Gua number 2: description, favorable directions and calculation of compatibility

Feng Shui teachings originated in ancient China over 3000 years ago and today it continues to develop and improve. Its main task is to build a harmonious relationship between man and the things around him and nature. This knowledge allows you to wisely use your energy for the benefit of yourself and the world around you. The basics of feng shui teachings are related to psychology and astrophysics, design, astrology and ecology.

Numerical indicator of Gua
Gua number is a common concept in feng shui that shows a person's personal energetic potential. Different directions have dissimilar energy characteristics. If for one person any direction will be positive, that is, it will bring good luck, health, success, then for another - on the contrary.
To find out personal positive directions and compatibility with other people, you need to know your own Gua score.

How to calculate the Gua number?
It is located in different ways, the calculations are tied to your gender and year of birth. But one should take into account the fact that the new year reckoning in China begins on February 5, therefore, people born after January 1 and before this date should take the figures of the previous year. You should also know that the number 5 is absent in the feng shui system, and if in the calculations you got it, then women instead of it take the number 8, and men - 2.
Gua is also not zero, for 2009 it is considered equal to 9.

Calculations for women
If you are female and born before 2000, your Gua indicator should be calculated using this algorithm:
- Take the two digits on the far right of your year of birth and add them up (for example, 1974, 7 + 4 = 11);
- bring the result to an unambiguous indicator (1 + 1 = 2);
- if you were born before 2000, add 5 to this number (2 + 5 = 7) - this will be the required Gua number;
- having dates of birth after 2000, in the last calculation, instead of the number 5, add 6.

Calculations for men
Finding the Gua number for a male is carried out according to a similar scheme, but at the third stage, if you were born before 2000, you need to subtract the resulting number from 10, and if after 2000, subtract the result from 9.

Characteristics of the Gua number 2
This indicator belongs to the western group, its element is Earth, colors are yellow and brown. The main qualities inherent in a person: calmness, prudence, sacrifice, conservatism, reliability, the ability to observe, diligence. Yin energy dominates in a person, which manifests itself in the accumulation of internal and creative forces without their active manifestation.
Such people are devoted in relationships, show generosity to loved ones, are pleasant and tactful in communication, like to work in a team, but sometimes they are too conservative. They need to develop an inner core and creativity.
They have a predisposition to diseases of the digestive system, blood, spine.

Favorable directions
In feng shui, it is generally accepted that people are born with an individual type of destiny, on which the energy associated with a particular geographic direction depends. Positive orientation for representatives of the Gua number 2: west, southwest, northwest, northeast. Let's dwell on each in a little more detail.
- West. Direction of health. This is where the bedroom should be located. It is also recommended to connect a stove on the west side to avoid health complications. There should be a front door, a kitchen and a kitchen table where you eat.
- Southwest. This is the direction of personal development and a stable life. It is combined with the zone of love and marriage. To prevent your loved one from being the main jewel of your existence to the detriment of everything else, you need to activate this zone with the support of the elements of fire (fireplace, candles). Here, the location of the manager's or student's desktop is favorable. Ideal direction for the front door. When meditating, it is recommended to direct yourself in this direction.
- Northwest. The direction of family harmony and love. Here it is desirable to arrange a bedroom with icons, a living room.
- Northeast... The direction of wealth and success. It is recommended to place talismans here to attract money, but not wooden or metal. It is desirable to arrange rooms for negotiations in this direction.

Gua 2 compatibility with other numbers
All indicators of Gua are divided into two groups: western (numbers 2,6,7,8) and eastern (1,3, 4.9). People belonging to the same group understand and feel each other more. If both partners have a Gua number of 2, then they have similar emotions and views, trust each other in a difficult life situation.
The compatibility of Gua 2 with other numbers can be arranged as follows.
- An ideal relationship. They arise in people with the Gua number 2 and 7, as well as 2 and 8. Such couples usually raise many children, respect and value each other. They are capable of solving all material and spiritual problems.
- A good option. This is a combination of 2 and 6. Such relationships are strong and stable if family quarrels do not go too far and people learn to hear each other;
- Incompatible numbers. Gua 2 is not compatible with the numbers 1, 3, 4, 9. These people do not suit each other at all, their marriage is unlikely to be long and happy.

What colors are important in clothes
Since the element is Earth, it is recommended to wear clothes of yellow, brown, beige, sand, dark gold colors. These people tend to prefer traditional clothing. They love belts and loose shirts. They like bright and light shades.
If you find out the individual number of Gua, you can influence such important areas of life as health, love, career, material wealth. Just try using data on favorable directions in your everyday life.
And remember that luck comes only to those who believe in it.

How to calculate the Gua number yourself, see the video below.