
How to use the epilator correctly?

How to use the epilator correctly?
  1. Fundamental rules
  2. How to Prepare?
  3. How to do hair removal correctly?
  4. Can I epilate my face?
  5. How to prevent ingrown hairs?
  6. Useful Tips

To perform hair removal at home, a small electrical device called an epilator is used. Using the attachments of this device, you can quickly remove hair from any part of the body without harming the epidermal skin. For the procedure to be effective and cause a minimum of discomfort, you need to know how to use the epilator correctly - it is important not only to be able to use this device, but also to prepare the skin surface well for the upcoming procedure.

Fundamental rules

The electric portable epilator is much easier to use than waxing unwanted hair. Modern models of such devices are capable of operating on a rechargeable battery and are designed so that epilation can be done even in water while in the shower. Each device is supplied with detailed instructions for use. But if you are using the epilator for the first time, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists - this will avoid annoying mistakes, and will also improve the result of the procedure.

It is important to know how to remove hair with minimal pain with an electric epilator.

In order to prevent injury and the occurrence of the effect of ingrown hairs, the recommendations of specialists should be followed during the procedure.

  • You should start working with the electric epilator at a low speed - this will help to more thoroughly treat the skin surface area and not provoke irritation.The high speed of rotation of the nozzle increases the likelihood of redness and processing errors in the form of missing hairs.
  • In the process, you do not need to forcefully press and press the epilator against the surface of the skin, which can cause injury in the form of scratches. The device should slide easily over the skin surface.
  • The epilator can not grab all hairs, their length is permissible within 5-7 mm. Very short hair is more difficult to remove, and with longer hair, severe pain occurs.
  • When using the device, its attachment must be guided against hair growth in order to be able to more effectively capture hairs. If you epilate in the direction of hair growth, it will significantly extend the duration of the procedure. In addition, skin irritation may appear.
  • Before starting the hair removal procedure, you need to take a hot bath or shower to steam the skin and remove the keratinized epidermis. When the skin is softened, epilation is easier and more painless.

When epilating particularly sensitive areas of the body - bikini area or armpits - Before the session, it is necessary to apply a powder or talcum powder to the skin. This method helps to degrease and dry the skin surface, which makes epilation easier. When a woman has particularly sensitive skin, it is recommended to use an anesthetic "Emla" before epilation, the cream reduces pain and makes the operation more comfortable.

After the end of the session, the skin needs to be treated with a special lotion, which has an antiseptic, soothing and softening effect.

How to Prepare?

It is not so difficult to carry out epilation at home, but this requires preliminary preparation of the skin. Experts advise to treat the skin surface with a nourishing cream 3-5 days before the start of the procedure., and 1-2 days before the session, apply a scrub to more thoroughly cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis. 7 days before the procedure, you should refuse to visit the solarium and sunbathing, so as not to dry out the skin and make it more traumatic.

Before using the epilator, you should carefully read its instructions. The fact is that many models are intended for use on a completely dry surface. In the process of epilation, the skin must be stretched in the area of ​​operation of the device. Thus, the hair removal session is greatly simplified and accelerated, and the pain is minimized.

In order not to feel unpleasant sensations some women take painkillers by mouth or apply a cold compress to the epilation area 30 minutes before the procedure. A gentle patting and pinching massage is a good way to prepare your skin for your session. So the skin gets used to the irritant and reacts less painfully to epilation.

It is worth noting that 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation, the pain threshold in women decreases, so epilation is best done during this period.

How to do hair removal correctly?

Hair removal at home with an electric epilator is one of the easiest to use techniques that can be used quickly and effectively. Epilation is a way for a woman to keep her appearance in order, if done on time, remove unnecessary hair on her body.

It is worth noting that this procedure is considered not only a female option, but can also be used for men. The effect obtained after the performed epilation lasts for at least 3 weeks. But even if you act according to the instructions, carry out epilation in a timely manner, not everyone can get used to the slight pain.

Mechanical hair removal can give an unsatisfactory result if you neglect the rules for preparing and performing this manipulation. Irritation, ingrown hairs, pustular rashes - all these side effects can be prevented if you approach the procedure competently and responsibly.

Epilation with an electric epilator can be performed on almost any area of ​​the skin.

On foot

The surface area of ​​the skin in the leg area is quite extensive, so epilation can take from 30 to 40 minutes. The most sensitive areas here are the skin under the knees, the ankle area, and the inner thighs. The rest of the skin surface gets used to the work of the epilator very quickly, so the pain is not felt at all after 3-5 minutes. after the start of the procedure. It is quite simple to perform an epilation session on the surface of the legs - the skin is smooth here, and the hairs on it are clearly visible.

1-2 days before the start of the session, the skin should be treated with a scrub, and 2 hours before the start of epilation, take a hot shower. After the preparation has been completed, you can use the epilator. His movements should be smooth and confident, consistently passing through more and more new areas of the skin.

On hands

The area of ​​the hands is no more difficult to process than the legs. If in some areas the hairs of the branch are more than 7 mm, they must be trimmed using the special attachment included in the epilator. This measure is necessary in order to reduce the pain of the procedure. The epilator must be passed sequentially from bottom to top, placing the attachment of the device against hair growth. After completing the procedure, apply a nourishing antiseptic lotion to prevent hair growth. On the first day, you should avoid prickly woolen fabrics or tight-fitting synthetics. Wear a loose cotton blouse or T-shirt to avoid skin irritation or ingrown hairs.

In the bikini area

The bikini area is delicate and most sensitive to painful influences - there are a large number of nerve endings, so the process of hair removal is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. To reduce pain, before the procedure, you can apply Emla cream to the skin, use a lidocaine spray or make a cold compress. Some women benefit from taking pain relievers half an hour before the session.

Before the procedure, the skin must be prepared - treated with a scrub, in addition, you need to take a shower 1-2 hours before the session. After that, the skin must be wiped with an alcohol solution or other antiseptic, then you can start using the device. Removing hairs will be less traumatic if their length does not exceed 7 mm, so regrown hairs are first cut to the desired length. To speed up the epilation process, the skin in the area where the epilator is operating must be pulled.

After the procedure is completed, the surface of the skin is treated with a decoction of chamomile. This antiseptic will not only prevent irritation but also soothe the skin.

After treatment, the skin surface can be treated with baby cream.


If you regularly shave the armpit area, then after a while the hair will become coarser and denser, and the rate of their regrowth will increase. An electric epilator session is most sensitive for this area. To complete the procedure, the skin will need to be scrubbed, rinsed and dried. For better drying of the armpit area before epilation, treat with talcum powder or baby powder. The epilator will work more efficiently in the armpit area if the skin in the treated area is taut.

You can significantly reduce the sensation of pain by shortening the hair length to 5 mm, longer hairs will cause very noticeable pain when removed. After completing the procedure, a cold compress from a decoction of chamomile can be applied to the surface of the skin. When the skin has calmed down a little, it is lubricated with a healing cream or lotion that prevents hair growth.

It should be remembered that you can start using deodorants after hair removal only after 6-8 hours.

Can I epilate my face?

In some cases, a woman is faced with the task of getting rid of the antennae above the upper lip on her face, and the question arises as to whether an epilator can be used in this case. Cosmetologists believe that the main purpose of the epilator is to remove body hair, therefore, it is prohibited to perform facial epilation with it. The fact is that the skin on the face is very sensitive, and the use of mechanical hair removal implies a certain degree of injury to the skin.

It is best in this case to use ready-made small wax strips, specially designed for removing hair from the face. This method is less traumatic and does not cause a tangible pain effect.

With the help of wax, you can also remove the vellus hair in the cheekbones, for which the epilator is not intended, since it simply cannot capture such small hairs.

How to prevent ingrown hairs?

One of the side effects of hair removal is the ingrown hair effect. In the case when the execution technique is carried out correctly, this effect does not manifest itself, and if it has already appeared, you need to understand what you are doing wrong.

The main rule to prevent ingrown hairs after epilation is to prepare the skin before the procedure. Do not neglect the preliminary scrubbing of the skin and taking a hot shower. If the skin is very thin and sensitive, experts do not recommend getting too carried away with peeling, it is advisable to do it only before the epilation procedure. To prevent hair from growing under the skin, it is not recommended to wear clothes or underwear that are too tight to the body after the session. This rule should be followed for 3-5 days after the procedure.

Useful Tips

No matter how perfect the electric device for epilation is, this procedure remains quite painful, but at the same time it is rightfully considered one of the most effective and easy to perform.

  • After the skin is prepared, treat it with a thin layer of baby powder or talcum powder. This will speed up the epilation process and make it less painful.
  • If irritation appears in the form of red dots, do not panic. This is a skin reaction to exposure, and after a few hours everything goes away. When the irritation does not go away for more than 2 days, it means that your skin is too sensitive, and this method of hair removal is not suitable for you.
  • It is worth gradually accustoming the skin to irritation with the epilator. If you start the procedure from the most sensitive places - in the armpits, under the knees, in the bikini area and the inner thigh, then you can already process the rest of the skin completely calmly, without reacting to discomfort.
  • Choose a high-quality and modern model with various types of attachments. In this case, savings are irrelevant. The device must carry out its work quickly and with minimal pain.
  • Before starting epilation, carefully examine the skin surface for moles, warts, papillomas. These places cannot be treated with an epilator, and the hairs near these formations must be carefully removed with tweezers.
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to use agents that slow down hair growth. Using them regularly, you can reduce the frequency of epilation sessions, and the effect of smooth skin will be enough not for 2-3 weeks, but for a month.
  • Steamed skin lends itself better and more painlessly to the epilation process. And in order to reduce pain and eliminate irritation, it is best to apply a cold compress from a decoction of chamomile.
  • If the use of an epilator is not suitable for you due to too sensitive skin, waxing, sugaring or epilation performed using a laser beam can be an alternative.

The recommendations of cosmetologists may be useful to you, which will help to facilitate the epilation at home.

    When purchasing an epilator, you should be prepared for the fact that the procedure cannot be made completely painless, but if you follow the recommendations of cosmetologists, then discomfort can be noticeably reduced. It has been noticed that with regular use of the epilator, the skin gets used to such procedures, and there is no strong discomfort during the session.

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