Money tree: what is it and how to plant it correctly so that money flows?

Everyone strives for financial well-being, often all kinds of amulets and talismans are used to attract good luck in business. One of the most effective is considered to be a fat woman, better known among the people as a money tree. However, in order for the money to go into the house, you should know some of the rules and subtleties of planting this tree.

What it is?
To begin with, let's dwell on the botanical characteristics of fat women. Plants of this family are presented in a large variety, their height can vary from a few centimeters to 4 meters.

Visually, all representatives of money trees have a number of common characteristics.
- Roots... The root system is rod-type, the position is superficial. Most of the roots are located directly below the surface of the ground and occupy a fairly impressive area. The main root is shortened, its thickness decreases sharply downward.
- Stems... The shoot is erect, as it matures, it begins to branch and form a branched tree-like crown. The stems are woody, much more massive in comparison with the branches. The stem is brown, the branches retain their green color, occasionally they can be with purple spots.
- Leaves... Fastening of sheet plates is a seated type. The surface is flat, smooth, characterized by pronounced pores, the shade is dark green. The back is light green. The edges are solid, the shape is obovate, it can be oval or round, depending on the varietal characteristics.The density of the leaf cover depends on environmental factors - the better the living conditions of the plant, the brighter and denser the foliage.
- Flowers... Inflorescences are small, paniculate, and consist of a large number of small umbrellas formed at the end of the shoot. The color of the buds is white.
- Fetus... It is a leather-coated element. Most often, the appearance of fruits signals the imminent death of shoots, since after fruiting they cease to vegetate.

The plant is classified as a succulent, in artificial conditions it has the ability to accumulate a large amount of water, but it does not enter the seeds, so they rarely germinate.
The fat woman reproduces vegetatively, adventitious roots can form on the branches, making individual parts of the plant suitable for reproduction and growing a full-fledged adult tree.
The fat woman was first discovered in South America, and it was brought to the territory of European countries at the end of the 17th century. In terms of spreading speed, this flower is considered a real record holder - in just 50 years they learned about it in all countries of the world, appreciated its ability to grow at home, and paid tribute to its magical features.

The exceptional popularity of the fat woman is due not only to its unpretentiousness and decorative appearance. First of all, the plant became known as a powerful money talisman. According to Eastern teachings, a tree attracts money to the house and improves the material condition of a person, and if it blooms, then this does mean a quick great success in financial matters.
Also, the fat woman is endowed with the property of strengthening the relationship of partners, absorbing and removing excess negative energy from the room.
In addition, the flower is credited with the ability to purify the air, destroy pathogenic microflora. The plant has pronounced antibacterial and fungicidal properties.

The choice of planting material
In order for material well-being to reign in the family, it is best to "steal" the fat woman, of course, not the whole bush, but to pinch off the stalk. It is advisable that the material was taken from the home of financially successful people or from places that are connected with money: in a bank, store or in the accounting department of any company.
You should not borrow a stem from families who live from one paycheck to another, in this case the "stolen" stem will bring negative energy of poverty and misery into your home.
A plant bought for money will not work for the benefit of its owner and, thus, its only function will be decorative. By the way, informing the owners of the fat woman about the "misconduct" is not at all necessary - these are the requirements of Feng Shui.
For planting, it is best to use a 5-7 cm branch, it should be a young shoot.

Soil preparation and containers
As the legend says, only a strong and healthy plant is endowed with magical properties, therefore it is extremely important to provide your future money talisman with decent living conditions. Preparation of the substrate and planting capacity plays an important role - and in this matter there are both agrotechnical and magical subtleties.
In accordance with the theories of feng shui, it is better to choose a green pot. It should be small, since the root system of a young plant is still small. Optimally, the container is 10-15 cm in height and about 8-10 cm in diameter. It should be noted that the material from which the pot is made does not matter: it can be clay, ceramic or plastic.

An even number of coins should be placed on the bottom of the pot, usually 6-8 pieces. Money must be placed in numbers down, only then drainage is laid out (it is best to use pebbles or expanded clay), and then soil mixture is poured.
The substrate for succulents and cacti is considered the optimal soil for the fat woman, however, the use of universal soil is also allowed.True, in this case, you will have to add about a third of the purified river sand. If the earth gives an acid reaction, then it will be useful to fill in a little dolomite flour, since the fat woman reacts extremely negatively to an acidic environment.
Perlite is used as a baking powder for the soil, but it is allowed to add brick chips in an insignificant amount. As the money tree grows, it can be transplanted into a larger pot.

If we talk about the technical side of the issue, then planting a fat woman is simple: the cuttings are carefully separated from the plant, washed under running water so that all the milky juice comes out, then they are dried for a couple of hours and sent to a vessel with clean water for rooting.
It is advisable to add a tablet of activated carbon there or tint the water a little with a solution of methylene blue - this is necessary in order to avoid rotting of the cutting.

Every 5-7 days, the water should be renewed, and when young roots appear, the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place. As a rule, rooting takes about 2-3 weeks under favorable conditions. To accelerate root formation, you can add a little "Kornevin" or any other drug of similar action. If the growing season is carried out in the cold season, conditions for the appearance of roots can be created as close as possible to those of a greenhouse. To do this, a plastic bag is pulled over the sprout or a plastic cup is placed.

At the time of planting a plant in a pot, it is necessary to pronounce the conspiracy "As these coins remain underground, give my tree strength and endow it with the energy of prosperity, so my finances in the house will not run out." The shank is buried at a distance of 4-6 cm from the ground level. The land needs to be leveled, but at the same time it is not worth tamping it.
At the final stage, a young plant requires abundant watering. Keep in mind that after it, the earth often loses in volume, so you will need to add a substrate.

How to activate?
In order for the fat woman to become not just a houseplant, but an amulet, it needs to be charged to attract monetary energy. There are several ways to activate.
- Three banknotes should be placed under the pot with a fat woman, best of all relatives, large denomination. For example, for residents of Russia it is important that bills of 100 or 200 rubles are kept near the pot.
- Chinese coins are hung on the branches of the money tree, tied with a red ribbon. Of course, you need to hang them on an adult and good plant - a young seedling can break under their weight.
- Talk to the flower. To create the necessary energy channel and close connection between the talisman and you, say affectionate words to your green pet from the very first day, cheer and lavish complements. Do not forget to thank him, and always in the present tense, for example: "Thank you, my flower, for attracting monetary prosperity to my house, allowing you to get rid of material problems and solve all financial issues." It is believed that in this case the flower will never wither, and money will always be found in the house.
- For each amount earned, be sure to put a coin next to the tree, she will be a strong energetic who will begin to slowly but surely attract wealth.
- Be sure to tell your pet about the expenses you will have, how you plan to use the funds you received. To do this, write down the amount you need on a piece of paper and put it under the flower pot.

You can use any one activation method, or you can use all of them at once.
Where should it stand?
The homeland of the fat woman is the southern tropical regions, so the plant prefers abundant lighting and regular watering. The optimal place for the full growth and development of a flower is the sill of a window facing the south or southeast side.By the way, it is this sector that is responsible for family wealth, according to the philosophy of feng shui.
At the same time, keep in mind that direct sunlight is harmful to the plant - they can burn the leaf plates, which will worsen the condition of the flower, and this, in turn, will affect the financial side of the life of its owner. That is why the money tree needs to be protected from the scorching sun, it is best to curtain the window with a flower with gauze on a hot summer day, or stick a reflective film.

Do not forget that the energy of the fat woman does not tolerate being close to all kinds of cacti. It is generally accepted that cacti are the guards and guards of the living quarters, they do not allow someone else's energy to penetrate through the window into the apartment. In this case, it turns out that the money tree attracts the energy of money from the outside, and cacti block it. These flowers should be kept on different windowsills and, if possible, in different rooms.
From time to time, the money tree needs to be turned around its axis in different directions to the light, otherwise the crown will grow in one direction, and this will significantly reduce the decorative parameters of the bastard.

Care advice
As we have already said, only a healthy plant can be a money talisman. Therefore, if you want to achieve financial well-being with its help, then it is not enough to plant it correctly, you still need to grow it in the most comfortable conditions.
In spring and summer, the bastard should be watered 1-2 times a week, depending on the air temperature. Drying of the soil should not be allowed, but excess moisture is destructive for the money tree.
In the period from April to October, the bearberry requires fertilization, they must be applied every two weeks after watering.

In order for the crown to form more dense and powerful, the shoots should be cut from time to time - such work is carried out with a sharp knife or pruner, and upon completion, the sections of the cuts are covered with garden varnish or sprinkled with ash. These measures promote faster healing.
Do not forget to periodically rid the leaves of dust and dirt residues, give the fat woman a warm shower and wipe the leaf plates with a sponge. If you want a plant to bring you prosperity, then remember that favorable energy cannot be formed in mud. Once a year, a young plant needs to be transplanted into a new substrate, an adult can be transplanted less often - every 3-4 years.

Such simple rules for planting and growing a money tree will help you attract prosperity to your home, while the better the tree lives, the more successful the business of its owners.
How to properly transplant a money tree, as well as useful tips for caring for a plant, see below.