The history of the emergence and development of etiquette

The well-known term "etiquette" comes from the French word étiquette - ethics. This is a set of rules for proper human behavior in society. The historical roots of the term in its modern format go back to the reign of the French king Louis XIV.

The origin of the concept
The history of this concept originates in France. This is due to the fact that the term was first used at the court of the French king... Before the next social event, the guests were handed out special cards. The main points of behavior were indicated on them.
This is how the first official set of rules of conduct in a cultural society appeared. Since then, the active development of etiquette began in the upper classes, despite the fact that certain provisions and norms existed in ancient times.
Experts assure that the first unspoken rules worked in Europe back in the Middle Ages, but they were not fixed anywhere. Guests participating in long feasts were seated in a certain sequence, although at that time there was still no cutlery in their modern sense.

France is generally recognized as the birthplace of the concept of "etiquette", however, some experts assure that the position of the ancestor country of the above phenomenon is also disputed by England. Despite the establishment of certain norms of behavior, they could not develop properly due to the harsh and cruel conditions of that time. As a result, morality, morality and spirituality faded into the background.

There is evidence that certain rules of good manners appeared in the XIV century within the borders of Italy. Cultural personal growth began to be observed in the state. The social essence began to matter in society.
In the 15th century, personal cutlery began to be used in European countries. A century later, these attributes have become obligatory during dinners. The use of a fork and knife was the impetus for the formation of public European etiquette.
The development and spread of this effect was especially influenced by the court ritual. There was a need for the position of master of ceremonies, who carefully monitored the implementation of all the necessary instructions and instructions.

They compiled lists of persons who had the right to accompany the monarchs during their walks and other events.
Age of Enlightenment
The rules of etiquette were especially widespread in the era of the Enlightenment. During this period, they moved from the upper strata of the nobility to the rest of the population. The norms have become simpler and more democratic, in comparison with the manners at court.
The modern meaning of the term has evolved over several centuries and has come down to our time. For example, the knights, being in the company of loved ones, took off their helmet. This clearly demonstrated their trust. Now men take off their hats indoors. They also bared their heads as a sign of greeting to people passing by.

The tradition of shaking hands at a meeting also originates in Europe.... People of equal age or status were shaken hands, while a superior person was kissed.
The younger did not have to reach out first to greet.
Ancient Russia
Historians trace the process of the emergence of etiquette on the territory of Russia from the pre-Petrine period. The etiquette of that time was significantly different from the manners of Europeans. Foreign citizens often perceived the everyday norms of Russian behavior as something wild and even barbaric.
Byzantine traditions greatly influenced the formation of the rules of conduct in Russia. Not only local etiquette was borrowed from this state, but also national age-old traditions. They moved to Russian lands along with the Christian religion. Despite such changes, it was possible to preserve the pagan rituals that have come down to modern times.
The second factor that changed the usual way of life of the people is the influence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Certain elements of this culture passed to the lands of Ancient Rus.

Social status
The position of a person played a huge role in society. In this sense, the inhabitants of Russia and Western Europe were very similar. Russian people also honored their elders.
There was a special attitude towards the guests. If an important person came to the house, she was met personally by the landlord on the porch. The youngest on the social ladder and age was met already in the room of the house, and the equal was welcomed in the hallway.
Noble persons of that time walked with a special cane. Crossing the threshold of the building, she was left in the entryway. Hats were removed and worn in the hands.
Religion had a huge influence on the norms of behavior. Once inside the house, the guests stopped near the icons and were baptized. Then they made three traditional obeisances to the holy images. Further, the guests were to greet the host with a bow. Close people exchanged handshakes and hugs.
As soon as the guests left, they did almost the same sequence of actions, crossing themselves and bowing to the image of the saints. Then we said goodbye to the owner. Blowing your nose, sneezing and coughing at a party was bad form.

Clothing and appearance
The clothes of Russian men and women during the Middle Ages differed little. In addition, there was no dimensional grid, all things were free. In the cold season, sheepskin coats, soul warmers, fur coats and other warm clothes were necessarily worn. Beautiful clothes, decorated with decorative elements, spoke of the high status and prosperity of a person. The peasants wore felt boots in the frost, and the nobility wore boots.
According to the rules of good manners, women wore long braids. Braided hair was a must. They did not wear loose hair, it was considered indecent. The men of that time were adorned with lush beards and mustaches.

At the beginning of the feast in Russia, the guests prescribed a glass of vodka. She had to be eaten with bread. Pre-cut dishes were laid out on the table. Cutlery made of precious metals was put with them, however, they had no practical function. These decorations testified to the hospitality and wealth of the owner of the house.
The bones were not left on the plate, but placed in a separate bowl.

The guests of the feast tried to taste all the drinks and dishes offered by the hosts, this was considered a sign of special reverence.
Peter's era
In the development of etiquette during the time of Peter I, Western trends began to be intensively introduced. Has had a significant influence and fashion in Germany, England and Holland. The behavioral norms of the high society of that period have changed and transformed significantly. Then they switched to ordinary people.
After a while, the influence of the above European states changed to French. At that time, the state was ruled by Queen Elizabeth. Tradition, language, fashion and much more passed to the Russian lands.
The public behavior of secular persons acquired the character of sentimentalism. Then it successfully transformed into romanticism. People began to take an interest in education. Art comes to the fore: painting, music, literature.
Historians note that a sharp decline in French influence was noticeable in 1812, after the end of the Patriotic War.

Despite the social restructuring, the fashion for the French language has been preserved. Ladies from high society were especially interested in him.
Code of Conduct in the Feudal Society of Europe
The system of chivalry, known to many, originated in Europe in the 11th century. She significantly influenced the formation of European, and then world etiquette. During this period, new rituals and traditions began to appear, which began to literally "be absorbed" into society. This is the time for world famous knightly tournaments and feats for the glory of beautiful ladies.
At the same time, a rite of initiation of men into knights appeared. A special ceremony was carried out in connection with the established rules and regulations. Knights come up with their own personal code and strictly follow it. The rules established by this code become binding on soldiers. The treatise indicated not only the norms of behavior, but also the style of clothing and the theme of the symbols used.

Gender inequality
In medieval Europe, inequality between men and women was clearly demonstrated. The fair sex had much less rights and freedoms than men of that time. Patriarchy reigned, and the rights of a strong half of humanity were enshrined at the legislative level. This way of life was supported by the church.
These restrictions influenced the process of the formation of behavioral norms for men and women.

Knights and ladies
Special rules of etiquette originated as a result of the relationship of knights with their beloved. The man practically became a servant of the lady. He fulfilled all the whims and whims of the lady of the heart. Such a model of behavior existed, even if the woman did not share the feelings of her boyfriend, and love remained unrequited.
To become a beloved lady of a knight, a woman had to meet certain standards. She must be outwardly attractive, sociable and inquisitive. The ability to conduct small talk was revered. Relationships did not depend on marital status
To be considered a real knight, a man must be brave, strong, honest, sincere, hospitable and generous. They showed these and other qualities during battles and numerous tournaments. The knight was obliged to keep his word at all costs.They also held lavish feasts, clearly demonstrating generosity.

Gifts that the knights presented to their ladies were considered to be the rules of good manners. An ideal present is a toiletry item (decoration, comb, scarf and much more). If a man became a winner in a tournament, he must give his beloved the opponent's horse and his weapon as a trophy. The lady had every right to refuse the offering. This spoke of her indifference to the man.

Knights and ladies sometimes swore oaths to each other. Sometimes they were meaningless and stupid things, but they were adhered to without fail. For example, a man could come up with such conditions: he refused to cut his hair until a certain feat or significant date.

At this time, the woman could completely refuse to eat.
Rules for courtiers
Representatives of high society had to impeccably follow the rules of etiquette. Higher requirements were put forward to them. During the late Middle Ages, manners were given special importance. The rules that were adopted several centuries ago have been preserved, transformed and transformed.
In the era of the Enlightenment, the first manuals began to appear that contained the provisions of palace ethics. Representatives of the nobility carefully studied the textbooks.
The book indicated the following provisions:
- Basic rules for conducting a conversation.
- Correct daily routine.
- How to behave during various ceremonies and much more.
The main features of the etiquette of high-ranking officials are the subtlest details that were of great importance. It was imperative to follow all the points exactly. During the balls, the nobility adhered to certain sets of rules and followed them unquestioningly.
Due to strict rules, such a profession as a dance teacher appeared. The teacher taught not only how to move correctly, but also introduced the students to graceful and refined manners.
The dances of that period were significantly different from what is called dance in modern society. Dominant were not dance movements, but various bows.

Excellent knowledge of the rules of conduct was not only a sign of good manners. Even a minor oversight in this area could lead to undesirable consequences. Most often, a person lost his status, but there were also cases when they were deprived of life for a mistake. Everything depended on the seriousness of the offense and the status of the person who was offended by such behavior. The rights and obligations of every person at court were laws that no one had the right to marry.
In addition to excellent manners, the courtier was obliged to possess the following skills:
- Possession of a musical instrument.
- Card games.
- Dancing.
- Singing.
- Painting.
- Knowledge of foreign languages.

You can learn a little more about the history of etiquette in the video below.
The era of the USSR
There was also a certain etiquette during the Soviet era. The rules were particularly democratic and simple. They lacked the mannerisms and pathos that were inherent in European etiquette. Family and informal visits have become common.
The social events characteristic of the 18th-19th centuries were replaced by dance floors. It was at the dances that the girls most often met the guys.

Clothes, jewelry and other accessories were simple and concise. This applied to both casual and formal style.