
Features of tweezers epilator

Features of tweezers epilator
  1. Specifications
  3. Comparison with disk models
  4. How to make the right choice?

A beautiful body with smooth skin is every woman's dream. Removing unwanted hair with an epilator is not pleasant, but the effectiveness is amazing. This procedure is the most effective of those carried out at home. Choosing the right device is the key to success. Tweezers are used most often because of their availability.


This type of epilator roller is equipped with a large number of mini tweezers. They are staggered to capture as many hairs as possible. After the procedure, the skin remains smooth for a month.

Features of tweezer epilator:

  • the result persists for a long time;
  • maximum hair removal thanks to the special tweezers positioning system;
  • removes hair up to 0.5 mm;
  • taking care of the device is quite simple;
  • the session itself takes a long time.

Specifications vary depending on the specific model. Simple epilators have only one speed setting, more advanced ones have 2-3 speeds.

Moving the tweezers quickly makes hair removal more painful, but the session is faster. So, legs can be processed at high speed, and delicate areas at low speed.

The epilator may have a wet epilation option. You can remove hair in the shower or even apply shaving gel to the head itself. Warm water allows the skin to relax, and additional products make the process more comfortable. Such devices are always portable and powered by rechargeable batteries. The process itself is easier and faster, with almost no pain.

There are samples with massage, which is carried out with a vibrating brush or rubber roller.This significantly reduces the level of discomfort. The massage relaxes the skin and also distracts attention. There may be additional tips designed to relieve soreness. Their essence is that with their help the skin is stretched on the treated area.

An additional option may be the effect of pain relief. Sometimes gloves and a bag with a cooling gel are simply included in the kit. You just need to hold it in the freezer and insert the gloves into the pocket. Just before hair removal, a mitten is applied to the skin to freeze the nerve endings. You can do this with a napkin and ice. Also, pain relief can occur through the supply of cold air.

Some models have a nozzle in which water is frozen. During the session, it is pressed against the treated area and reduces pain. Such models are much more expensive.

The epilator comes with 1 to 9 attachments. The main one allows you to handle legs and arms. For some, this is enough.

Let's describe the options for additional attachments.

  • For underarms and bikini areas. Narrow, has a small number of tweezers. It can be realized as a special limiting cap. It simply covers some of the tweezers for gentle handling.
  • Point. Can be used for the face. Allows you to remove single hairs that remain after the main treatment.
  • Shaver attachment and trimmer. They allow you to combine treatment methods and make intimate hairstyles.
  • For peeling. Designed for skin care between sessions. The attachment removes dead skin particles and prevents ingrown hairs.

Additionally, the epilator can be equipped with a backlight. Such a small detail is very useful when removing hair in low light conditions. The backlight will allow you to carry out the procedure as efficiently as possible. The option affects the cost and is more common in portable devices.


Tweezer epilators can be different. There are several classifications. Epilators vary according to the number of tweezers. On the head there can be from 20 to 50 pieces. The indicator affects how quickly and how effective the procedure will be. The most common models have 30-40 tweezers. To remove thick hair in a short time, you will need a device for 48-50 pieces. But for the treatment of areas with sparse hairs, 20 tweezers are enough.

Also details can be metal or ceramic... The latter are more expensive, but such tweezers pull out even thin hair without breaking it. Epilators are divided into types depending on the method of feeding.

They are selected depending on the needs of the woman.

  • Network. They work indoors from an outlet. It is recommended to purchase models with a cord length of at least 2 meters.
  • Autonomous on rechargeable batteries or batteries. You can carry out the procedure anywhere. An especially relevant option for women who spend a lot of time traveling.
  • Universal. They are always more expensive than analogs. Combines the advantages of online and offline models.

Epilators may vary depending on the head design. The working part can be floating or fixed, stationary or removable.

  • Fixed head. Suitable exclusively for treating areas with a flat surface. Used for legs and arms.
  • Floating head. It can be single or double. Suitable for removing hair from all parts of the body where there is a bend. The nozzle completely follows the contours and provides maximum pressure.
  • Stationary head. Attached to the body.
  • Removable head. Removable for cleaning, underwater rinsing and disinfection. It is more hygienic.

Comparison with disk models

The electric epilator allows you to quickly remove hair and significantly slow down their growth. The device itself can be tweezers or discs. Each woman chooses for herself which option is better.

  • Price. The basic cost is about the same, but a lot depends on additional functions and attachments. It is worth noting that tweezers are usually more affordable.
  • Soreness of sensations. Tweezers deliver less discomfort during a hair removal session.
  • Effectiveness. An epilator with a large number of tweezers removes hair significantly better than disc-type models. When using the latter, you will have to spend more time to achieve a quality result.
  • Application area. Both types of devices can be used for all areas of the body.

How to make the right choice?

Hair removal doesn't have to be torture. A good epilator won't be a hassle or turn every session into endless pain. You can choose a unit for home use taking into account a number of factors.

  • The number of tweezers and their material. This characteristic directly affects the duration of the hair removal procedure.
  • Power supply. You can pick up a portable tweezers that can be used anywhere, even when traveling. If you intend to use in certain conditions, then the network model will do.
  • Some epilators can be used directly in the shower. This is quite handy for treating some areas.
  • Additional attachments should be selected based on needs.
  • Speed ​​regulation. Simple devices do not provide such an opportunity, they have only one mode of operation. However, this option makes the process more comfortable.
  • Autonomy. Relevant for epilators that run on rechargeable batteries. Opening times can vary from 15 minutes to 1 hour. It can also take 1-15 hours to fully charge the battery. It is worth noting that hair removal on the legs, for example, takes about 20-30 minutes.
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