Conversation rules

It's nice to talk to an intelligent person. Nowadays, face-to-face communication is becoming a luxury, and people value good conversations. Even an insignificant conversation will become more enjoyable if you know how to conduct it correctly, how to direct it in the right direction.
Your efficiency in negotiations directly depends on the communication culture. You need to understand what behavior is appropriate now and what is unacceptable. The basic rules for constructing a conversation are not that hard. Use this checklist to improve your communication efficiency.

Conversation tone
During a conversation, you should always monitor your vocabulary, intonation and tone. Slang, professional jargon, rarely used words are not always and not always appropriate. The same phrase can sound completely different depending on the tone in which it is pronounced. Even if you are annoyed, do not show it to others.... Calmness, politeness, confidence, thoroughness are your best allies in a constructive dialogue.
Separately, it should be said about trusting intonation - it allows the interlocutor to feel on an equal footing with you, although, perhaps, you surpass him in knowledge in any matter.
A conversation in a confidential intonation should proceed slowly and better if the initiator is an older (significant, status) interlocutor.
Don't forget to smile. It is much more pleasant to look at a smiling face than at a "beech", and thus, you will subconsciously associate your counterpart with positive emotions.

Topic of conversation
Conversations are casual, when topics of discussion are chosen spontaneously and businesslike, when a specific issue is supposed to be discussed.A business conversation requires preparation and organization, you must be at least competent in the topic. If the communication is businesslike, you should not be distracted by discussing other problems.
A casual conversation requires much more developed speech etiquette from the interlocutors. The basic rule is not to tell the interlocutor what you yourself would not want to hear.

There are other rules:
- you should not talk about things that, in one way or another, may offend the interlocutor - no one likes to discuss unpleasant topics;
- the question that you are discussing should be of interest to your conversation partner, something highly specialized, scientific is not the best choice;
- a person's modesty decorates: you should not praise yourself and extol your own merits, it is unlikely that this can interest the interlocutor - his actions speak much more about a person than words;
- discussion of a third person who is not present during the conversation is also not always appropriate: to gossip and gossip is bad manners for real small talk;
- A good joke is to embellish the conversation, but only if it is appropriate.

- if a dispute has arisen, you should not turn it into a quarrel, it is much easier to do this than you might think - it is enough just to maintain respect for the interlocutor: do not hang labels, do not "get personal", do not ridicule someone else's point of view, and also do not impose your ;
- the stage of completion of the conversation is important: the conversation does not need to be prolonged artificially - you can be considered a bore, it is much more effective to consolidate a pleasant impression of yourself by politely saying goodbye.

Listening skills
It is this skill that is the criterion of a person's sociability. People love to talk about themselves, and by listening, you will be able to form the correct impression of the interlocutor. Listen carefully and nod. This gesture not only signifies agreement, but also demonstrates your interest.
Show interest only this interest should be sincere. "Inclusion" in the conversation and the absence of falsehood will make you always a welcome guest. Clarifying questions are a great way to keep the conversation going. Their wording can be like this: "Do you mean that ...?", "Do you mean that ...?"
Everyone knows from childhood that it is ugly to interrupt, but in the heat of disputes this is often forgotten. Do not interrupt, let the person express their arguments to the end, do not get lost in thought. After all, you can draw the right conclusions only after listening.

Inner comfort
You should feel comfortable during the conversation. Both on a psychological and physiological level. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to feel that inner interest, which makes you a pleasant interlocutor. Nothing should distract you.

Being in a comfortable state for yourself, you can easily make a natural adjustment. This is an NLP technique, the essence of which is that you take the same posture as the interlocutor, use similar gestures.
Carrying out this technique should be imperceptible, otherwise the adjustment can be regarded as antics and will not be counted in your favor.

For information on how to properly conduct a conversation, see the next video.
Not a bad article, I'll try to implement it in practice.