Hotei: characteristics, varieties, tips for use

Since ancient times, people have used various items and amulets to attract wealth, prosperity, luck and happiness. This is relevant to this day, especially for those who sincerely believe in the help of amulets. One of the most popular figures that bring good luck and income is Hotei. Its characteristics, varieties and tips for use will tell you how to improve your financial situation and keep good luck in the house.

Who is that?
The happy and cheerful god of wealth Hotei is a symbol of joy, well-being and prosperity. And although the Chinese god mainly helps in attracting wealth, he does not refuse help in other areas. Career, study, family hearth, health, longevity - he can be entrusted with everything that is important and valuable to a person. This is generally accepted in China. Sometimes this figurine is called the "laughing Buddha".
But Hotei is usually made with a bag on his back, and Buddha is presented without it. And still, this name stuck with the figure. There are two versions about what Hotei is for. This fat, bald, cheerful little man seems to be always open for communication and fun. Where he appears, the holiday begins. And from the bag he takes out happiness, wealth and generously presents them to all people. At the same time, according to another version, endowing everyone around with joy, he hides all the misfortunes and troubles in a bag, saving people from them.

There are several legends about who Hotei is. One legend tells of a monk who traveled constantly. And everyone noticed that wherever he appeared, fun reigned around, and everyone was happy. In the end, they began to make his figurines from various materials and put them at home, for good luck.
According to another version, he was a very handsome man, in whom thousands of women fell in love at first sight. Tired of breaking hearts and hurting beautiful strangers, he reincarnated as a cheerful fat man. And so that the girls would not be so sad about the loss, he gave them wealth.
These two different legends are united by a common similarity - he is a very kind, cheerful and generous person, he endows everyone with his energy, which changes everything for the better.

Types and meanings of figures
There are several types of Hotei figures, which are supplemented with other characters or objects, and each has its own meaning. Knowing what each statuette carries, you can choose exactly the one that is needed in each specific case.
- If a woman dreams of having healthy children and wants to bring this day closer, usually in such cases she resorts to the help of a Hotei figure surrounded by children.
- A cheerful god on a three-legged toad with a coin in his mouth enhances the effect of attracting wealth and prosperity. Both symbols are strong in themselves, and together they will attract even more good luck to the house.
- The Dragon Turtle God will be a good companion for those who often have to conclude contracts and make deals. There will be even more lucrative offers and reliable partners if you keep such a figurine at home. The turtle will help you make the right decisions, and the dragon will give you inner strength and teach you how to come out victorious in any situation.
- Hotei in the pyramid, where golden grains of gold swarm, helps to concentrate on one main goal and achieve its realization. Waiting for the fulfillment of desire, of course, is pointless, you need to work on it. But the god with the pyramid is able to enhance the effect. The main thing is to believe in it.
- Hotei with a pearl in his hands helps a person develop in a spiritual direction and direct his thoughts in the right direction.
- The laughing Buddha with a rosary also instructs on the true path.
- God with a fan will bring changes in life. Happiness and joy will come to the house for sure. Moreover, prosperity and success await in all areas, be it work or family hearth.
- Hotei with coins or gold bars not only attracts money into the house, but also teaches their owner to use them wisely.
- A statuette with a staff will give not only material well-being, but also a long and happy life to its owner.
- The most common version of Hotei with a bag will always be a welcome guest in the house. Fortune and wealth will come from the generous bag of the smiling god, and troubles will bypass the house.
- The figurine of a cheerful fat man with a peach symbolizes health and longevity.

Base material
Since ancient times, the figurine of the god has been carved out of wood or ivory. Over time, the range of materials used to make the lucky statuette expanded. Currently, souvenirs are made from a wide variety of materials: from stone and metal, wood and glass, clay and porcelain. Gems are actively used to make figurines. You can meet Hotei from jade, agate or opal. It can be either a souvenir of impressive size or a miniature figurine or pendant that you can always keep with you as a talisman. That is, you can choose a figurine for every taste, which will successfully fit into the interior of any apartment and will correspond to the general style.
In addition, the colors of the deity can be different - gold, black, white, silver, yellow, green.
Many people prefer to buy statuettes of gold or silver color, since it is these colors that are more associated with coins, as well as precious metals that make up wealth.

Where to put?
Before deciding on the place where the statuette will be placed, you need to remember that the apartment must be in order. Only in a harmoniously arranged space will the netsuke really work. Clutter and unnecessary things clutter up the space, therefore, neutralize all positive energy.Place at least a hundred figures in the house, there will be no sense.
To better understand where to place the figurine, you can use the so-called Bagua mesh. The scheme used in feng shui helps to figure out where which zones are located in the house. You can draw a polygon on paper. You just need to determine where the north is in the house and arrange the diagram so that its northern part, which is responsible for the career, coincides with the present north. After that, you can determine the location of Hotei.
The southeast is responsible for the wealth zone. Therefore, most often they tend to place the figurine of the god there. But this does not mean that Hotei should be placed only there.

Hotei with the dragon is best placed just in the north: since this statuette is able to help in a career, it belongs in the career zone. Focusing on the purpose of the statuette and knowledge of what each zone is responsible for, you can easily determine the place. In the north, you can put a god on a pyramid of coins.
The zone of wisdom, and this is the northeast, can be decorated with a god with a pearl. In this way, it will be possible to further intensify the power of the figurine.
Hotei with children can be located in the east or west. These are the zones that are responsible for children and families.
When placing the figurine, it should be borne in mind that it should not gather dust among other trinkets, it should be placed in a conspicuous place and many other souvenirs should not be placed next to it. It is necessary to place the deity facing the entrance to the room.

If the figurine is large and massive, taking up a lot of space, it can be placed on the floor. In all other cases, the figurine must be placed on a table, dresser or shelf, so that you can look at it again, touch it.
The figurine not only helps to find wealth, happiness, spiritual harmony, to feel calm and happy, it protects the house from negative energy and bad people. As a source of positive energy, provided it is correctly located and physically clean, the figurine will cleanse the spiritual structure of the environment. If you want to protect yourself from bad thoughts and views of unwanted guests in the house, you can put the figurine right in the corridor. All the bad things will leave the house, as soon as they are on its doorstep.

How to apply?
It has long been believed that a deity grants wishes. You just need to know how to ask for it correctly.
First of all, the figure must be treated with love and she will respond in kind. To do this, it is enough to erase the dust from it, surround it with cleanliness, do not forget to look at it. You can mentally formulate a cherished desire, referring to the god. There is an old way to get what you want: you need to stroke Hotei's tummy, then luck will surely come.
It is believed that you can achieve the fulfillment of a desire if you stroke the fat man's belly clockwise three hundred times.

If every time before going to an important meeting or just to work, you stroke Hotei's stomach, then luck will accompany you all day. You can do the same before the upcoming trip, and before a responsible event, luck must necessarily pursue.
But the inexhaustible positive energy of the god also sometimes needs recharge. And for this you just need to always keep the room clean and periodically clean the space with candles. This is easy to do: just light a candle and go around the apartment, while you can read a prayer or mantras, or you can just think about good things.
You will learn more information about Hotei from the video below.