
What are electric epilators and how to choose them?

What are electric epilators and how to choose them?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Description of species
  3. Popular models
  4. Criterias of choice
  5. How to use the device?
  6. Review overview

The first electrolysis was carried out at the end of the 19th century. Now it is one of the most popular hair removal methods. Electrolysis occurs with the use of an appropriate device - an electrolysis device, which will be discussed in the article.


The essence of electrolysis is that an electrode invisible to the human eye is inserted into the hair follicle, which conducts an electric current. Having received a small charge, the structure of the bulb is destroyed, and the hair itself stops growing forever.

The use of an electric epilator is suitable for people of all types and shades of hair and skin.

But in order to remove absolutely all hair in a certain area of ​​the body, it is necessary to detect every hair.

They can be invisible, just start to germinate, so the procedure should be carried out when the length of the hair to be removed is at least 5 millimeters.

There are times when one session does not completely eliminate unwanted hair. Therefore, some patients visit a specialist for a rather long period, sometimes up to 2 years.

The procedure has some contraindications, namely: pregnancy, lactation, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, various diseases of the skin (this includes fungal infections and such formations as warts, papillomas, moles), as well as varicose veins and oncology ...

Electric hair removal also does not exclude the appearance of side effects: painful sensations after the procedure, the formation of pimples, swelling, burns or redness.

This hair removal method cannot be used simultaneously with other types of hair removal. (photoepilation, laser hair removal, shugaring, waxing and razor hair removal).

The advantages of electric epilators are ease of use, long-term and effective results, as well as a huge functional range that allows you to adapt to the individual organism of an individual.

However, the device also has disadvantages:

  • it allows at the same time interact with only one hair, which significantly extends the time of the procedure;
  • high price limits the ability to purchase a device for the home.

Description of species

For electrolysis, 2 types of electrodes are used, according to which 2 different methods of hair removal have appeared when using an electric epilator.


This method implies the use of special straight or slightly bent needles, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.1 millimeter. The needles are made from a variety of metals: nickel-chromium alloy, gold, Teflon-coated metal. Alternatively, you can use the angled tungsten filament method instead of a needle. Such a variety of materials of manufacture allows electrolysis in people prone to allergic reactions. In addition, the needles significantly reduce the pain threshold, which is undoubtedly a big plus.

Hair removal procedures using needles are conventionally divided into two types: using alternating current and direct current.

Thermolysis - exposure to alternating current - contributes to the complete breakdown of the structure of the follicles. Some patients report pain during the procedure. In addition, thermolysis is not suitable for hair with curved follicles. Flash is one of the types of thermolysis.

The difference lies in a different effect of the current, which has shorter flashes, but a higher frequency.


The tweezers method involves grabbing each hair separately with tweezers acting as an electrode... Thus, an electric current is passed through the hair for several minutes. Direct current affects the scalp through the skin (since the skin is a good conductor).

There is an improved technique for hair removal using direct current, during which the amplitude of the incoming current is gradually reduced. The advantages of this method lie on the surface: the hair has a high resistance, the instrument penetrates only into the epidermis, which means that the procedure will be completely safe and painless. It is especially recommended for use in sensitive areas (this includes the bikini area and the area above the upper lip). However, there are also disadvantages: the removal of each hair will take at least 2 minutes, therefore, the payment for the procedure increases significantly. Basically, such devices are used in the offices of professional cosmetology services and in beauty salons.

Popular models

There are a huge number of devices on the market that can be used even at home. By comparing the functionality and technical features of the models, you can choose the best option for yourself.

To simplify the search for the right equipment, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the rating, where the best electric epilators will be presented.

Gezatone DE300

The top is headed by a needle-type device that will effectively deal with the problem even in the most advanced cases. Specialized software helps the user to choose the optimal voltage level, the depth of the needle penetration, the maximum amperage and the duration of the electrical impact. Its cost ranges from 25 thousand rubles.

"DE-228 KARAT"

A professional device includes several functions at once. In addition to epilation, the device can be used for another procedure - darsonvalization. The method of working with the equipment is simple: a needle or a tungsten thread is inserted in the direction of hair growth strictly until it encounters an obstacle, then a key is pressed and the device starts its work. The average price is 17 thousand rubles.

Ross Kh-12 plus

Italian-made model recognized one of the most reliable and secure devices. It is quite simple to use it, there are two ways to control the duration of exposure: manually and using the included timer.

The cost is in the region of 50 thousand rubles.


The Russian manufacturer does not lag behind foreign counterparts. At first glance, you can see that the device looks quite functional, which it really is. It has 2 connectors with a needle holder, which provide different power levels. The first is for epilation, the second for coagulation. You can also adjust the power level manually, set a mode and a timer. The price is about 34 thousand rubles.

Starex SX-T

This is a professional equipment with simple and intuitive operation. The set can be selected from both a needle holder with a button for supplying a current pulse, and a standard set of a needle holder and a pedal. The device costs a lot - about 74 thousand rubles.

And also a popular manufacturer of electric epilators is Cosmorem. The assortment of their store includes not only high-quality devices, but also the necessary consumables and accessories.

Criterias of choice

For home use, a tweezers electric epilator would be the best option, since it does not completely destroy, but only injures the follicles, which makes the hair removal procedure more gentle and painless for a person. Needle epilators are also used in everyday life, but you need to be careful with them. Such devices should be used strictly with some experience, as improper use can lead to serious harm to health.

In addition, there are some criteria that you should pay special attention to when choosing equipment.

  • Availability of speed modes. Most devices operate at 2-3 speed modes. The first speed is used to remove the finest hairs. The subsequent ones are suitable for working with coarse and thick hairs (for example, for the legs).
  • Functional... Each individual model has different technical features. Some have multiple modes of electric current, others are waterproof. Before buying it is worth knowing all the distinctive characteristics of the device.
  • Brand name... The safety of its operation depends on the quality of the device. Therefore, you should not trust unknown brands that promise a lot, but it is almost impossible to find real reviews on them. It is better to choose equipment tested by thousands of users with a quality guarantee and a long period of use.
  • The form... The technical characteristics of the device are especially important, but high-quality design of the model's design also plays a significant role. Convenience and ease of use depend on the shape of the electrical device. Experienced users recommend that beginners hold the equipment in their hands for a while before making a purchase in order to evaluate the convenience and understand whether the form is suitable.
  • Price... An electric epilator is not a cheap device. Various online stores offer huge discounts but do not guarantee long-term reliability.

You shouldn't skimp on personal safety and health.

How to use the device?

Any device is accompanied by detailed, detailed instructions on its use. In addition, the official representatives of the electric epilator brands provide the opportunity to take courses on proper hair removal.As already mentioned, needle devices require certain experience and qualifications from their users. However, the equipment can also be used at home. The sample instruction for use consists of several steps.

  1. Disinfection and insertion of the needle into the needle holder... Connecting the device to a wired network.
  2. If the person undergoing the procedure has a low pain threshold, then a local anesthetic must be purchased in advance ("Lidocaine" or "Emla" ointment is suitable).
  3. Skin area treatment disinfectant.
  4. After the skin is disinfected, at the time from which the hair grows, the needle can be inserted.
  5. Further insertion of the needle directly in the direction of hair growth... Thus, it approaches the hair papilla as much as possible (the follicle goes to a depth of about half a centimeter).
  6. After carefully checking that the needle is strictly inside the pore, the special foot plate is pressed, which starts the supply of electric charge.
  7. In order to stop the flow of current, you need to remove the leg from the plate... Now there is already more advanced equipment with automatic current supply, which does not require constant pressing on the pedal, which means that compliance with 6 and 7 points will not be required.
  8. When the structure of the hair has collapsed, it must be removed with tweezers. If the body is pulled out with difficulty, it means that mistakes were made in the procedure, and it was not possible to destroy the hair follicle. It is impossible to re-act on the same area, so you will have to postpone work with this hair until the next procedure.
  9. Now you should retreat from the worked out pore by 4-5 millimeters., then carry out the same manipulations with the next hair.

It is important to clearly and correctly follow all instructions in order to avoid mistakes and harm to health.

In addition, there are other important points that must be observed without fail.

The main rule is one needle - for one procedure. You do not need to choose the thinnest needle, since the smaller its diameter, the more difficult it will be to get into the follicle. It happens that during operation, a liquid appears on the needle, secreted by the skin.

It should be immediately removed with a piece of cotton wool or a disinfectant napkin, otherwise it will not be possible to get it on time.

During the procedure, there should be no intolerable pain. Local analgesics are often used, but even with them, severe pain can occur, especially in people with a low pain threshold. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the power level supplied by the device.

Immediately after the end of the procedure, you need to treat the area with an alcohol-containing solution or chlorhexidine. Within 24 hours, the worked part of the body must not be washed: it must not get water or any cosmetic products. If dense crusts appear on the skin, they should not be peeled off. In this case, you should purchase lotions and creams that will soften and moisturize your skin. And, of course, for at least 7-10 days, you should not visit places such as baths, saunas or solariums due to excessive heat exposure, which can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Review overview

The opinions of experts in the field of cosmetology about electric hair removal coincide: this method of hair removal is one of the safest and most reliable of all existing methods. Modern possibilities of technology and medicine make it possible to minimize pain sensations as much as possible, which attracts more and more females to the procedure.

Having undergone a number of procedures using an electric epilator assure that the result will surprise and delight every patient. However, many note the presence of some degree of pain, as well as the longer duration of the procedure itself.The number of procedures for the complete removal of unnecessary hair is individual for each: some 3-4 sessions are enough, while others visit a beautician for a year to one and a half years (from 15 to 30 procedures).

About mastering the technology of hair removal with the help of an electric epilator, users write that learning and fully adapting to the process is obtained starting from 5-7 sessions. Several workouts will help you find the right current strength, the depth of needle insertion, and the right time for the current.

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