How do you know the color of your aura?

In the common sense, the aura is a kind of mystical substance, the existence of which for an ordinary person is highly doubtful. Indeed, in everyday life on the street, at home and at work, we are not surrounded by people with a colored glow around their bodies.
But is it so unrealistic to see your own and someone else's aura and what do its specific colors and shades mean? This article will discuss how to find out the color of your aura, as well as the interpretation of the colors visible in it.

What it is?
Each person has an energy field around him. It consists of several colored luminous layers. This shell, invisible to most ordinary people, is the very aura.
The energy field changes its shades over time. Changes in the colors of the aura depend on many factors: physical health and spiritual world of a person, emotional state, environment and living conditions. At the same time, at the very center of each energy field, there is one primary color that a person has had since birth. This shade is constant and defining, it speaks of the character and general outlook of the individual.
The color shell extends beyond the physical body by about 15-20 cm. However, the more spiritually developed the personality is, the brighter and broader the aura. For enlightened monks, yogis and other people who improve their spiritual world, living in harmony with themselves, the energy field can be extended 1.5-2 meters from the body. At the same time, the aura of such people glows very brightly. During periods of severe illness, the shades of the aura fade. Also, the glow gradually decreases before death.At the moment of death, the vital energy leaves the body, and the aura of the deceased fades away.
It is believed that the concept of aura is characteristic only of Eastern religions and the teachings of yogis. However, even in Christianity one can observe saints depicted with a light, usually yellowish or gold, halo on their heads. Saints and martyrs, undoubtedly, are those people who have reached the maximum approach to the Creator and have tremendous spiritual energy.
And although in Orthodoxy and Christianity there is no concept of an aura, a halo, according to many scientists and researchers, is nothing more than a huge bunch of energy, visible even with the naked eye.

Determination methods
There are many who question the existence of an energy shell. After all, few people are given to see her with others. However, the ability to recognize the energy glow in yourself and in other people is quite possible to develop.
There are people who have the gift of seeing energy fields spontaneously. Others need to learn to contemplate the luminous shells.
However, there is also a non-visual method for determining the color of your biofield. It is the simplest one and only one basic color can be recognized with its help. This is the one that does not change over the course of life and is embedded in a person from birth.
This method is based on mathematical calculations based on the date of birth. Write in numbers the full date of birth, for example, 02/21/1972. Now add all the numbers together: 2 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2. In our case, which we took as an example, this adds up to 24. You should also end up with a two-digit number. Now we should add the numbers of the amount we received: 2 + 4 = 6.
So, the final number is 6. It is by this number that we will determine the main shade of the biofield. If, after the first addition of the date of birth numbers, you have 11 or 22, then these values should be left as they are. The number 11 is silver and 22 is gold. In all other cases, the two-digit numbers are added.

Now find the color of your aura according to the received code:
- 1 - red;
- 2 - yellow;
- 3 - orange;
- 4 - green;
- 5 - blue;
- 6 - blue;
- 7 - purple;
- 8 - pink;
- 9 - bronze;
- 11 - silver;
- 22 - gold.
The advantage of the method described above for determining the color of the aura by the date of birth of a person is its simplicity and availability. Anyone can use it without the need for any preparation.
However, as already mentioned, it gives an idea of only one shade, which is basic and unchanging.

Astrologers have developed their own classification of the main shades of the aura by the sign of the zodiac:
- Aries, Scorpio - red;
- Taurus is green;
- Gemini is yellow;
- Cancer - pink;
- Leo, Sagittarius - orange;
- Virgo is blue;
- Libra, Aquarius - green;
- Pisces is purple.
To see the full spectrum of the glow, you need to use visual methods. To do this, you will have to practice a little, since the ability of an ordinary person to recognize the shades of the biofield is often undeveloped.
It is recommended to start by looking at your biofield. So you will not be limited in time and will be able to create the most suitable conditions for this at the initial stages.

Method one
The first method aims to awaken intuitive visualization. It is best for beginners to start with it. For its implementation, it is important to provide three conditions: twilight or complete darkness in the room, a calm emotional state, silence and the absence of distracting stimuli.
So, choose a time and place where no one will disturb you. It is important that you have good health and a calm mood, otherwise bad thoughts and negative feelings will greatly bother you. It is best to stay at home in a separate room. Curtain the windows tightly or wait until it becomes dark outside and there is practically no light entering the room. Sit comfortably in a chair or chair, relax. Start observing any of your hands. Do not strain your eyes, just calmly contemplate the brush.
From time to time, smoothly change the angle, leaning back or slightly approaching the hand. You can also tilt slightly to the sides to vary the angle of view. From time to time you can turn your head away and look at the hand with peripheral vision. After a while, you will be able to distinguish a faint, foggy environment around your fingers. If you look at this moment at the other hand, which you have not seen before, you will see the same picture. Do not be alarmed, this means that you have managed to concentrate and you have taken the first step towards the ability to see the aura.
Practice this exercise constantly, observing the conditions of rest and silence. Soon, instead of a subtle nebula, you will see other shades. After mastering this method, you can proceed to attempts to discern the biofield of the whole body.

Method two
To see the spectrum of your energy field, you can use a large full-length mirror. You will also need a white background, such as a sheet stretched out behind you. Also it is important to be calm and not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.
Let the light in the room be slightly dim. This will greatly facilitate your task at first, while you are just learning to look at the aura.
So, stand in front of the mirror and look at your reflection. As in the previous exercise, you do not need to strain your eyes. Calmly contemplate your body against a white background. You can sway a little from side to side at a slow pace, while breathing should be calm and rhythmic.
Over time, you will be able to make out the faint outline that surrounds your body against a white background. When the body sways, they will move with it. This means that you are on the right track and you managed to keep your consciousness at the right point. Continue calm contemplation for a while if you are not tired.
Most likely, the glow will become more voluminous and distinct, and several shades will become distinguishable in it.

General advice for those who want to learn to see their own and others' aura.
- Always start the exercise in a calm, emotional state.
- In the early stages, it is very important to provide suitable external conditions: silence, solitude, dim light or twilight. Very good soothing and helps to concentrate low light with 1-2 candles. Over time, having learned to control your attention and consciousness, you can do without it, but at the very beginning of the practice, the external environment will help you.
- If you wear glasses or lenses, remove them before exercising. Visual acuity does not play a special role in looking at the aura.
- Some people, seeing the first results from the exercise, may be intimidated or somewhat elated by the success. In order not to lose focus and move on, try to keep from emotions. Do not perceive the contemplation of the energy shell as something supernatural and mystical. This is a completely natural ability that every individual possesses. It was given to us from birth, but most people doze at the very beginning. Exercise only helps to train it and learn how to use it, as regular physical activity trains muscles and strengthens the body.
- Practice regularly. Be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to see the biofield the first time.

Shade values
Below are the interpretations of the primary colors of the aura. These are the constant shades that make up its basis. Over the course of life, this basis practically does not change, since it contains the “seed” of a person at birth: his character and potential.
- Red. Typical for those who have a very lively and good-natured character. Almost always, such a person has actively expressed the qualities of a leader. He gets along well with others, has a wide social circle.Also, people with a red biofield center are very persistent in their goals. It is important for them that their main occupation is to their liking. Therefore, they choose a profession with their hearts, and not on the basis of a desire for profit.
- Yellow. He says that you have a creative and highly intellectual person in front of you. Such people are open and inclined to communicate. They contain the desire for creative activity and the improvement of the world. People with a yellow aura have a very positive effect on those around them and are able to change the consciousness of other people for the better. It is very important that the representatives of the biofield of this color succeed in realizing their creative abilities. Otherwise, they are forced to live in severe disharmony with themselves.
- Orange. This color is inherent in very good-natured and benevolent people. Confidential contact with loved ones and others is extremely important for them, they crave understanding and assistance. It is also important for them to benefit others, so they often associate their lives with charity or social professions: doctor, teacher, rescuer, nurse, etc.
- Green... This color and its shades symbolize everything natural, as well as the desire for life. A person with a green aura is very sentimental, open and trusting. He can hardly endure injustice and sincerely strives to correct all the bad around him. Unfortunately, these qualities are often used by others, easily making him a victim of deception, fraud and various scams. The social circle of such people is extremely narrow. They feel comfortable only when they are surrounded by the closest, well-known people.
- Blue. Such an aura is characteristic of curious people, travelers. They are very fond of learning new things, mastering various skills and professions, they crave fresh and interesting impressions. People with a blue aura have a very developed and lively intellect, while they are calm and reasonable. An irrepressible craving for new things can lead to depletion of the nervous system and stress. It is important that there is a person nearby who is able at some moments to provide the owners of the blue aura with calmness and relaxation.
- Blue... Man is striving towards humanism. He unconsciously attracts those who are weak and in need of protection. Often people with a blue aura are too demanding of themselves, therefore they can be severely exhausted physically and mentally. They should also deal with their inherent impulsiveness, which does not always positively affect the adoption of important life decisions.
- Purple. Often, owners of this color have very developed psychic abilities. They can be congenital or suddenly appear at some point in life. People with a violet aura are closed, do not strive for active communication. Often, even the closest ones know very little about their inner world.
- Pink. These are quite hardworking people, often workaholics altogether. Usually they are pronounced materialists. They admit only the “chosen ones” into their environment, and it is not easy to get their favor. At the same time, they react painfully to any criticism, which often prevents them from achieving their goal.
- Bronze. It is characteristic of very decisive people. They are prone to self-sacrifice, very persistent in defending their views and in achieving goals. Also, these people are great altruists and actively help others. They are characterized by optimism and developed willpower.
- Silver. The owners of such an aura are distinguished by humanistic inclinations. They are characterized by daydreaming and active, developed imagination. They are gifted with innate intuition and during their life they always reach a high level of spiritual development. Their honesty, openness, and kindness to others attract others. Holders of the silver biofield often become mentors and teachers in yoga and spiritual practices.
- Gold... Such people are very purposeful, spiritually developed. They show leadership qualities in combination with humanism.During life, they need to clearly see the goal in front of them and go towards it, otherwise the vital energy stops feeding them and weakens.

What determines the color of the aura?
The shades of the energy shell, except for one constant, can change. The spectrum of colors is not limited to the main gamut, the aura may also contain many color overflows: lilac, burgundy, indigo, brown, turquoise, aqua, lilac and many others. All changes in shades directly depend on the psychological, spiritual and physiological state of the individual.
A person who lives in harmony with himself, does not cause harm and takes care of his body, has a very bright biofield, it is multicolored and iridescent. Such a strong positive aura is also much more extensive. Clairvoyants sometimes observe a biofield extending up to 2 meters from the physical shell. However, not everyone succeeds in achieving such spiritual and physiological harmonization, and such cases are often isolated.
If the aura is dim, weak and there is a very clear predominance of 2-3 shades in it, this indicates deharmonization and serious disorders in the individual. In fact, this is a bias in the direction of one or another energy. One should strive to get rid of such imbalance.
Absolutely all experiences, feelings, emotions, physical ailments leave their mark on the state of the aura. Therefore, it is important to strengthen and enrich it with positive energy in order to have a strong and solid energy cocoon around the body.

How can I change it?
Since the color of the energy field directly depends on the spiritual and physical state of a person, it is also possible to change it by affecting the mental and physiological sphere. It is this goal that oriental teachings and practices pursue, namely, calming the mind and healing the body. Everyone can use the available exercises to restore the disturbed balance of energy and enrich their aura.
It is also important to observe physical and moral self-discipline: get rid of bad habits, do not oversaturate yourself with too much food, withLead behind thoughts and emotions, avoiding evil and negative reactions to the environment.
- Practice yoga at least 2 times a week. This versatile practice trains the mind and body.
- Pranayama is a very effective breathing exercise. It helps to focus and calm the mind. It also has a healing effect.
- Take a closer look at your diet. Try to live a healthy lifestyle with reasonable but regular physical activity. Wean yourself off junk food, do not overeat.
- Practice meditation.
- Do not wish harm to others, try to help others when you have the opportunity.
- To cleanse the biofield from negative energy, you can use the breathing visualization method. To do this, retire in a place that is comfortable for you, calm your thoughts and try not to be distracted. Imagine that with each inhalation a stream of a silvery healing glow flows into you. It fills your lungs, spreads to all parts of your body and fills your outer shell.
And with exhalation, your body leaves gray or black smoke, with which negative energy and diseases are carried away.

Thank you for the interesting and useful information. I read it with pleasure, I am very grateful.