How should you take bread: with a fork or with your hand?

No meal can be complete without bread. Proverbs, sayings and even fairy tales are written about him. Even doctors speak about its benefits. The consistently respectful attitude towards this valuable product was reflected in the norms of behavior at the table. It would seem nothing complicated, but there are certain rules.

Fundamental rules
Sitting at the table, it is important not only to behave correctly, but also to eat food according to the rules of etiquette. They also exist for bread.
The most important rule is that a slice is by all means taken with your hands from a common dish. After that, you put the slice on your plate.
If you are in a restaurant, there will be a pie plate in front of you, on which you need to put bread. If there is no such dish in front of you, then it is permissible to put a slice on the edge of the snack plate. It is served first. By the way, cake, cookies and fruits are also taken by hand. Interestingly, you can even pick up sugar in cubes with your fingers if the tongs get lost somewhere.

They eat bread, helping themselves exclusively with their left hand, breaking off small pieces. To do this, you first need to free your hand from the fork. The appliance is placed on the edge of the plate with the cloves up. The knife is left in the right hand. Try to accustom yourself to this rule, otherwise you can automatically take your neighbor's bread.
There are small exceptions to this rule based on national traditions. For example, when consuming soups of Ukrainian or Russian cuisine, you can bite off the bread.
Nobody puts snacks on a slice. Only pasty products can be applied to it - butter or pate. They are picked with a knife from a common plate and transferred to their dish. Caviar from the common plate can be put directly on the bread.

It is also necessary to apply oil in accordance with the rules. Break off a small piece from the slice and press it against the plate with your finger. Then you can spread the butter. It is not customary to apply on the whole piece, only on the edge, designed for one bite. If you want ham or cheese with bread, you can eat them separately.
As a rule, the butter is rectangular; there is a special knife for it. The blade of such a knife is rounded. There are teeth on the edge. This is necessary in order to carefully separate a small amount of oil, put it on your plate, and then spread it on a slice.

Sometimes olive oil is served in restaurants. It is needed so that you can dip bread in it. It is served in portions for everyone. It is necessary to dunk very small pieces, which are immediately sent to the mouth.
However, there is an exception - the rules of etiquette at breakfast. They are much simpler. At the table, you can make sandwiches with a variety of snacks. It turned out to be big - then put it on your plate and cut it into small pieces, which are convenient to prick with the teeth of a fork.
You can still smear jam or honey on the slice. Before doing this, cut the slice into long pieces.

Bread is always present on our table. It can be a simple breakfast, or it can be a ceremonial meal. In each case, it is imperative not to forget about the rules of table etiquette.
The main way is to take a slice with your hands from a basket or dish, if located near you.
There are two more options. The first is to remove the piece from the bread bin using tongs, if available.
The second method is similar to the main one, but it uses a napkin. In this case, if you took a piece, and you did not like it, then you have the right to put it back and take another. But if you took bread with your hands without a napkin, you absolutely must not put it back!

Usually the slice is on the table either in a bread basket or in a basket. If it is sliced, then take the basket and first offer it to the neighbor on the right, only then take it yourself. If the bread is not sliced, then you must do it yourself.
Before you take a piece for yourself, offer it to the neighbor on the left, and then to the neighbor on the right. When the last slice remains on the table, treat the others before taking it.

According to etiquette, it is forbidden to perform the following manipulations with bread:
- Take with cutlery: fork or knife!
- Place on a table or napkin.
- Grind in hand and toss into a plate.
- Hold in the palm of your hand and brush with oil.
- Do not finish eating and leave on a plate.

- Bite off the common bite.
- Cut a piece, buttered.
- Putting snacks on the bread. An exception is breakfast.
- Wipe the plate with a piece.
- Roll balls from the crumb.
- Hold a slice in one hand and a drink in the other.
- Leave the bitten pieces on the plate.

How to eat sandwiches?
Butterbrot translates from German as bread and butter. Today, a sandwich can be with any filler. Sausage, pate, vegetables - all of these are perfect for filling. When making a sandwich, it is important that the thickness of the slice is no more than 1 cm. The appetizer should not protrude strongly and even more so fall out of the sandwich.
When serving, they usually put a napkin under the sandwich so as not to get your hands dirty. If you are sitting at the table, then the sandwich is eaten with a fork and knife. Cut for one bite. Sandwiches are divided into several types, each of which must be eaten in a different way, since there are certain rules.

Classic - bread and butter and top topping. These sandwiches are made at home every day, but no one is watching you there, so you can eat it the way you like. If you were offered to try such a sandwich in a restaurant, it is necessary to eat with the help of cutlery. A piece must be cut off small so that it can be easily chewed and swallowed.

Big hot sandwich
The sandwich can be multi-tiered. Often, this food does not fit into the mouth.Therefore, in order not to look awkward, use cutlery. It happens that they are not, in this case, paper napkins will come to the rescue.
If you have a hot sandwich in front of you, the same rules apply for it as for a tiered one.
However, if you have cheese on your slice, then you need to cut it off to the borders of the piece of bread. Otherwise, they can get your face dirty while eating, or it will simply hang down, and this is not aesthetically pleasing.

Small sandwiches and sandwiches
If you are at a common table, then small sandwiches should be transferred to your plate using special devices. You can then eat it by hand without cutting or using a fork.
Canapes and sandwiches are also eaten by hand. They are mainly served before a common meal, at a buffet table.
A sandwich is a sandwich made up of two slices of bread. Various fillings are placed in the middle. There are two types of canapes: with soft filling and hard filling. Canapes should be eaten by holding on to the skewer or the bottom layer of the sandwich.

Bread traditions
Each nation has traditions that it observes unquestioningly. So not a single feast is complete without bread. In other countries, it is also far from the last product. Germany is considered to be the country of bread fashion. It was the Germans who taught everyone to eat bread with various additives: olives, cabbage, carrots, nuts and raisins, seeds.
Great Britain is another country with a high grain culture. In Britain, a wide variety of breads are baked with the addition of whole grains and seeds. Some varieties can be afforded by every inhabitant, while others are intended only for rich people.

The famous ciabatta came to us from Italy in the mid-90s. The shape of this type of bread is oblong, which justifies the name in translation - "slipper". It contains, among other things, olive oil.
The bun is dense and light, depending on the recipe adopted in each province or even locality. But always with a crispy crust. Ciabatta is used today for making sandwiches all over the world.
Interestingly, in Italy bread is not produced in large quantities. Often every Italian bakes it for himself.
In the Italian restaurant, it is forbidden to eat bread or breadsticks between meals.

The Spaniard's morning also begins with freshly baked bread. This is where the tradition of dipping a slice in olive oil and garlic came from. The bun is cut into several small pieces and, using a fork, dipped into the fragrant butter.
France is not only an unsurpassed perfumery, but also an unusually delicious airy bread. The people of France eat it every day and do not get fat. It's all about a unique recipe that does not involve the use of milk.
If you cook a loaf correctly and use it wisely, then you will not get better.... In restaurants, bread is served with the main course, sometimes with cheese at the end of the meal.

Swiss shepherds invented the first fondue. In the pasture, they came to the conclusion that if you cut bread into small cubes, string them on a skewer and place them in melted cheese, you will get not only a very satisfying food, but also incredibly tasty. This is the origin of the tradition of dipping slices of bread or buns in various hot additives.

For more information on how to properly take bread when you are sitting at the table, see the next video.