Bikini area: types of hair removal and depilation

Women devote a lot of time to a variety of treatments that make them look more beautiful and feel more confident. An intimate haircut has not only a decorative function, but also a practical one. She found her popularity back in the last century, during the sexual revolution. There are many methods to get rid of unwanted vegetation in your bikini area.
What it is?
It is very easy to recognize a bikini area - it is always under panties or swimming trunks. The skin there is sensitive, and the hairs are usually rough. The bikini line is where the underwear ends. It turns out that the bikini area directly depends on the height and shape of the panties.
In some cases, the concept of a bikini area extends to the groin area. Hair near the lingerie line looks especially unaesthetic on the beach, so girls get rid of it regularly. But directly in the bikini area, many do not completely remove the cover, preferring interesting hairstyles. In all this, women are helped by beauticians who can professionally remove hair.

Hair removal methods in intimate places
Women usually have dark and rather coarse hairs in the bikini area. In this case, the cover extends to the inner thighs. Just from an aesthetic point of view, you can remove the hairs that are visible from under the swimming trunks on the beach. For your own comfort, especially in summer, it makes sense to remove, in general, all your hair. Each woman makes a decision independently based on the preferences and characteristics of the skin.
In this case, hair is removed exclusively before the beginning of the underwear. Everything remains as it is under the panties. The classic does not cause controversy, all experts agree in its safety. A good solution for those who are removing hair for the first time.
In the classic bikini area, the skin is less sensitive. Even epilation is much easier to endure here. Feelings are less painful, it is easier to get rid of slight irritation. In this case, you should take into account the shape of your underwear.

The deep bikini gets its name because absolutely all hair is removed from the pubis, labia and inner thighs. Many girls prefer this solution. Some people find deep bikinis more hygienic. Hair is able to retain odors, collect various secretions. During the summer months, the skin often melts, which causes some discomfort.

Types of hair removal
Hair removal in the bikini area can be done in different ways. Many people want to enjoy the result for a long time, which means that it is better to choose epilation. This is the name of the removal of the hair along with the root. However, the procedure is quite painful, which must also be taken into account. It is especially important to evaluate all the pros and cons for owners of sensitive skin.
The principle of the device is similar to a simple tweezers. At the same time, there are many of them on the working surface of the epilator, therefore, a bundle of hair is removed immediately in one go. The device pulls out the visible stem along with the bulb.
The procedure is quite painful, but over time, the hairs become thinner, brittle and therefore the discomfort decreases.

Of course, pulling out violates the integrity of the skin. Irritation and even small wounds appear on the surface. When conducting electrolysis, a number of rules should be followed.
- Hair length no more than 1 cm. If it is more, then the device may simply not cope with the load. Hair can be shaved a few days before the procedure, or trimmed just before the procedure.
- The skin should be pre-steamed. This will enlarge the pores and make it easier for the bulbs to leave their places.
- During epilation, the skin must be dry, because an electric apparatus is used. Blot the selected area with a towel.
- It is important to disinfect the entire area to be treated with a disinfectant. So in the event of wounds, harmful microorganisms will not get inside.
- The epilator must be moved against hair growth. This ensures an effective grip.

Electric hair removal can be done independently at home. The result lasts about 14 days, which is a very good result. Additional funds and preparations are not required, only the device itself. After each procedure, the hair becomes thinner and weaker, which makes it easier to carry out the next session. However, there are also disadvantages to electrolysis.
- The procedure is highly painful. Even after several sessions, irritation and significant discomfort may occur. At the same time, much depends on the sensitivity of the skin.
- For a deep bikini, this method should not be used, only for the classics.
- Well suited for large open areas such as the pubis. It will be a little more difficult to process the inner part of the thigh, because the apparatus does not repeat the anatomical irregularities of the body.

Hair removal takes place thanks to high-pulse light. The melanin in the hairs absorbs energy, which is converted into heat energy already inside the rod. The result is the destruction of the entire hair along with the bulb. It is noteworthy that the photoepilator acts directly on the beam, which means that the procedure itself takes less time.

The hair removal technique has contraindications. You can not use it during pregnancy and lactation. And also do not resort to photoepilation for chronic skin diseases or damage to it, genital herpes.
For 7 days before and after the procedure, you must not visit the solarium, or take photosensitive drugs. Photoepilation is a salon procedure that must be performed by a certified master.
The technique is one of the most effective in the fight against unwanted vegetation. In just a few sessions, you can significantly reduce the volume of hairs, and even get rid of some of them forever. In the bikini area, there is usually black hair, so 3-4 procedures will be needed to achieve a high-quality result.
The light cover absorbs light waves worse, so about 10 or more sessions will have to be performed.

It is immediately clear that a laser is used to remove hairs. The impact is made pointwise, so the procedure can take quite a long time. The principle of operation is similar to the previous method. The rays are absorbed by the hair, converted into heat and destroy the hairs down to the root.
Laser hair removal is a salon procedure. At least 2 sessions are carried out. This is due to the fact that the apparatus can only act on those hairs that are in the phase of active growth. Consequently, dormant follicles are left unattended. The method is especially effective for dark hair removal.

The procedure is practically painless. In some cases, a slight tingling sensation is present. Severe discomfort signals that the master has chosen the wrong laser power, so you should definitely inform him about it. To prevent hair removal from causing harm, certain rules must be followed.
- You shouldn't go to the salon if you have genital herpes. The laser will lead to poor health.
- You can only shave 30 days before the session. Other methods of depilation and epilation are prohibited.
- Before going to the salon, you need to remove the hair from the area to be treated with a razor. This is due to certain length requirements for quality processing.
- You will have to give up tanning for 7 days before and after epilation. Otherwise, the treated area may become stained due to ultraviolet radiation.
Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of unwanted hair in just a couple of sessions. Moreover, it can only be carried out in the salon with the help of a professional master. The procedure is indeed effective and therefore expensive. This is due to the complexity and high cost of the device itself.

The essence of the method is to use heat together with protein enzymes. The latter help in removing hair, the length of which should be at least 6-7 mm. For 30 days before enzymatic hair removal, tanning and sun exposure should be avoided. Before the procedure itself, it is worth visiting a dermatologist-cosmetologist.
This is necessary to remove skin samples and determine the presence of allergic reactions to the components that are used in the method.

Hair should be removed with wax or sugar composition. The product is distributed over the skin, then covered with a strip of cloth or film. Then the material is wrapped in a bandage, infrared radiation is directed at it. At the end of the session, everything is removed and the skin is moisturized with a suitable product.
Among the advantages of the method are low cost and complete safety. However, there is a high risk of an allergic reaction to the composition of the mixture. The procedure is quite difficult. For some time after it, the increased sensitivity of the skin remains.

This technique is the most innovative. The device acts on the hair root, which then dies off. Moreover, most of the hairs fall out even during the session.
It is worth noting that the result lasts a little less than after laser hair removal.

Before the procedure, hair should be grown up to 6-7 mm, and then removed with wax or sugaring. The area is treated with antiseptic and specialized drugs. An ultrasound machine performs an impact on a skin area. Finally, the remaining gel is removed and a lotion is applied to soothe the skin. There are several advantages of this procedure.
- Complete absence of pain.
- Quite simple conduct. There is no risk of getting hurt at the hands of the master.
- Nice price. Such hair removal is cheaper than laser.
- There are no restrictions on the type of skin and hair. Dark and light are removed equally effectively.

Overview of types of depilation
Hair in the bikini area can be removed completely painlessly and fairly quickly. Depilation involves removing only the visible part of the hair, there is no effect on the root. Removing your hair for a long time will not work like this, but you can still achieve smoothness. And also after the procedures, a spray is used to slow down growth. Let's list the common options for depilation.
- Mechanical. Assumes the use of a razor or razor. The procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair is quick and easy. Shaving foam will make the process easier. Before starting, you should lightly steam the skin, a couple of minutes in the shower is enough. This will make coarse hairs in the bikini area much softer. The shaver should be guided in the direction of hair growth, otherwise irritation will occur. If it was not possible to remove everything at once, then you can repeat the steps. If it is not possible to use shaving foam, then it is necessary to lather the treated area well with soap or shampoo. It is important that the product covers every hair. This will improve glide and make hair removal easier and safer. The main thing is to choose models with a large number of blades when using a razor. This makes the procedures as simple and effective as possible. Mechanical depilation takes only a couple of minutes, the costs are relatively low. However, if you drive the razor against hair growth, then there may be not just irritation, but even the manifestation of drops of blood on the skin. Small stubble will appear the very next day after the procedure. You should beware of cuts, because they heal extremely painfully in this area.

- Chemical. The procedure itself is similar to waxing, only a mild composition is used. A special cream should be applied to the skin and held for a while. The exact period is indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Then the gel is removed from the skin with a spatula along with the vegetation. For the bikini area, a special composition is used with a corresponding mark on the package. The most effective and safest chemical depilation product always has a high cost. Practice shows that the product does not remove very thick and coarse hairs in the bikini area as efficiently as we would like. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the effect can last up to 10 days.

How to remove hair at home?
All types of depilation can be carried out independently, but with epilation, everything is not so simple. Electrolysis can be done correctly at home. The rest require more skills and knowledge. In some cases, waxing or sugaring can be done at home. In any case, it is worth adhering to the recommendations of specialists.
- A special shaving gel is recommended. It allows you to gently carry out the procedure in the bikini area. The cream clogs the pores and increases the risk of irritation.
- The razor cannot be swiped over the same area more than 3 times.
- After electrolysis, use aloe gel to moisturize the skin. If irritation appears, then sedatives are needed. To reduce pain, you can use special epilators for the intimate area with an anesthetic system.
- For a classic bikini, a trimmer is often used. In fact, this is an electric razor, but safer, because there is no risk of cutting yourself.True, it is precisely specialized models that are needed that can cut off tough hairs.

Haircut options
Not everyone likes to remove hair until it is completely smooth. Women's hairstyles are very popular. You can do these in the salon or on your own, depending on the chosen method of hair removal. Here are some haircut options.
- Brazilian (Hollywood, Sphinx). The most popular type of hairstyle. All hairs around the anus and pubis are removed. This type is considered the most hygienic.
- Runway. All hair is removed, but a drawing is created on the pubis. Quite an original solution. The hair remains in a strip from the top of the pubis to the beginning of the labia. This hairstyle will not be visible on the beach from under a swimsuit. At the same time, the pubis does not remain completely naked, which attracts women.
- Triangle (American or Bermuda). Usually the hair is removed so that the original shape of the pubic area remains. You can adjust the size of the triangle. This haircut is very easy to perform. A particularly good solution for those who use mechanical depilation. After forming the triangle, you should trim the hairs a little to make everything look neat.
- Bikini line. This hairstyle is easy to do and maintain. Hair is removed from the sides and top of the pubis. Usually such a solution is used by those who have not yet had time to figure out what kind of hairstyle they want. This is kind of a starting point. You can do it in any way - from an epilator to a trimmer.
- Free style. The category combines a large number of advanced hairstyles. So you can make a lightning, an arrow, the sun, and even initials. In a word, only fantasy limits. Usually such hairstyles are done in the salon, because it is quite difficult on your own. The procedure from the stylist is expensive, so not everything is solved. Classic hairstyles are more in demand than free hairstyles.

Care Tips
Do not remove hair too often, this is especially important when using depilation methods. The skin is irritated anyway and needs time to heal. Ingrown hairs are a common problem. With frequent depilation, "hemp" remains, and the skin coarsens. A small hair cannot penetrate the dermis and begins to grow under it.

To fix the problem, you can use sprays, special products, or simply change the method of hair removal. It is always worth remembering that the bikini area is quite delicate and sensitive and needs to be looked after. What's more, it is very important to soften your hair before shaving to avoid severe irritation. Skin care rules include several points.
- A few days before and after the procedure, you should use a scrub to cleanse as thoroughly as possible. This allows you to remove the stratum corneum.
- Do not remove hair during menstruation, three days before and after it ends.
- The skin and the depilatory tool should be disinfected before and after the procedure.
- You can not wear low-quality tights and synthetic underwear.
- It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening so that the skin recovers slightly overnight.
- 7 days before and after hair removal, do not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium.

When choosing a method, you should focus not only on its effectiveness or simplicity. Safety for the skin should also be considered. Excessive damage will damage the skin and cause severe discomfort. Moreover, various bacteria can enter the wounds and cause disease.