All about laser hair removal

Excessive vegetation on the body is a subject of complexes for many people, regardless of gender. Most men and women today strive for smooth, clear skin. Hair removal with a laser is a modern technique by which you can maintain the smoothness of the upper layer of the epithelium for a long time.

Features, advantages and disadvantages
Laser hair removal is a popular procedure for removing vegetation. The popularity is due to the painlessness of the process and the safety of using the laser. If the patient follows the necessary advice on skin care, then there will be no negative consequences or side effects. The laser will help to make the skin smooth for a long time. It's worth understanding how it works.
The principle of laser hair removal is quite simple. It involves the destruction and complete destruction of the hair follicle. The laser passes along the hair shaft, instantly heating the melanin cells, which causes the death of the hair follicle. At the same time, the skin is not damaged, and the person is not hurt.

It should be noted that the procedure is aimed at removing hair that is 3-5 mm in length. This is explained by the fact that this length means the active phase of hair growth, therefore, it is more exposed to radiation. If the dormant bulbs are exposed to the laser, hair will eventually grow back over time. Then you won't be able to get rid of them.
To achieve complete body hair removal, several procedures are required with an interval of a couple of weeks between them. Pros of laser hair removal:
- long-lasting result;
- the ability to remove ingrown hairs and blackheads;
- skin rejuvenation and restoration of the upper layer of the epithelium;
- the possibility of using a laser to treat the intimate area;
- painlessness and safety.

Minus laser hair removal is that, in one session, it will not be possible to remove vegetation forever. You will have to attend several procedures to achieve the desired result. Also, the disadvantages include the duration of the procedure itself. Sometimes a session can last up to one and a half hours.
Finally, a significant disadvantage of this type of hair removal is the high price.

Indications and contraindications
Laser hair removal is indicated for:
- tendency to ingrown hair;
- inflammation of the skin;
- hypertrichosis;
- increased skin sensitivity to shaving hands and feet;
- light skin tone and dark hair.

It is better to sign up for procedures from the age of 18. At an earlier age, you can attend a laser hair removal session, but only with the written consent of one of the parents. This method of hair removal has contraindications.
- Pregnancy. The instructions for the device do not prohibit the procedure at the time of gestation, but most cosmetologists recommend abandoning this technique for a while.
- Lactation. There is no particular ban, but hormonal changes can lead to unexpected effects from the laser. There were cases when the laser did not help at all to get rid of unwanted hair on the body.
- Tan. In this case, it will be more difficult for the device to act on the follicles, which will increase the risk of unpleasant consequences.
- Moles. If a mole gets hit by a laser, it can start to grow. It is better to consult a doctor before the procedure.
- Viral diseases or infections. You can start laser hair removal only after the patient has fully recovered.
- Benign formations. It is not recommended to remove hair with a laser when diagnosing such pathologies.
- High pressure. The procedure in this case is dangerous and harmful.

Also, doctors and cosmetologists do not advise visiting laser hair removal if there are abrasions or cuts on the skin. Before carrying out the procedure, it is better to consult with a beautician who will tell you whether it is possible to remove hair with a laser and which method should be chosen if this is not possible.
Side effects may include burns, pigmentation, or allergic reactions of the dermis to the laser. In many ways, the formation of such negative reactions of the body is caused by the condition of the skin, the power of the device and the qualifications of the specialist who performs the procedure.

Description of species
Laser devices use different types of waves - long and short. Depending on the type of wave, the power of the device is determined... Low power devices are less discomforting and are suitable for certain skin types.
It is worth taking a closer look at the types of lasers.

The most efficient device for dynamic hair removal. The laser is used in beauty salons and private cosmetic clinics. The device gives a high and guaranteed result. Before using the device, it will be necessary to cool the skin externally. Advantages:
- the ability to remove light hairs;
- lack of painful sensations;
- low risk of skin burns.
The result can be achieved in just a couple of sessions.

How it works - using short waves to destroy the follicle... The device is quite old and not so popular, it is often found in cosmetology clinics. This laser has more disadvantages than advantages. Despite the low cost of the procedure, the laser leaves behind irritation and is not suitable for removing light or red hair.

The device has a built-in skin cooling function, through which it is possible to reduce pain during the procedure. Laser advantages:
- complete destruction of the follicle;
- the ability to remove hair on the body of a man;
- lack of painful sensations.
Unfortunately, this laser cannot destroy light or red hairs.

The peculiarity of the device is the use of long waves during operation. Epilation with such a device will help to act on the hair follicle and the vessel that feeds it. The result is complete destruction of the follicle. pros:
- the ability to use to remove light and red hair;
- deep penetration of waves;
- guaranteed result.
Disadvantage neodymium laser are the painful sensations experienced by the patient during the session. Basically, such a device is used to eliminate the vascular network or scars.

How to prepare for the process?
Before visiting the procedure, it is worth preparing for it. This must be done carefully. First of all, it is worth studying the types of lasers and the features of the operation of each device. Also it is recommended to learn more about how the session is carried out and what contraindications and side effects the procedure has.
In 2-4 months it is necessary to stop removing hair with wax, razors, shugaring pastes. It also follows:
- give up tanning and solarium;
- in a month, start treating the skin with a cream that protects against UV radiation;
- stop using alcohol-containing lotions in a couple of weeks.

The day before the session, you should stop using creams, deodorants and any decorative cosmetics, so as not to harm the skin.
Many people wonder how long hair should be before epilation. The length of the hair to be removed must not be less than 1 mm.
It should be noted right away that laser hair removal may not give the expected result. This is determined by the hormonal background, which activates or reduces hair growth, and is also responsible for the restoration of the bulbs. If a man or woman has hormonal disorders, then the hairs will appear even after exposure to them with a laser. In this case, you should consult with a beautician who will suggest an appropriate method for removing vegetation.

Stages of the
The hair removal procedure is carried out in several stages:
- preparatory - lasts 2-4 months, during which the patient takes care of the skin and grows hairs;
- the main one - involves a laser therapy session;
- care after the session - the duration of the last stage depends on the type of dermis.
Before depilation, you should consult with a beautician and do a laser sensitivity test. If the patient's pain threshold is low, the doctor will recommend an anesthetic cream.

During the session, the patient and the doctor must have special safety glasses in front of their eyes. This need is explained by the negative effect of the laser on the pigment, which is located in the iris of the eye.
Laser hair removal is performed on dry and previously cleansed skin. The settings of the device are selected depending on the individual characteristics of the patient - skin type, hormonal levels, hair thickness and length. The frequency of the sessions is determined by the doctor. After epilation for two weeks, the hairs will gradually fall out - this is correct and normal.

Features of epilation of different parts of the body
The laser acts differently on different parts of the body. This is explained by the heterogeneity of the vegetation cover. In some areas, the hair follicles can be located deeply, while in others, on the contrary, closer to the epithelium. It can also be caused by the gender of the patient. For example, removing hair from the neck is easier for women than for men.
The armpits are a hormone-dependent area characterized by thick and well-pigmented hairs. Laser hair removal will give a positive and lasting effect for both men and women.
After the procedure, it is recommended to give up the tanning bed and sun rays for a while.Sometimes, after the laser, there may be an allergic reaction in the form of slight irritation or peeling. This is normal and it will go away soon.
Until the allergic reaction has subsided, it is not recommended to sunbathe and swim.

Intimate parts
Treatment of these areas is effective in 100% of cases. The hairs of the intimate area are predominantly dark and coarse, which will require attending several sessions. There is a slight difference in the hairs between the buttocks. They are lighter and thinner, which allows them to be removed quickly, leaving the skin smoother.

Legs and arms
The peculiarity of epilation of these zones begins with the preparatory stage. Before the session, you will need to shave off the hairs from the arms and legs and wait for the new ones to grow 3-4 mm. After that, you can proceed to the main procedure.
The advantage of laser treatment of hands and feet is painlessness... The beam affects only the hair shaft, which eliminates the need for anesthetics.

Over lip
Facial hair is quickly removed with a laser because the hair follicles are shallow. The duration of the treatment of the area above the lip is short, the cosmetologist will cope in literally 10-20 minutes.

Both men and women often apply for the procedure. Basically, this refers to the hairline that goes down from the navel. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes. You can completely get rid of abdominal hair in 3-4 sessions.

A popular procedure among men who sometimes have active growth of pigmented hairs on their backs. Laser hair removal of the lower back allows you to get rid of any type of vegetation, regardless of where it is located and how thick the treated hairs are.
To completely remove hair from the back, it will take up to 4-5 visits to cosmetology. In the most advanced situations, up to 12 visits may be required... Before the procedure, a gel is applied to the treated area.

Follow-up care
After the procedure, it is worth taking special care of the skin. It should not be exposed to ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to give up shaving your legs, bikini area, and regularly treat your skin with moisturizer. Cosmetologists also recommend listening to the following tips.
- After the procedure, for the first time, do not use cosmetics containing alcohol. Especially if you plan to visit the beautician again.
- For three weeks from the moment of the last procedure, refuse to visit wet places (baths, saunas) in order to prevent skin inflammation.
- Do not wash during the day. Also, you should give up the washcloth for two days.
- Do not tan your skin after epilation or depilation. If the procedure was carried out in the summer, it is recommended to additionally lubricate the skin with creams or other formulations that protect against UV rays.

Sometimes after the procedure, if the skin is sensitive, burns remain.
You cannot get rid of them yourself if, as a result, a crust has formed on the dermis. It is better to seek the help of a beautician who will help prevent the formation of scars and scars.

Truth and myths
Laser hair removal has been used for over 20 years. During this time, various myths about the procedure have appeared. It is worth figuring out which of them are true and which are fiction.
- Laser hair removal leads to the development of oncology. This is a myth, since the laser does not contain UV rays that can provoke the development of cancer cells. Laser radiation is safe as it penetrates the skin to a depth of 5 mm.
- Laser hair removal will not completely remove hairs. Yes, scientists have not yet been able to develop a method that would get rid of unwanted vegetation in one session. Completing the entire course will give the desired result.
- During the procedure, the patient feels pain. This depends on the type of laser used. If the device has a low power, then the procedure will be absolutely painless.In the case of a more powerful laser, anesthetic ointments may be required.
- Before going to a beauty salon, you need to grow your hair. This is partly true, but if necessary, laser hair removal can be done 1-2 days after shaving. An interesting fact is that hair regrowth is necessary mainly for epilation of the arms and legs. The longer the hair, the better the effect of the procedure will be.
- Hair ingrowth and scar formation are possible after the laser. The laser does not provoke any damage or complications, since it affects only the follicle. Therefore, do not worry about scarring after the procedure.

Despite the effectiveness of laser hair removal, many are still convinced that sugaring and wax hair removal are preferable. However, it is not. When shugaring, the hairs come off along with the protective layer of the dermis, which subsequently causes various complications.
Review overview
There are many reviews online from those who have tried laser hair removal. Some speak negatively about the procedure, but most of the reviews are positive. Patients recommend laser hair removal, noting the painlessness of the procedure and the guaranteed result after attending a couple of sessions.
Laser hair removal is a popular technique for removing unwanted vegetation.
The advantage of the laser is that it is able to remove hairs even in the most inaccessible places, where it is impossible to cope with a razor, wax strips or sugaring.