How to fold a herringbone napkin?

Decorating the table for the holiday allows you to create a special atmosphere. At the same time, decoration often does not require knowledge of complex techniques: you can decorate a table using the most common things that are in every home. During the winter holidays, the table decoration should be special, appropriate for the season. This helps maintain a festive atmosphere. A personal Christmas tree on a plate will bring a lot of joy to each guest. It can be made with just one napkin. Christmas tree napkins will be remembered for a long time by you and your guests.

What is required?
To make these Christmas trees that will decorate the New Year's table, you will need:
- napkins (green is preferable, if they are not there, ordinary white will do).
- various small Christmas toys.

In some cases, only one tissue may be needed.
How to do it?
There are many options for folding a Christmas tree from napkins. Moreover, some of the techniques are applicable exclusively to paper varieties. For other techniques, tissue napkins are used.
Paper and cloth
Here is an example of instructions for folding a three-dimensional Christmas tree out of a paper napkin for serving plates:
- The napkin is folded in four.
- The first corner is folded up, but not completely (1 - 1.5 cm must be left to the edge).
- This operation must be repeated with three more corners. At this point, you get a ladder.

- Turn the structure over.
- The side parts must be brought together in the center.
- Turn it over again so that the corner looks down.
- You need to bend the corner of the top without smoothing the fold line.

This is then repeated at all angles. This tree is suitable for serving plates. Such an algorithm will help to make a more voluminous Christmas tree from a cloth napkin or a small towel.
From paper
The next option is only suitable for paper napkins.It is also extremely simple. To do this, just use the clear instructions:
- First, the napkin must be folded in half to form a rectangle.
- Both corners are folded on each side.
- The resulting corners are folded in the center (the workpiece has acquired the shape of a square).
- Fold in half so that the corners are outside.

After these actions, the napkin must be given a triangular shape, forming folds. This is done first with the bottom right corner. Then - with the upper right. What happened is folded in half. This is how they make a simple Christmas tree with their own hands for setting the New Year's table.

Helpful hints
When creating Christmas trees from paper or fabric, there should be no great difficulties. There are origami master classes, where you will learn how to fold more complex shapes step by step. You can find many diagrams in print media. Often, the instructions become clear if you look at the photo. Christmas trees made of three-layer napkins will look especially beautiful.

Most of the instructions are pretty simple, it won't take long to create a Christmas tree. You can use not only green napkins. This will give the party a more playful mood. There are a huge number of small toys that you can use to decorate your creations.

A master class on creating a Christmas tree from napkins to decorate the table, see below.