Hair epilation

All about gel hair removal

All about gel hair removal
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Popular gels
  4. Preparation
  5. How to use?
  6. Follow-up care
  7. Review overview

Nowadays, the natural hairline on the body of a girl is welcome only if it is located on the scalp. In all other cases, it must be removed, otherwise the young lady may be considered sloppy. To date, a lot of different ways have been invented to solve the problem, and the razor has long been no longer the most popular and convenient tool for eliminating hair. Gel hair removal has recently been considered a very promising direction, which is already worthy of ladies' attention.


Gel hair removal (gelling) was invented quite recently and is suitable for treating hair on any part of the body, be it legs, arms or bikini area. All that is needed is to smear the skin with a special gel, which weakens the connection between the skin and hair follicles, so that they almost fall out on their own.

Nobody pulls anything with effort, this is not a painful procedure, which even for the sake of a great result does not really want to go.

All hair removal gels are based on calcium thioglycollate - a harmless product, unless you apply it to those hairs that will still come in handy. It should be noted that one gel procedure does not at all mean that you will get rid of hair once and for all - the effect will last about a month, and the amount of hair after this period will be restored by 75-80%, although they will already be thinner and softer, of a discreet light shade ... At the same time, separate means are selected for different parts of the body, each of which is produced taking into account exactly where it will be used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not having time to really go to the masses, the epilation gel has already made a splash.This is an effective remedy, shown, regardless of gender (but more beloved, of course, by women), for any area and skin of all types. Briefly, the advantages can be presented in the form of the following list:

  • no discomfort, including pain, irritation, and itching;
  • ingrowth of hair after the procedure does not occur;
  • the gel does not burn the skin and does not leave a sticky feeling on it;
  • you can even do gel hair removal at home - the gel is sold in any city, the procedure itself does not require any special knowledge or skills.

At first glance, there are much fewer drawbacks. First of all, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components of the selected composition, because there may be various oils and natural ingredients for additional skin care, and among them allergens are not uncommon. In addition, the gel cannot be used on tattooed areas of the skin, and if the hair breaks right through the tattoo, you will have to look for another way to remove it.

To say that this is all, but it was not there - in fact, there are so many contraindications that they noticeably limit the scope of the remedy. Here are the main reasons why gel hair removal may be prohibited:

  • any skin problems - from wounds and cuts to moles, papillomas, warts and psoriasis;
  • obvious protrusion of veins with varicose veins;
  • epilepsy and diabetes;
  • late pregnancy and lactation.

However, these same restrictions are equally relevant for most other types of hair removal, and the advantages of the gel over competitors are still very impressive.

Popular gels

Although the gel for hair removal is still considered a novelty and even still able to surprise many women by the very fact of its existence, manufacturers quickly realized that this is a new trend, having developed a lot of different gels with additional skin care effects, as well as designed for very specific areas. application.

It makes no sense to list absolutely all the names within this article, but there are some brands that have already earned the sincere love of the female audience today. If you are not yet familiar with such products, our list of top brands will probably be of interest to you.

Let's Gel

The company's products are considered one of the best due to the responsible approach of developers to the result of their activities - all innovations are necessarily comprehensively tested for the ability to cause any harm to the human body. The tool, according to the creators, does not know how to penetrate the skin, which means that it is unable to enter the bloodstream, will not harm the expectant mother and her fetus, although we, for our part, have no doubt that doctors would still not advise using it during pregnancy.

The drug is universal in the sense that it can be used in all areas, even suitable for amateur use at home. The price per pack starts from 500 rubles.

In assessing the duration of the effect, the manufacturer is still quite modest - he promises no hair for only 2-4 weeks.


Unlike the previous version, it is considered, rather, to be cosmetics for the salon, since it must be applied several times to the same place. An increase in the complexity of the procedure has a good effect on the result - hair removal is very effective, a second procedure will not be required for at least 4 weeks. The composition is such that when applied, a peeling effect is also achieved, which does not interfere with the use of the product even in sensitive areas without unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation. You will have to pay at least 600 rubles for the package.


It is positioned as a purely home remedy, which does not contain synthetics, but is based solely on natural ingredients.Despite the fact that it is suitable for all skin types and various zones, it is considered the most effective and practical for removing excess hair on the face. The substance is convenient and pleasant to work with, since it is not too fluid, but it has a pleasant smell.

Additional effects include moisturizing and softening the skin. The absolute leader of consumer sympathies, because it was not possible to find negative comments in his direction on women's forums. The average price for cosmetics of this kind is from 570 rubles per container.


Probably one of the most versatile gels for hair removal, as it has a number of additional properties and can be considered a full-fledged cosmetics. After applying the gel, it is no longer necessary to use a cream to slow down hair growth, because the components of this action are already in the composition.

The peeling effect in the form of exfoliation of the keratinized epithelium is also present. There is also a rather rare useful effect for such drugs in the form of restoring the normal pH level, "standard" moisturizing of the skin, of course, is also included in the "package". The cost starts from 600 rubles.

You should also not ignore the products of the brands Veet (cheap - from 400 rubles), Depileve and Cliven.


If you have never used a purchased product before, it is prudent to check if you will have any allergic reactions to any of the components. It is not necessary to do serious tests with a doctor - in most cases, it is enough to apply a small amount of the product to the wrist and wait at least 20 minutes. If, after the specified period, no undesirable manifestations such as itching, burning or redness are observed in the test area, then they should not be in the area planned for epilation.

Although the gel procedure is rightly one of the easiest for a girl caring for herself, preliminary preparation of the skin still does not hurt. Another thing is that the sequence of actions in this case is very simple - you don't even need to take anesthetic or get nervous because of the different hair lengths, as long as they are longer than 0.8 mm.

Experts advise using the gel about once every 4-5 weeks, while the optimal period is the middle of the monthly cycle, and the schedule can be directly tied to the menstruation calendar. Some procedures are possible only significantly earlier than gel hair removal - for example, Botox injections under the skin mean that you cannot epilate hair with gel in this area for at least a week and a half, and peeling requires waiting a week.

Knowing this, plan the appropriate procedures in advance.

The day before applying the gel on the treated surface, you must stop using any fatty creams and oils, if they are included in your cosmetic bag as important ingredients. Finally, immediately before the session, it is imperative to take a bath or shower - full penetration of the gel into the skin is possible only if the skin is completely cleansed of any contamination.

Unlike all other hair removal methods, hot water has been discouraged for the last 6 hours - although the gel penetrates the skin, we are not interested in it getting too deep.

In addition, the skin should not be overdried, therefore, the use of alcohol-containing substances, in particular, deodorants, is not recommended for the same several hours.

How to use?

Gel epilation is not a complicated procedure, nevertheless, even it involves a certain recommended course of action, non-compliance with which can affect the result for the worse. After bathing, it is advisable to additionally soften and steam the skin in the treated area - a water bath or an ordinary hot towel is useful for this.

After that, squeeze out the gel and distribute it in an even layer over the area that you are processing. The exact thickness is usually not specified, but it is understood that the composition should completely cover the skin without leaving untreated areas. This is done not with bare hands, but with a special spatula or spatula. Then you just have to wait, and the waiting time strongly depends on which type of product you have chosen, and which zone is being processed.

You can clarify the waiting time in the instructions for a particular drug, but it always ranges from 5 to 15 minutes.

After the specified time has elapsed, the hair should have already separated from the hair follicle in the thickness of the skin. The gel itself is mainly not absorbed into the skin, therefore, together with the hair that has fallen out, it must be removed from the surface of the skin - this is also done with a spatula. After that, the treated area is thoroughly washed with warm water, since the remains of the gel must be removed from the skin, and lubricated with a cream, for example, slowing down hair growth, nourishing or restoring.

Please note that you cannot use a deodorant or self-tanner not only for a few hours before the procedure, but also after it. Give your skin a chance to fully recover, because without even showing it with pain or irritation, it still experienced a certain amount of stress.

Follow-up care

After gel epilation, the skin does not need any special care, but nevertheless it is worth taking care of it, because, as mentioned above, even such a gentle operation still presents discomfort to it. If you ignore simple recovery requirements, you may end up with irritation in the treated area.

First of all, do not irritate the skin even more. As long as everything is in order with the skin, we allow ourselves to wear clothes made of any fabrics and do not even notice that some of them are not too gentle on our bodies.

Hard rubbing of the skin, which has recently undergone gel hair removal, will surely respond with irritation, so you should look in the wardrobe in advance for clothes made from natural fabrics - it should be worn at least in the next couple of days.

Overheating and exposure to aggressive ultraviolet radiation in all forms are contraindicated in the treated area. Neither the solarium nor the beach is allowed in the first 2 days, which is not very convenient for many women - after all, gel epilation is performed just when menstruation is far away, and this time could be used for a pleasant rest, but you have to choose between beauty and sunbathing. It is also unacceptable to use hot water for hygiene procedures - no one forbids a bath or shower, but you should not scald yourself.

Of course, you can help faster skin recovery by using various cosmetics, whether it be regenerating creams or various emulsions. At the same time, they must be selected, reading into the composition, because the contact of the treated area with alcohol, even in small concentrations and doses, is undesirable. With them, you run the risk of overdrying the skin, because of which it will turn red, it may begin to peel off or crack.

Review overview

It is enough to look at any forum about female beauty for just a couple of minutes to understand: the young ladies are so tired of all these painful methods of removing excess vegetation that the mere fact that the gel does not cause pain turns out to be a real gift of fate for them. Reviews of clients of beauty salons are literally full of laudatory odes - although the procedure performed by a professional costs even a little more than the classic and familiar shugaring, according to the girls, it is worth it. It's no joke - it doesn't hurt, and provides impressive smoothness and silkiness of the skin, and gives an effect for at least a month!

Even doctors, who are traditionally critical of various innovations in the field of beauty and health, do not speak out against the gel for hair removal in their comments. True, they especially strongly insist that, for all its advantages, the remedy still has contraindications, which categorically prohibit the use of such drugs. They especially try to attract the attention of pregnant women, epileptics and diabetics - these categories of users of gel for hair removal often forget that even healthy skin on the treated area is not always a guarantee of the permitted use of the product.

The video below will tell you more about gel hair removal.

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