DIY painting "money tree" from coins

The money tree, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, is a symbol of attracting wealth and financial success. And as you know, stability in the material sense is important to almost every representative of modern society, because the financial side of life affects almost all spheres of human existence.
It is for this reason that people believe in the magical power of talismans to attract monetary luck into their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Many already have at home either a "money tree" plant, otherwise called a bastard, or a topiary in the form of an artificial tree made of banknotes, or a third option - a picture of a tree made of coins. And for those who do not yet have such a symbol of financial luck and success, you can make it yourself with your own hands.

Description and features
The painting depicting a money tree made of coins is becoming more and more popular. Unlike a real plant, it does not need additional care, it is enough just to periodically brush dust off it. You can buy such a product in a specialized store, but there is also an opportunity to make a panel with your own hands for yourself or as a gift to a dear and close person.
Also, a plus of such paintings is that they are more convenient for transportation, if the addressee of this gift lives in another city or country, and it is problematic to transport bulky goods. The finished painting is best placed in the monetary sector of the apartment - in its southeast side.
It is here that this symbol will have the greatest power, and then financial well-being will certainly settle in your home for a long time.

Necessary materials
When making a picture from coins, you can use any available tools that you have on the farm. For example, a wide variety of materials can be used to make the stem of the tree itself. It can actually be made from cut woolen threads and twine, or cut out of a pattern from thick cardboard or colored paper. Any of these methods will not be costly.
Coins can be used both old Soviet and modern, it's entirely up to you. Their denomination can also be any, but coins of different sizes will look especially impressive. With their help, it will be possible to come up with an intricate and unusual pattern of the crown of our future money tree. All construction details will be fixed with a glue gun and PVA glue.

A thick sheet of cardboard, plywood or hardboard is perfect as a base. For the background, we need a textured wallpaper. Their texture can be very diverse, but the texture of wood or burlap will look the most advantageous, preferably in brown-beige and golden tones.
We must not forget that the main thing in the manufacturing process is your high spirits and positive energy. While working on the picture, you can imagine how you are cutting through the sea surface in a pleasant company on a huge snow-white yacht, somewhere on beautiful islands with palm trees and exotic fruits. Or maybe the Eiffel Tower can be seen outside the windows of your apartment in Paris, and you go out onto the balcony to breathe in the fresh air of the most romantic capital of Europe. Do not limit yourself in fantasies and dreams, because they tend to come true!
Therefore, the next required material is a positive attitude during creative work.

Manufacturing steps
Making the picture "money tree" is a simple and very exciting process, in which even the youngest masters - children - can take part. Let's consider all the stages in the form of a step-by-step master class.
- The base of our picture needs to be pasted over with a layer of textured wallpaper using PVA glue. Then we wait for it to dry completely.

- We cut out several pieces of twine and glue them onto a previously dried base with a glue gun, forming the trunk and crown of our tree. The thickness of the trunk and the span of the branches will depend on the amount of twine used.

- When the crown and barrel are ready, we glue coins of various denominations in a chaotic manner using a silicone gun.

- The bottom root of our money tree can be decorated with stones of sea salt, which are also glued with a glue gun. They will perfectly imitate soil and stones.

- The base of the money tree is almost complete. But in order for the panel to look even more impressive, you can cover it with acrylic paint in black, silver, golden or bronze. When applying, you can use a brush or foam sponge.

- Then, after drying, you need to cover the coins and stem with a contrasting shade of acrylic paint. For example, if our base is silver, then the coins and the barrel can be painted golden or bronze. Contrasting brilliant colors will give the work an original and vibrant look.

- In conclusion, you need to cover the work with one or two layers of glossy varnish, then leave overnight until it dries completely.

- The final chord is the choice of the frame. Of course, you can leave the work without it, but with a frame, the picture will look much more impressive. When choosing it, it is best to focus on the color scheme of the entire work. If it is dominated by a golden color, then you can choose a frame of an identical shade or a completely different contrasting color to dilute the range.

When making a panel from coins, you can add a touch of flavor to your work by adding a few additional decorative elements in the form of bird figurines. In addition, you can make a nest from threads, and then glue the figurine of the bird itself, for example, an owl. It will also be an extraordinary idea to decorate the panel with a pocket for banknotes, in which you can put real banknotes. Such a picture will simultaneously serve as a piggy bank, the reserves of which can be replenished from time to time.
Thus, a picture of coins will be not only a pleasant, but also a useful gift, which brings good luck in money and prosperity in the financial sector.
See the next video for a master class on making a picture "money tree" from coins with your own hands.