken care of the ease of use of this original and popular model. The design includes a steering wheel and a seat - both parts are adjustable, so any rider can adjust the device for themselves. The construction platform is stable and reliable, with a springy front fork and rear shock absorbers. The weight of the device is 35 kg.

- Eltreco scuddy life... Specialists from Germany have developed a high-quality model with unsurpassed technical characteristics.The design provides for a non-standard arrangement of pneumatic wheels with a diameter of 12 inches - two of them are in the front, and one is in the back. The device is equipped with a folding mechanism, a removable battery.

- IFreego 250W. A lightweight folding electric scooter that is quite stable and comfortable to ride. This model is perfect for older users, because, like all 3-wheeled models, it does not force the driver to diligently maintain balance. There is a lithium-ion battery housed in the steering column area. The frame is made of lightweight aluminum alloy.

How to choose?
Among modern 3-wheeled scooters with a motor, a common buyer can easily get lost. Finding themselves in a store where such interesting equipment is sold, people often face the difficulty of choosing the most suitable and practical model that will meet all their wishes. Let's take a closer look at what criteria are important to consider when looking for the ideal option.
- Battery power. This is the main thing to look out for when looking for the best device. It is advisable to look for specimens whose battery capacity is designed for more serious distances (for example, 25 km). Low-power batteries may not be charged enough to travel even short distances in urban environments.
- Scooter speed. The optimal speed is considered to be between 25 and 35 km / h. With such an indicator of speed, you can safely go for quiet walks in parks, for shopping, when there is no desire to add speed. Of course, you can find faster models that can accelerate to 90 km / h, but this figure cannot be called safe. To ride such vehicles, it is better to have a lot of experience and certain skills.
- Wheel size. We must not forget about the diameter of the wheels in the construction of a scooter with a motor. Models with wheels of 8-10 inches are considered to be optimal. Less wheels will make riding the scooter uncomfortable, and overcoming irregularities on the road will become completely unrealistic. Well, too large wheels mean extra weight and an increase in overall characteristics.
- Weight. It is recommended to buy three-wheeled scooters with an engine, weighing from 10 to 20 kg. If a girl or a child plans to use the device, then the scooter should be light, otherwise it will cause a lot of inconvenience to its owner.
- Rider weight, load. It is worth knowing how much user weight the design of the electric scooter is designed for. On sale there are both models for riders up to 90 kg, and more reinforced specimens that can withstand up to 150 kg without problems.
- Availability of depreciation. Experts recommend giving preference to scooters with high-quality suspension. Shock absorbers installed in both the front and rear absorb vibrations during driving. Thus, trips with the device are smoother and more comfortable.
- Color, design. This criterion largely depends on the personal preference of the rider. Today in stores you can find models in a wide variety of colors and designs. In this abundance, the black color stands out for its practicality. On a scooter of this color, there are not so many dirty marks or damage (scratches, chips). Even if similar defects appear on the structure, they can be made invisible by tint with a black marker.
- Manufacturer. Try to choose branded adult or children's scooter models with an engine and three wheels. Branded products are not only more attractive, but also reliable and durable. Many products are covered by a warranty.

Choosing a model of a well-known brand, the buyer protects himself from buying a low-quality or non-original product.
For an overview of the three-wheeled electric scooter, see below.