Communication rules: ethics of communication with different people

Communication is the main tool for interaction between people. With the help of verbal or non-verbal signs, emotions, desires, intentions are expressed, information is transmitted. Possession of communication skills makes it easy to establish contact with people, to be successful in all spheres of life.

What is Communication Ethics?
The doctrine of morality is included in the concept of ethics. Moral norms include the rules of interaction between people established by society. Interaction includes generally accepted norms of behavior and communication. Ethical principles are conditional and differ in different cultures. However, their observance is a necessary condition for existence in society.
The essence of morality is in the presence of moral qualities that allow you to successfully interact with people around you at a decent level.
Generally accepted norms exclude any violence, profanity, criticism, humiliation.
Respectful attitude, benevolence, openness, equality, freedom of expression are encouraged.

Speech communications
Verbal communication using speech means accompanies the expression of one's thoughts, opinions, emotions, and the exchange of information. It can be characterized in terms of:
- literacy;
- availability;
- accuracy;
- meaningfulness;
- expressiveness.
In the process of speech relations, it is also important to monitor the intonation of the voice and timbre.

There are the following types of verbal communication:
- Normal communication or conversation - there is an exchange of views, experiences.
- Discussion - issues are resolved, tasks are discussed.
- Confrontation - there is a dispute, defending a position.
- Dispute - there is a public discussion of socially important topics.
- Discussion - different opinions are discussed in order to find the truth.
- Symposium - short presentations by several people.
- Lecture - one participant is speaking.
- Polemics - there is an exchange of views, discussion with the aim of winning, defending one's position.
The effectiveness of this or that type of verbal communication depends on the correctly set goals, on the constructiveness of the information.

What is the right way to talk to people?
Different age categories of people have their own characteristics. Therefore, when interacting with them in everyday life or in an official setting, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.
So, for example, when communicating with younger ones or children, they need to devote more time, be sincerely interested in their problems, and listen carefully.
In no case should you criticize or humiliate. One should communicate with children as with adults, with respect and benevolence.

When communicating with friends or peers, it is important to respect the opinions of others. It is not recommended to give advice where it is not asked for. Interaction should be based on the principles of cooperation, openness and honesty.

When communicating with parents, you need to be more tolerant, listen carefully to their opinion or advice. There is no need to conflict, try to prove your case. It is necessary to strive for a constructive dialogue. Kind affectionate words work wonders.

When communicating with people with disabilities, you should not focus on their situation. Excessive pity, sympathy can irritate or humiliate the interlocutor.
Under no circumstances should you say something with arrogance or in a dismissive tone. When talking, you need to be extremely attentive and polite.

When communicating with elders, adults, it is necessary to show respect, politeness, honesty. It is not allowed to refer to "you" or simply by name, unless such a desire is expressed by the interlocutor himself. You need to talk in a calm, relaxed, benevolent manner.
Communication with older people should be based on respect, deference, politeness, openness. You must always address by name, patronymic, "you".
No need to argue. It should be understood that older people are especially vulnerable, they need understanding, support, help.
When talking, you should use only kind and positive words.

How to communicate on the phone correctly?
When communicating on the phone, there is no eye contact, so the main and decisive impression is based on the greeting. The first phrases spoken, intonation, manner of communication affect the result and the duration of the entire conversation.
Telephone communication begins from the moment when the phone rings. According to the rules of good form, the phone should be picked up immediately after the third ring. It is recommended to wait for an answer until the eighth ring.
After the answer is heard, it is important to say hello as politely as possible, be sure to introduce yourself.
If a person is called for the first time, then you need to inform where the phone number became known from. Then proceed to the main part of the conversation.

It is important to maintain a measured rate of speech here. Too fast speech is poorly perceived by ear, its meaning is often overlooked. A slow pace can become annoying and distracted. The voice should not be too soft or too loud.
To maintain a positive attitude when talking, you need to smile. A smile is always felt when talking on the phone, and it adds a special politeness to the voice. It is recommended to periodically contact by name or first name and patronymic.It is always pleasant for a person to hear his name. Moreover, it gives a touch of individuality.

If serious negotiations are planned, discussion of commercial terms, then it is better to prepare the text or key phrases in advance.
However, the interlocutor should not guess that the words are prepared in advance. The conversation should take place in the most natural, relaxed manner.
It is important to pause between semantic sentences, giving the person the opportunity to express their opinion on the issue under discussion. At the same time, you need to listen carefully, actively. This can be done with short phrases such as "yes", "good", "understandable."

It is necessary to end the telephone conversation on a positive note. You can not abruptly cut off communication... The last phrases are very important. Correct goodbye is almost the last chance that can help change the situation in the opposite direction. Therefore, it is better to plan it in advance.

Social media etiquette
Modern technologies make it possible to communicate via the Internet, using applications for this, social networks. Gradually, such communication penetrates into all spheres of human activity. If earlier such communication was met only between close friends and relatives, now this is how serious work issues are resolved, political topics are discussed, and interest groups are being created. Social media discussions shape the worldview of modern people.

There are unspoken rules of etiquette that should be adhered to during correspondence, so as not to spoil the impression of yourself. Without seeing the interlocutor and not hearing his voice, the opinion, as a rule, is formed on the basis of:
- literacy;
- the ability to concisely express their thoughts;
- politeness;
- used vocabulary.

Any message should begin with a greeting, address by name.
It should be borne in mind that words written only in capital letters carry a lot of emotional stress. It is better to avoid a lot of exclamation points, question marks, ellipses, understatement. This can form a wrong attitude towards what is being said. In no case should you use obscene words.
Before sending a message, you should carefully read it, evaluate the appropriateness of the information provided. Don't forget to send thanks whenever possible.

On the pages of social networks, you should consciously select photos that you want to share with others. Every little thing matters.
It is not recommended to post intimate photos or provide personal information.
All this can scare away not only the interlocutors, but also potential employers. One of the modern trends in the search and selection of personnel is the use of social networks.

Non-verbal conversation rules
Non-verbal interaction is carried out using facial expressions, gestures, habits. Clothing, its cut, color, combination can say a lot about the emotional state, character, status. A messy look is created by poorly ironed clothes, unbuttoned to all the buttons. The hairstyle gives integrity to the image. Hair should be clean and neatly styled.

There are certain rules that allow you to effectively interact with each other. Among the highlights are:
- Keeping distance... Invasion of personal space - closer than 40 cm - causes discomfort.
- Eye contact. When talking, you need to look into the eyes as often as possible, about 60% of the time. This is how a trusting relationship is formed. However, it should not be overused. Too long gaze expresses distrust, aggression.

- Using open poses... It is not recommended to cross your arms or legs. Such poses express closeness, unwillingness to make contact.
- Erect posture indicates self-confidence.
- Lack of postures expressing dissatisfaction superiority, neglect.These include the position when the hands rest on the side, are lowered in the pockets, or are behind the back.
- Lack of excessive gesticulation. Otherwise, it may seem that the speaker does not have enough vocabulary to express his thoughts.

It should be noted that the location of the interlocutors is also important. Being opposite each other, opponents are more prone to confrontation than being located next to each other. Therefore, for business negotiations, round tables are often used.

Features of conflict-free communication
During a conflict, there is a clash of opinions, interests, positions. The result of confrontation can be the achievement of a common goal or destructive consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to translate any conflict into a positive channel, and, if possible, prevent it altogether.

Before dissolving in emotions, you must try to take a sober look at the situation, analyze, try to politely convey the essence of the issue.
It is imperative to give your opponent the opportunity to get out of the situation with dignity. In order not to create prerequisites for the emergence of confrontation, it is recommended to adhere to simple principles that allow you to effectively interact with others.

These include:
- politeness;
- respect;
- positivity;
- openness;
- Attention;
- decency;
- concreteness;
- preservation of personal boundaries;
- tolerance;
- Justice;
- compassion.

The ability to enter the position of another person allows you to understand the motives of his behavior, to look at the situation from a different angle. You should not react to aggression emotionally. This could lead to an uncontrolled hazardous situation. Also, do not give in to provocations.
It should be remembered that each individual has his own characteristics of character, temperament, worldview, upbringing, life situation. This must be understood and accepted. The person chooses the reaction to this or that message himself. Do not immediately "cut from the shoulder".

Business sphere of communication
In the professional world, it is customary to observe business ethics. It is a set of rules aimed at achieving specific goals. The specificity of interaction is not to show interesting sides of your character, but to interest your partner, to inspire trust and respect. It is important to find points of contact, to outline boundaries, zones of interaction. This takes into account the cultural, national characteristics of the business partner.

Key skills for successful business negotiations include:
- the ability to correctly express their intentions;
- ability to analyze;
- listening skills;
- the ability to defend your position;
- a sober assessment of all the pros and cons;
- knowledge of professional terminology.

There are the main stages of a business conversation:
- Greetings. At this stage, the formation of the first impression takes place.
- Introductory part. Includes preparation for discussion of key issues.
- Discussion. Includes concretization of the situation, consideration of possible options, decision making.
- Completion. Farewell, which also has an impact on the formation of a holistic experience.

When talking, it is necessary to show sincere interest in the topic, benevolence. Mood, emotional state should not affect the rate of speech and its volume. The facial expression should be open, friendly. Nothing disposes like a sincere smile of the interlocutor.
In the field of professional communication, such qualities as tact, honesty, decency, clarity are valued.
First, they always express the positive aspects, and only then mention the negative ones.

Regardless of the form in which a business meeting takes place, it is necessary to monitor diction, speech rate, volume, phrases, correct accents. Any outcome of a business meeting should leave a positive impression of the conversation. This greatly increases the chances of an improvement in the result.

Good manners for men and women
In society, there are unspoken norms of behavior in the interaction of opposite sexes, the observance of which is a manifestation of good breeding. Among the most common rules are:
- Help of a man when lifting weights.
- Freeing up a place for a woman in transport.
- Opening the door to a woman.
- When walking together, the man should be on the left side of the companion.
- When traveling by taxi, the man opens the back door on the right, lets his companion pass, and then sits down himself.

- When traveling by his own car, a man must open the front door of the car for a lady, only then get behind the wheel.
- Smoking in the presence of a woman is allowed only with her permission.
- In the wardrobe, a man must help a woman to take off her outer clothing, and then undress himself.
- When going down the stairs, the man goes in front, and when going up - behind.
- A man should not be late for a meeting with a woman.
In modern society, such norms of behavior are not very popular, however, their knowledge and manifestation can arouse respect, sympathy, admiration.

Reminder of behavior
The main principles of effective interpersonal interaction are:
- mutual assistance;
- observance of someone else's space;
- respect;
- cultural communication.

When in any public place, you should adhere to the culture of behavior that is acceptable for that place:
- While on public transport, it is not recommended to push people around in order to find free space or get out as quickly as possible. You should give up seats to the elderly, children, women. Large bags should be placed in a place where they will not interfere. The backpack should be handled.
- Being in various stores, large supermarkets, it is not recommended to take unnecessary goods from the shelves, and then leave them in places that are not intended for this.
- While at work, you must adhere to the rules that are established in this institution. This can be a certain type of clothing, hairstyle, ornaments. It is not recommended to discuss personal topics with colleagues. Also, do not discuss the colleagues themselves, especially behind their backs.

- While attending a movie session, it is not recommended to talk loudly, comment on what is happening, rattle cans or rustle packages. All this disturbs others and causes irritation. The remaining rubbish must be thrown away at the end of the session.
- While in a medical facility, it is not recommended to talk loudly, use mobile phones, especially if there is diagnostic equipment nearby. If there is a queue, then you have to stick to it.
Thanks to the observance of the rules of good taste, a positive impression is created and a positive attitude of others is formed.

For more information on the rules of etiquette when dealing with different people, see the next video.