The subtleties of setting the festive table

Table setting is a rather interesting and not an easy task, because here it is necessary to observe all the rules of etiquette so that the table for celebrating a celebration becomes an object of pride for the owners and a stylish decoration for any event.

Serving is a clear arrangement of dishes and all the utensils necessary for taking food on the table. A number of ordinary people have no idea that the correct design of the table takes time, although for savvy housewives this process will be quite simple. The whole process of decorating a table consists of several steps:
- Choosing a beautiful tablecloth and matching napkins.
- Purchase of dishes.
- Purchase of beautiful spoons, forks and special knives.
- Purchase of glasses.
- Choice of service for tea drinking and coffee breaks.

When all the necessary items are at your disposal, then you can start planning your meal.
You should not forget that a tablecloth is considered a mandatory attribute of table decoration for a celebration at home.
You should know that it can be bought for special occasions and everyday use. Experts recommend:
- For a festive feast, buy a tablecloth made of natural material.
- For frequent family tea parties, purchase a tablecloth made of more resistant materials.
It is better that the shape of the product follows the shape of the countertop. Pay close attention to the length of this important accessory. According to all the rules of etiquette, the tablecloth must completely hide the table top, and also hang from its edge 20-25 cm down.

The classic design of the table requires a special arrangement of the dishes on it.First, earthenware and porcelain tableware are installed, then all kinds of utensils are placed, then glasses, cups and wine glasses, crystal products, vases and glass candy bowls are taken out.
Napkins are also important. Fabric products can perfectly complement the design of the table itself, they look exquisite. The invitees put them on their knees so that their clothes do not get dirty. With paper counterparts, they simply wipe their fingers or lips both during and after eating.
It is necessary to calculate the number of visitors in advance so that there are enough glasses, plates and other utensils for all those present.

If you put different cups or plates for a celebration on the table, your guests will clearly consider such a step bad manners, therefore it is best to select all the dishes from the same set, then it will be not only stylish, but also of the same color.
Before serving dishes, the hostess should check the presence of spoons in all salad bowls, so that the invitees have something to transfer the selected salad to their plate.
For kids, a birthday or New Year's table is decorated in almost the same way as for adults, but these days, most parents buy plastic tableware for children. It allows you to avoid injury and loss of expensive items.
In addition, plastic cups and plates always delight with their attractive appearance, which will allow you to make the table for fun children at home as elegant as possible.
A couple of days before the holiday, you need to solve all the issues related to its organization and prepare well: count the number of invited guests, think over the menu, determine if the tablecloth is in order and if the napkin has the right color, take into account the presence of festive sets of dishes in the house, come up with an original decor. On the day of your celebration, wipe all items with a clean cloth until they squeak and shine, and then you can start laying the festive table itself.

Arrangement of items
All plates are exposed first. The main place on the table is always occupied by a separate plate for decor, which is placed no less than 2 cm from the edge of the table top. A dish for cool snacks is placed on top of it, its size should be medium. In addition, you can place a soup product on the main plate, if you have mashed soup in your menu. If you are going to treat your guests with broth, then it is best to serve a special broth for him. The bread plate should be on the left side of the main one.
For any kind of cymbal, there is a general rule - you need to arrange them 50 cm from one another so that the invitees do not sit closely at the table. The cutlery is placed on either side of the plates or above them. The plugs are usually to the left of the main unit. Put the knives on the right, turn the blades directly to the dish. A spoon for all kinds of soups is on top of the main course. The spoon for sweets lies on the right and is considered the last in a line of cutlery.

The closest items are those that are used first. Further away will be knives and forks for the latest dishes. When laying out devices, remember that it should be easy and simple to reach them.
The cutlery must not be hidden under the large edges of the guest plates; they must be clearly visible.
In order to be interesting and according to all the available rules to set the table with food at home, you need to choose the right glasses. It is worth knowing that any drink should have its own type of glasses or glasses. Experts suggest that:
- Pot-bellied glasses are used for red wines, aromatic cognac, age brandy.
- Small glasses will adequately preserve the bouquet of dry white wine.
- Narrow glasses are useful for champagne.
- Glasses will be needed for pouring juice and mineral water.
On the countertop, all these items are placed to the right of the guest's plate. Napkins should be interestingly combined with the main color of the selected table set. The napkins are folded so that they look as neat as possible when unrolled. These items are placed on the snack plate when not in use. With the help of these accessories, you can decorate the table in any fashionable direction.

How to arrange ready meals?
Any hostess will cook many of the most incredible and delicious dishes to amaze guests with their cordiality and hospitality. But it must be borne in mind that Excessive abundance will then be difficult to arrange in all its splendor on the table, which can lead to unpleasant moments:
- The guest will have nowhere to put his plate.
- Not enough space for all the food.
- It will be impossible to reach certain dishes.
- The table may look cluttered.
- You will not be able to correctly decompose all the appliances.

To avoid this, when planning a celebration, you need to immediately make a list of all the dishes that will need to be prepared.
If you dream of holding the most ceremonial reception, then you will need to think over 3-time table setting:
- Serving hot dishes and laying out appliances on the table under them;
- Decorating a separate table with various snacks;
- Final preparation of the table for dessert dishes.
You need to consider how to quickly and correctly set the festive table for all these stages. Special attention should be paid to the details of the arrangement of the main dishes.

Place the salt and pepper shaker in the very center of the table; leave a small distance between them. Place a mustard pot and all kinds of sauce bowls nearby. Serve the butter with a special knife, and put the smallest spoon in the mustard.
Bread is brought in on separate plates, which must be placed on different sides of the table so that any guest can reach it. It is necessary to correctly arrange cold snacks - they can be fish, meat and vegetable. If you need to serve a drink in a bottle, then bring an already open container to the table.
Correctly serving various kinds of drinks should be according to the rules:
- It is better to put sweet water and mineral water out of order, it is worth opening them before the start of the celebration.
- Juices and fruit drinks are poured into glass jugs, placed around the table.
- Decanters are needed for vodka and various tinctures.
- Cognac and wine are placed on the table only in original bottles.

If a lot of people are invited to the celebration, then you need to know the correct order of serving dishes. The feast should start with cold appetizers - delicious salads and small sandwiches. After that, hot is brought in - it can be soup and a variety of main courses. Sweet dishes are considered the end of the meal - they are served at the end of the holiday. Each dish should have a separate spoon so that your guests can easily transfer the treat to their plates.
If you have added a number of second courses to the menu, then before the next shift you need to change the dirty plates to clean ones.
You can put the second courses on the table in this order - first fish, after them - meat and already under the "curtain" - vegetable.
If you have cooked fried or stuffed fish, then the meat or poultry on your menu should be stewed or vice versa, and then your guests will be satisfied. Vegetable dishes are those that contain green peas or cabbage.
Before dessert, it is better to remove all unnecessary dishes from the table, with the exception of glasses. On the table are small dessert plates with knives and forks, which are laid out according to the same principle as the usual cutlery for main courses.

Required elements
A serving plate is a flat product with a large diameter. An ordinary hot plate can successfully play its role. It is used not only for decoration: such a product will protect the table from accidental splashes.
The snack plate is a small and flat saucer.It is needed for a salad or canapé and is removed from the table as soon as the appetizers are finished. A deep hot dish or a special broth cup is placed on top of the diner and serving bowls if you have soup on the menu.
A counter plate for sliced bread is on the left hand and is individual for each guest. In everyday serving, it is most often refused. Glasses are set according to height. They are placed on the right hand of the person sitting diagonally, the row begins with the tallest and largest glass in terms of volume.

Usually all devices are subdivided into individual (for each of the guests) and additional. These are special spoons, forks, tongs and scoops, etc. With these additional devices, guests transfer the treat to their plates from the common dish.
Serving cannot be complete without serving items such as fruit baskets, crystal bowls for berries, sweets or salads.
The choice of table colors may depend on the style and color of the selected dishes and tablecloths, while choosing an original tablecloth for the service is much easier than choosing dishes for a specific tablecloth.
If you have a crystal glass service at home, a snow-white starched linen and fabric napkins of the same snow-white napkins will look great with it.
An original addition will be matching flowers in tall beautiful vases.

It is much easier to choose a monochromatic tablecloth for porcelain dishes, the most daring combinations and various devices will look great on it. The table setting will be more elegant if you supplement it with multi-colored napkins or monochromatic products that fold into different figures. Thanks to the huge selection of these products in stores, they can easily be purchased for any celebration, be it a wedding, New Year or other holidays. The holders, which can be found in the set of any service, will help to lay the napkins correctly.
Candles in stylish candlesticks at any holiday will create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the room and decorate the whole room. Table setting for a special day can be supplemented with original items. For example, you can use silk ribbons that match the color of the dishes. Patterns are made from them or rings are created that go from bouquets to devices, which looks amazing.
Stylish silver figurines will also come in handy on a modern holiday table. And finally, freshly cut flowers are the main element of modern table setting.

You can learn about these and other intricacies of table setting in the following video.