Wallet mouse: what is it for and how to activate it?

Many people note that even working without rest, they still have no money. Or, when trying to raise their income level or social status, they are not lucky. Standard ways to deal with the lack of money (find a part-time job, change jobs) will not work in this case. In such cases, people turn to the wisdom of their ancestors, who attached great importance to the energy component of a person. It has always been believed that the easiest way to direct this energy in the right direction is with the help of amulets.
Amulets attracting cash flow appeared along with the emergence of commodity-money relations. Each nation had its own symbol (and not even one), attracting wealth and prosperity. You can argue for a long time on the topic of whether this is the power of thought or magic, but there is no doubt about the effectiveness of some amulets.
One of these amulets was the purse mouse. This is a figurine of a mouse, usually no more than a centimeter in length (to easily fit into a wallet). It is made from natural materials: clay, wood, metals or stones.

It is believed to attract wealth, help pay off debts, save you from unnecessary spending, and attract good luck when applying for a job or promotion.
An amulet is an exceptional item that can only belong to one owner. It has its own energy charge and is fueled by human energy when interacting with it. An amulet found or purchased by chance will not work. In the same way, a random decoration will not become an amulet.
The wallet mouse has several variations in performance. Usually it is a mouse with a raking spoon or a coin. These items themselves are money talismans that only enhance the mouse.There are images of a mouse with other objects, but they always have to do with finance.
Of course, the presence of such an amulet does not at all mean that you need to stop working on improving your financial situation. Many experts in the field of psychology say that the belief that the talisman will bring wealth contributes to the fact that a person himself begins to notice new opportunities. Such figures are needed in order to mobilize, inspire a person, to concentrate the flow of his thoughts on the desired result.

Belief in the amulet gives confidence in the success of the enterprise. A person will fight to achieve the goal, knowing that he is lucky. However, this can also cause negative consequences. With the loss of the talisman, faith in one's own strength can also disappear. As a result, apathy and depression will ensue.
Nevertheless there are many followers of the theory about the mystical power of such amulets.
It is interesting that the mouse is a symbol of wealth not only among the Slavic peoples, but also in Eastern countries. There is a widespread amulet in the form of a rat.

What is a mouse for?
In which cases it is worth resorting to her help:
- you feel worn out by financial difficulties;
- you need to pull off a profitable business;
- can't find a job;
- want to increase your income;
- want to improve your standard of living.
Many people are ready to work for days to achieve their goal. But this does not always lead to the desired result, and sometimes worsens the person's situation. In this case, there is a feeling of exhaustion and hopelessness. It's as if someone is redirecting all the energy from the target into the void. If you or someone you know is in such a situation, then in addition to general recommendations (go to the doctor, revise the daily routine and place of work), you can advise to get yourself a talisman in the form of a mouse. Faith in its power will help a person overcome the state of fatigue.

If suddenly you decide to tackle a risky and profitable business, then you simply cannot do without a little assistant. It will attract favorable circumstances and instill confidence that the venture is a success.
Everyone can be unemployed. Finding another job can be difficult. If you are overtaken by a failure in your search, then try to put a mouse in your wallet. By feeding on your dreams, she will be able to attract favorable circumstances.
The purse mouse will also help increase your income. She will be able to direct cash flows to you so that income will constantly increase. Sometimes the opportunity to earn extra money will simply fall "like snow on your head."
She will be able to raise the standard of living only by significantly recharging herself with your energy, as this will require large energy expenditures. This is due to the fact that a large number of energy flows will need to be rebuilt in order to significantly change your life.

The talisman not only helps to attract wealth, but also protects its owner from negative energy, witchcraft. The longer the talisman serves one owner, the more effective its action. This is due to the fact that he “tunes in” to the energy of a person and “remembers” the direction of his desires and actions.
Subtleties of choice
As mentioned above, a talisman can only belong to one owner. Even if it was re-donated, it won't have the same effect as the first owner. In all cultures, talismans are exclusively personal items that cannot be donated (an exception was made for mother and child and lovers).
The choice of a mascot is also very individual. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to contact the specialists who make amulets and speak.
If this is not possible, then the amulet can be bought or made on your own.
The amulet should be purchased only in specialized feng shui stores or from herbalists. The figurine from the gift shop will remain just a toy.And images made of stone can accumulate negative energy and harm the owner.

It is believed that such amulets cannot be bought on their own. They should be presented as a gift from someone who sincerely wishes you well.
Self-made talismans are considered the most powerful. They do not need time to “tune in” to a person, since they receive a large amount of energy already during manufacture. In addition, the person himself, making such a talisman, will tune in to change his life.
When choosing a talisman, you need to take into account the goals of a person, his income at the time of buying a mouse, his character and the power of energy (this can be determined by analyzing the sensations that arise from communicating with a person).

There are several recommendations for choosing a talisman for different categories of people.
- Golden mouse it is customary to give gifts to women who do not plan to work. Gold is a "heavy" metal with excessive energy. It can interfere with an active person, but it is good for someone who is going to stay at home. Gold gets along well with women, as they are more flexible and energetically strong. A woman will be able to direct the energy of gold into the channel of enriching her husband and herself.

- Working men you need, on the contrary, something lighter. A brass wallet mouse will do. This material does not have heavy energy and will be able to "work together" with a business person. You can also donate figurines made of turquoise, red garnet, calcite, jade or obsidian.

- A working woman is recommended to give stone figurines. In particular, from amber. Although it is worth making a reservation here: in addition to the fact that women are more resilient in terms of energy, they are also more sensitive to it. Stones should be selected according to individual indicators. An improperly selected stone can take away strength, give a feeling of heaviness and cold. It is important for amber to recognize its owner, otherwise it will behave aggressively. In addition to the amber mouse, you can present an amulet made of beryl, amethyst, carnelian or topaz.

- A silver mouse is suitable for a girl. It will help to preserve and accumulate the necessary energy. In addition, silver is considered a purifying metal. It will help get rid of negative energy and protect its owner. In addition to the silver mouse, girls can be gifted with figures made of amazonite, aquamarine, moonstone, opal or selenite.

- Malachite is a stone of confidence. A mouse made of this stone is suitable for men who have already reached a certain position in life. It helps to fully reveal a person's abilities and contributes to his further growth. Malachite has a soft energy. In addition to malachite, you can use jade, onyx.

- For a person who wants to become significant or acquire this feeling, it is suitable mouse decorated with sequins and rhinestonesthat will draw attention to itself. Suitable materials are: aventurine, agate, malachite, almandine or amethyst.

- But a modest and shy person is recommended to give mouse with shining eyes... A fully decorated mouse can only exacerbate a person's insecurity. As a material for such a mouse, you can use aventurine, agate, amazonite, garnet, calcite or sardonyx.

- A daring, strong person is recommended to give talismans made from stones such as alexandrite, lapis lazuli or amethyst.

How to activate the talisman correctly
Regardless of whether the talisman was presented or made by yourself, it must be activated.
It is not recommended to go to shamans and fortune-tellers. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to find a good specialist in this field. Chances are good to get to charlatans.
You can independently activate the talisman by doing a few manipulations with it.
- It needs to be held in a clenched hand for several minutes. Try to feel his energy. Think about what you want to get.
- Then unclench your hand and mentally say the conspiracy:
One and imperishable
Keeping the thought of the Universe,
Good power to the world
And save me from problems.
Give me wealth, strength and power.
For happiness, for peace and to your heart's content.

- Put the talisman in your wallet and do not take it out for several hours.
- This ritual must be repeated during the week. Once a day is enough.
If the mouse is reinforced with another talisman, then a conspiracy can also be read for it.
The mouse "settles" in only one wallet, and when "relocating" you need to repeat the conspiracy. If it is not possible to take the entire wallet with you, then you can move the mouse to your pocket.

The most effective action of a wallet mouse will be if several conditions are met.
- The mouse's tail should be curved or curled towards the body. This way he will not be able to "pierce" the wallet. Otherwise, money will go out of it.
- You need to store it next to large denominations. It is believed that in this way it will attract similar bills.
- Do not put an amulet in a wallet that is damaged and worn.
- Do not combine several talismans in one wallet (unless they were originally intended to be used together, of course).
- Keep the amulet away from receipts and receipts.
- It is sometimes necessary to take out the amulet and carry out a purification ritual over it using water.
- Don't forget about the amulet. Refer to its strength before bed and in the morning.
- Do not tell anyone about it or flaunt it. The talisman is everyone's personal business.

In order for the amulet to serve as long as possible, several rules must be followed.
- Take your cleansing ritual seriously. The action of amulets is such that they accumulate in themselves and pass through themselves a huge amount of energy. This cannot but affect the correctness of their work. If you do not pay attention to the ritual of cleansing, then the amulet can fizzle out or radically change its properties.
- After the cleansing ritual, the amulet will need to be recharged.
- Check what storage conditions are acceptable for the material from which the amulet is made.
The amulet must be felt, understood. Interacting with him will give an influx of unprecedented energy that will attract wealth and success into your life.
In the next video, you will see an overview on the amber wallet mouse.