How to make a money tree from bills?

On the eve of the holidays, more and more often you can hear the question: what to give to a person who has everything? One of the options for an extraordinary and appropriate gift in this case can be a do-it-yourself money tree from banknotes.
Description and features
The money tree is also called so - topiary from banknotes. Topiary, as a type of gardening art, has gained wide popularity in the field of landscape design, and now topiary is called not only decorative sculptures from live shrubs on personal plots, but also graceful crafts for home and interior.
Such a gift will be an excellent alternative to the already standard and familiar bouquet of flowers, and it is also ideal as a souvenir for a business colleague or boss.

The money tree is valuable not only because it attracts material well-being and good luck in financial matters, but also because when making it, a person puts in his warmth and positive emotions. In the process of working on a souvenir, it is recommended to be in high spirits and good spirits, and then the craft will certainly bring its owner only the most positive events that will contribute to his financial well-being and capital gain. It is very important to believe in the magical and mystical power of the money tree, and then it will certainly help to enrich its lucky owner.

Necessary materials
Most often, the money tree is made from souvenir banknotes.First of all, you need to purchase about 30-40 banknotes in a souvenir shop: the more banknotes there are, the thicker and richer the crown of the money tree itself will look. You can also print their image on a color printer, and then cut out of paper.

There are times when topiary is also made from real bills, but then the manufacturing process will be somewhat different so that the bills do not suffer in the process of creative work and do not lose their material value. That is, the bills must be secured in such a way that they can be easily removed without damaging them.
Such a generous gift will serve not only as a decoration, but also as a kind of piggy bank, with the help of which it will be possible to replenish your financial reserves from time to time, making the crown of the tree thicker by means of banknotes of various denominations.

You can also decorate the topiary from souvenir bills with several real ones, but place them in the most conspicuous place, in the center of the entire composition.
Or, conversely, hide the real bills, and then, after some time, make a surprise to the owner of the money tree, indicating a secret place with genuine money. A pleasant surprise and good mood will be guaranteed, and this is, in fact, the main goal of the donor.
To make a money tree, in addition to souvenir bills, you will need a base container. It can be any pot made of plastic, clay, glass, an old vase or any other container that can be decorated in some unusual way if desired. For example, paint with acrylic paint, wrap with decorative film or paper in a tone close to the color of the bills used in the manufacture of the craft - red to match the color of five-thousandth ruble bills or green to match the color of the dollar. In this matter, a wide scope for imagination opens up, in which it is best to focus on your taste and color preferences. After all, the general image of the entire craft will depend on this.

The bills themselves are attached to some kind of base. It can be any round object, for example, a rubber bouncing ball or an old tennis ball, in general, everything that is at hand with a spherical shape. If a bouncing ball is to be used, it is best to wrap it with tape so that the bond with the bills during gluing is better.
If you do not find such a ball in your everyday life, then you can make it using the papier-mâché technique.
- To do this, first we need to weld the paste. The recipe for the paste is very simple, and the ingredients are available to everyone:
- Pour three tablespoons of flour or starch with half a glass of cold water and stir.
- Then pour 2 glasses of water into another container and put it on gas.
- After the water boils, pour the resulting mixture with starch or flour, reduce the heat and stir continuously.
- When the substance thickens, it can be removed from the heat.
Then we need an old newspaper. You need to tear it into pieces about 2 centimeters wide and about 2 centimeters long. Then you need to take a spherical base and apply pieces of newspaper soaked in water to each of its halves, then cover a layer of newspapers with paste. You need to repeat the same procedure 3-4 times, and let the halves of the ball dry. When both halves have hardened, they can be removed from the mold and glued together with tape or glue.

For the trunk of the money tree, you can use any stick made of wood. Moreover, not only the one that can be purchased at a craft and handicraft store is suitable, but also any smooth stick of the required size found in the nearest park or in the forest.
It may not be perfectly flat, but have a wavy or some other bizarre shape, which will give the craft an even more original and non-standard look and become its highlight. If desired, the stem can also be painted with acrylic paint, wrapped in foil or self-adhesive film.
The decor with artificial leaves made of colored paper or cardboard will also look very nice.

In order for the stem to hold firmly to the base, you need to use gypsum or alabaster. It is important to dilute the mixture in the correct proportion, depending on the material. Alabaster is dissolved in a ratio of 1: 6, where one part of alabaster and six parts of water.
Gypsum is best diluted with a 2: 1 ratio - two parts of gypsum and one part of water. Alabaster hardens much faster than gypsum, literally in 10 minutes, and it takes about 24 hours for the gypsum to fully harden.

Therefore, if you have a limited amount of time in the manufacture of money topiary, then it is more expedient to use alabaster to fill the base of the craft.
Manufacturing steps
Before starting the process of creating a topiary from banknotes with your own hands, it is advisable to read the step-by-step instructions. For the greatest clarity, this article presents the step-by-step production of topiary - a master class from paper banknotes. Such a simple option will be optimal even for beginner needlewomen.
To make a money tree from banknotes you will need:
- a pot or any other container;
- souvenir banknotes;
- a wooden stick or a thick, even rod;
- papier-mâché base ball or any other spherical object (for example, a bouncing ball);
- glue gun;
- gypsum or alabaster;
- decorative elements (artificial flowers, animal figurines, beads, beads, etc.)

Step by step guide.
- First of all, you need to form flower buds and inflorescences from banknotes. We cut each banknote in half, and then twist it into a conical shape and fix the resulting petal with glue in two or three places. It is necessary to fasten four such petals at one point on the spherical base of the topiary with a glue gun. Then we attach the bills folded in the same way on the sides of the resulting flower. You can also simply roll the bills into a small accordion and tie them with golden or silver decorative thread.
- When the crown of the money tree is ready, we fix the pre-decorated stem at the bottom of the base. The decor can be a shiny dense thread or twine tied in a continuous manner along the entire length of a wooden stick. You can also paint the stick with pretty paint or wrap it neatly with foil paper.
- We decorate the topiary pot with cloth, acrylic paints, threads or coffee beans. When choosing a decor, it is best to rely on your taste preferences, because you can use a wide variety of materials, such as buttons, lace, threads, beads, beads, rhinestones and much more.
- Then we pour a mixture of gypsum or alabaster into the decorated pot and immerse the stem of the money tree in it.
- After the mixture has solidified, cover the base of the topiary with a thin layer of PVA glue, and then sprinkle the entire surface of the base with decorative colored sand. Also, instead of decorative sand, you can use sisal of various colors. Such decor will look very impressive, since the fibrous texture of this material will give the craft a relief and additional realism.
- Optionally, you can decorate the base of the topiary with figures of birds, ladybirds, which must also be fixed with a glue gun.
See the following video for a master class of topiary from banknotes:
Interesting ideas
By itself, a topiary made of money instead of leaves is an original and unusual gift. Such a craft will easily fit into the interior of almost any room and will look very original and unusual, captivating the eyes of guests and household members. In addition, such a gift will appeal to people who believe in the influence of mystical forces on everyday life, namely, on the favorable development of events in the financial sphere, which is very important for almost every modern person.

If the gift is to be presented to nonresident or foreign citizens, it is important to remember that the souvenir can be damaged during transportation, since the structure itself is rather fragile, and the bills can wrinkle. For such cases, it is most appropriate to make a money tree in a frame. In this form, the craft will be easy to transport in a suitcase with things or in a travel bag, avoiding damage to the details of the composition.
In a frame, the craft is much more compact, and you can choose the size that will be convenient to carry even in hand luggage, in a bag over your shoulder or in a backpack. When choosing a frame, you can focus on its color, for example, bronze, silver or golden shades will favorably emphasize the monetary theme of the product.

It is important to take into account the moment that the craft itself will not be so voluminous, but it will retain its purpose and a positive positive message. Instead of bills, you can use coins, which will be fixed to the canvas with a glue gun.
For the decoration of such a kind of money panel, you can also use accordion-folded bills.

You can decorate the money tree with a wide variety of decorative elements. For example, at the base of the topiary there may be a figurine of a turtle or an elephant - a symbol of material well-being, abundance, prosperity and fertility, or perhaps a scattering of gold or silver coins symbolizing prosperity and wealth.

You can also fold a butterfly, a heart or some other figurine from an already real banknote and decorate the entire composition with such a bright addition. Banknotes can be very diverse: rubles, dollars, euros, who likes what. The composition will look impressive, no matter what kind of currency you want to decorate your money tree.

Regardless of which banknotes the tree will be made of, the most important rule when making a gift with your own hands is sincere positive emotions coming from the very heart. Positive energy will certainly be passed on to the happy owner of this wonderful souvenir, which will delight the eye and warm the soul for a long time, reminding of its creator and his caring and reverent attitude.