Hair epilation

All about deep bikini epilation

All about deep bikini epilation
  1. What it is?
  2. Benefit and harm
  4. Which procedure should you choose?
  5. How to Prepare?
  6. How is it going in the salon?
  7. How can you do it yourself at home?
  8. Further care
  9. Review overview

In recent decades, much attention has been paid to hair on the human body - either it should not grow at all, even if it is so laid down by nature, or it should not attract too much attention. Quite a lot has already been said about the fact that hair in various places, except for the scalp, accumulates unpleasant odors and can become a breeding ground for microbes, because their removal is an inevitable element of self-care, and stubborn reluctance to do this can be perceived as slovenliness ... However, hair removal can also be done in different ways, and for many modern girls, deep bikini epilation is still a wonder.

What it is?

Shaving not only the armpits, but also the crotch of the girl began several decades ago, when it became popular thanks to a new trend in adult films. Since then, numerous methods of hair removal have been invented, making it possible to do it less painfully and more effectively, but they still differ in the approach to which hair is permissible to leave and how much.

Depilation of a deep bikini for hair is considered the least gentle, and all because it is designed for young ladies who want to remain completely hairless. Classic bikini bioepilation assumes that the hair under the underwear is removed almost completely, but the ideal smoothness of the female genital area is not required - it is only important that the contour of the panties made of thin fabric is not disturbed by lush vegetation, and even more so it does not knock up.

A deep bikini requires a major hair removal, and not only on the pubis and on the inner thigh, but even in the anus. According to the results of the procedure, the skin should remain completely hairless and even without barely noticeable stubble - smooth, like a little girl's. It is understood that a woman who has undergone such a procedure looks flawlessly both in the thinnest and most erotic lingerie and completely naked.

Benefit and harm

Like most relatively new fashion trends, deep bikini hair removal finds both supporters and opponents. This is largely a matter of taste, as well as individual preferences, but if you are just thinking about whether it is worth it or not, you need to at least figure out why it is worth agreeing to it and for what reasons many refuse it.

Let's briefly go over the advantages of the procedure and its disadvantages, and let's start with the good ones.

  • Once and for a long time. If you do not need to explain why shaving your pubis is necessary, you can skip the following paragraphs - this will be enough. So, shaving is required all the time, but for all its usefulness it is by no means a pleasant procedure. In most cases, deep bikini hair removal is also far from a pleasant pastime, but it is done once and for a long time (the exact time depends on the method and individual characteristics of the lady). It is better to suffer occasionally than regularly - this is the main plus of the procedure.
  • With a deep bikini, the hair is completely removed, along with the bulbs, and this is of great importance for hygiene. After the procedure, not the slightest stubble remains, and in fact there could be an excellent zone for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. The female reproductive system, in principle, is not very well protected from various infections - which means that you need to monitor the pubis and its surroundings especially closely. Of course, unpleasant odors will also cling less, and this is already a matter of elementary comfort.
  • Modern society is no longer as closed as before - linen covers only the most intimate, and on some beaches you can sunbathe without any clothes at all... At the same time, furry, and even shapeless, will cause persistent thoughts in those around that you are not looking after yourself at all. Let them not say it out loud, but I don’t want to go to the beach in order to catch incomprehensible glances, as well as wear panties in the best Soviet traditions - shapeless and up to mid-thigh. After epilation of a deep bikini, there will be nothing to be ashamed of - in terms of aesthetics, everything will be perfect.
  • Lack of hair and stubble - this is a huge advantage for the woman herself. With regular shaving, the spiky stubble will appear constantly, so it is wise to get rid of it for a long time. It should be noted that a man will certainly appreciate the increased smoothness of the skin.

We honestly admit that, judging by the reviews, there are no fewer drawbacks, however, a minority complains and is even ready to completely abandon epilation of a deep bikini. The main reason for criticism is the painfulness of the procedure. This, of course, is true, but young ladies with coarse hair usually experience pain, and then constant shaving is unlikely to be more pleasant for them, while not shaving at all is hardly useful either. As an interim solution, you can test different methods of epilation - they will be discussed in more detail below.

You can also find the point of view that deep bikini hair removal is dangerous for women's health - in fact, not if you go to professionals, and they responsibly choose the method of solving the problem. Finally, some, frankly, lazy young ladies refer to the fact that hair was conceived by nature to protect against bacteria penetration into the vagina - it is, but only nature did not foresee that mankind would come up with a shower and the concept of hygiene as such, which are just directed to fight pathogenic microorganisms.But on the abundant "hair", which in a hurry often remains unwashed, microbes just can live for a very long time.

In fact, a lot depends on how the deep bikini was epilated.


Almost diametrically opposite reviews of deep bikini hair removal are largely due to the fact that the procedure is performed in different ways, and, therefore, proceeds in fundamentally different ways. Someone of the critics of intimate hair removal can completely reconsider their attitude to the process if they know everything about its various varieties.


This type is often called diode hair removal and is very widespread. At first glance, you can't find fault with the technique - she solves the hair problem once and for all, and instantly, and it does not matter what type of hair and skin. The service is also not so expensive, but there were some drawbacks: the fact is that the bulb is destroyed by the current from the diode, which must be inserted directly under the skin. Because of this, such a method is really painful and it simply will not work to go through the test quickly.

In addition, the skill of the performer is very important here, and not every person working in an inexpensive salon somewhere in the province is really a professional.


If during electrolysis the skin is pierced and it hurts, then here is a real paradise for opponents of pain sensations - the bulb is destroyed by the heat that is supplied to the skin along with light. Nobody pierces any skin, so it won't hurt, and instead of damage, the skin will have a tonic effect. The result, however, is not achieved forever, but it is long lasting.

However, even here it was not without problems: at least the crotch will not go bald right away - hair will fall out gradually, and this procedure is useless for urgent hair removal. Photoepilation is successful in the fight against dark hair, but light and gray hair is indifferent to it. Again, painlessness and complete safety is when the master is good and experienced, but if not, you can get a skin burn.

Laser hair removal

There is no need to explain the principle of this procedure - the bulbs of the pubic hair are treated with a laser, due to which they become unviable and the hair falls out. Not that it is completely painless, but the electrolysis described above is definitely more painful, and the laser also helps to achieve the result faster, "conjure" even over the most sensitive areas and provide a lasting effect.

Hair after such treatment also does not grow in, but, as in the case of photoepilation, real smoothness of the skin is achieved only after a while (usually after a week), and the effectiveness varies depending on the color of the skin in the intimate area and the hair on it.

In addition, laser technology is still not cheap.

Elos epilation

For those who cannot choose between photoepilation and laser method, there is this relatively new method. It combines all the main advantages of these techniques - it is painless, equally effective for all types of hair, does not harm the skin and gives a fairly quick effect. Normally, “Ideal” services always have a common disadvantage - it is high cost, which not every client can afford. In addition, it has been observed that 100% hair removal is likely, but still not guaranteed.

Qool epilation

This is a special type of laser hair removal, which until now is quite rare, and it is hardly worth counting on in cities that do not claim to be a metropolis. There is no contact with the skin, and at the same time there is no thermal radiation - the laser works in a cold one. The advantages and disadvantages are the same as with conventional laser hair removal.

AFT epilation

In addition to all the methods described above, you can also destroy hair follicles with pulsating infrared radiation - in fact, heat, as with photoepilation, but the principle of action is slightly different. The novelty, despite the actual destruction of the hair roots by heat, does not overheat the skin at all and is suitable for all types of it. Absolutely all hairs are affected - none will be missed.

This method is good because it is allowed and effective even for varicose veins, but it costs, as you probably already guessed, not cheap. Again - since nothing is plucked out or pulled out, the result will appear only after a week.

Due to the novelty of the technology, it will be quite difficult to find a master who would understand the process and know how to work with the equipment for the sake of a good result and client's comfort.

Which procedure should you choose?

Despite the variety of available options for deep bikini epilation, you often need to choose a method not only of your own free will, but also for medical reasons. In an amicable way, in the institution where you have planned to do hair removal, you must clearly explain which method is best for you and why, but in regions where there is no particular competition, the salon employees may be lacking in professionalism or even simply try to impose a more expensive service on the visitor. , not giving a damn about her health. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand the topic itself.

Since the most important thing for most ladies is the effect, electrolysis is most often the choice - it is probably the most painful, but the most effective. The main thing is to choose a good salon and a popular master, because once is enough to solve the problem of hair in the intimate area forever! It's better to be patient once than to shave regularly or become a regular client of intimate hair removal specialists.

Do not forget that some types of hair removal for certain categories of women are safer than competing methods. For example, with all the advantages of electrolysis, it is better for women with a tendency to form keloid scars to abandon this techniqueotherwise you will not be happy that the skin remains exposed and the hair does not cover these scars. Photoepilation, painless and not painful for most, is accompanied by heating of the skin, and in some people this causes a painful reaction.

Besides, in many cases, urgency is of the utmost importance. You can overpay for a procedure that supposedly will give an excellent result and pass completely without pain, but what is the use if the effect is only in a week, and you need to be beautiful tomorrow.

Finally, remember the main rule: only women who go to good specialists leave good reviews about deep bikini hair removal, and a non-professional can ruin any technique.

Focus on the reviews of people you trust, go only to those salons in your city that everyone praises. If everyone says that traditionally painful electrolysis is not so scary here, and only a salon that is not popular offers fashionable painless methods, think about why this is happening.

How to Prepare?

Modern hair removal does not require special preparations, and yet it is worth adhering to the minimum recommendations that will weaken the unpleasant sensations and help to survive the process, the pain of which is so often complained about.

First of all, remember that towards the end of the day, the person does not perceive pain as much. If you really need to, then you can go for epilation in the morning, but if you have a choice, go there in the evening.

Even if you chose a completely painless technique, and everything went well, keep in mind that significant changes have occurred in your body, and the bulbs that are in the thickness of the skin, as a result, have completely died out. A good master should not have the skin itself hurt, but it is better not to provoke it with unnecessary discomfort now. After the salon, go home and just relax, and choose loose clothes, without inappropriate tight-fitting, and preferably made from natural cotton.

When planning a trip to the salon, be guided by your own monthly calendar. The general sensitivity to pain increases markedly not only on critical days - it is also relevant for several days before and after menstruation. Accordingly, you should not torment yourself once again - come to the procedure another time.

How is it going in the salon?

Many shy young ladies who have never been to such a procedure are interested in how the process is organized - after all, they epilate the intimate area so that not a single hair remains. It turns out that there is a complete exposure of the perineum and the area around the anus, and some are driven into the paint. In fact, they do the following: the cost of the service includes the issuance of disposable clean linen, because a woman has the opportunity to change clothes and be clean with the master, even if there was no opportunity to run into the shower.

However, bashfulness still has to be discarded, and there are two reasons for this: firstly, disposable underwear does not particularly hide anything, and secondly, a deep bikini is correctly carried out only when all the places where there is hair is completely exposed. Thus, disposable underwear is a purely psychological move, in fact, the visitor will be constantly asked to pull it off, showing all the secret places in turn. You should not be ashamed of the masters - they see each client this way and they don't care, in about the same way as gynecologists.

How can you do it yourself at home?

Deep bikini epilation usually implies a very reliable and long-lasting result that does not require regular visits to the salon - if you have to repeat the visit, it will be very long ago. When they say that the procedure can be carried out at home, you need to understand that in a sense this is self-deception - you can only remove your hair not by shaving, but by other methods, but you cannot count on an ideal and too long-lasting effect.

You can arm yourself with a special technique - an epilator. It will turn out quickly and quite effectively, but here it will definitely not work out painlessly - the painful sensations will be very bright. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be thoroughly steamed, and then lathered and, by stretching, led with a tool against hair growth. It is better to choose those epilators that work even in water, then the skin will not freeze after steaming.

It is possible that individual hairs will be missed - then you will have to work with them with tweezers.

Removing hair from the bikini area is also possible with hot wax, but this requires good practice - in inexperienced hands, the method will lead to the formation of bruises and even wounds. Again, this is not painless at all, and to complete the procedure, the hair must grow at least 7 mm. To begin with, the skin is dried (you can do this with talcum powder), and then, after heating the wax to a state of fluidity, it is thinly smeared over the hairy area in the direction of hair growth with a special spatula.

Then they take a fabric strip and, applying it on top of the wax, smooth it in one motion to eliminate wrinkles, while pressing it against the body. After waiting a minute, the strip must be torn off - sharply and strongly, in one motion, against the growth of the hair and only from the previously stretched skin, otherwise there will be those very bruises and wounds. These strips cover the entire hairy area, and the remaining wax is washed off with a stream of warm water.

You don't have to invent anything with separate wax and fabric strips, but instead buy factory-made wax strips straight away. The principle of operation and effect will be the same, but for the young lady it turns out less fuss. You shouldn't find fault with the size and shape of such strips - they can be cut without any problems as it comes to mind, from this they will not work worse.

At home, you can even do shugaring, that is, epilation with sugar.The advantage of this method is that it is less irritating to the skin than waxing, and is suitable even for very sensitive skin, and the ingredients for the mixture are even easier to find than wax.

The recipe is as follows: a couple of tablespoons of water and the same amount of lemon juice are poured into a glass of sugar, after which the mass is heated to a boil over low heat (all the time of the same strength) and boiled for about ten minutes. After the substance first turns white and then turns brown, remove it from heat and allow to cool to such an extent that you can handle it. The sticky mass should be allowed to cool down yet, but if it has hardened too much, add a little water and melt again.

Roll the resulting mass into a ball, and then simply separate the pieces from it and spread over the area planned for epilation... You can tear off sharply or smoothly roll back into a ball - the main thing is that the hair remains in the mass.

The appearance of red dots in the place of the former hair is very likely, but they will disappear in a matter of hours.

Further care

After epilation by any method, irritation, red spots and other undesirable phenomena are possible. If you did the procedure in the salon, and the master showed himself from the best side, it is reasonable to ask him how best to deal with negative consequences, but good advice can also be found on women's forums.

Everyone agrees that After epilation, the skin needs rest, so the advice to wear loose underwear and loose clothing on the first day after epilation seems obvious. Otherwise, each lady solves the problem in her own way - someone resorts to the help of an ordinary after-shave lotion, disinfects the skin with alcohol (although it burns), and uses calendula ointment from red dots.

Alternatively, you can try regular baby powder, natural aloe or cosmetics based on it, strong chamomile tea, blue clay, or any baby cream.

Review overview

Comments on deep bikini hair removal can be found very different, but despite the fact that some ladies describe this procedure as unbearable, most agree that it is rather useful, and with the right choice of a specialist and technique, it is not so terrible in terms of pain.

There is no doubt that perception is highly dependent on individual sensitivity to pain and other factors, but in general, deep bikini epilation can be endured by everyone, especially since the long-lasting effect in some cases allows you to forget about shaving intimate areas forever... At the same time, homework is usually recommended only to those young ladies who have been in the salon many times and already know all the subtleties of what is happening by heart.

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