Feng Shui bed in the bedroom

Experts in oriental studies can always suggest where you can place any piece of furniture so that your home is constantly replenished with positive energy. The bedroom can be considered one of those places in our house where we spend the greatest amount of time - in a dream, so the issues of its arrangement need to be dealt with very seriously and thoroughly. It is worth clarifying the placement of the bed in this room and the principles of the correct choice of this piece of furniture.

Feng Shui Bedroom Zones
According to the philosophy of feng shui, every element in the bedroom will have a special meaning: even the ceiling and the location of sockets and lamps... At the same time, the bedroom is usually divided into 2 zones - activity and passivity. One part will be for restful sleep, and the other will become a place to stay awake.
It is worth highlighting these areas visually using photo wallpaper or carpet. The activity zone is best placed close to the exit from the premises.

What should be the bed?
A place to sleep will most directly affect the understanding between the couple. If the marriage bed is chosen or is not positioned correctly, there will simply be no harmonious relationship between husband and wife. - in this family, previously unthinkable quarrels and scandals will begin to occur.

If you sleep and live alone, it is still better not to be too frivolous about purchasing such an important piece of furniture. The bed will also affect the work area of its owner. If the place to sleep is equipped correctly, then success in business and financial well-being awaits you, and if not, failure will follow failure.
- Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of the headboard. In furniture salons, there are many products without this element - but you should not purchase them, since the absence of a headboard will leave you without serious protection. If it is present, then it is best for this element to be solid, solid, without threads and voids, because through them danger creeps up to the sleeping person.
- You should not buy a bed whose sides will be higher than the mattress lying on it - such a position, according to experts in feng shui, limits a person's freedom, directs a whole set of various intractable problems into his life.
- No need to buy a stock without sturdy legs. If the sleeping bed is on the floor, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely around it. But you also cannot store boxes or suitcases full to the top under the bed - there must be a void under the bed, otherwise you will have various problems.
- Buy a one-piece mattress, since a product made of two halves that are stitched together will not work for a married couple for good dreams, as it will cause strife.
- In feng shui, the parameters of the bed itself will also be of great importance. It must be chosen based on the parameters of the room itself. In a large room, it is best to put a massive bed; in a small room, an oversized product will look great. If you live alone, do not purchase a bed for two, otherwise you will postpone your meeting with your significant other for a long time.
- And the most important nuance is the material for making the stock. The most suitable feng shui material is wood. Wood will fill any bedroom with peace and quiet.

How to deliver?
There are 2 most important rules for feng shui sleeping bed placement. According to them, such an important piece of furniture should be in one of the corners that are located as far as possible from the door leading into the room. The owner, lying on the bed, must see the door well - this rule is unshakable.

But there are also prohibitions in feng shui for the room.
- You can not install the bed relative to the front door so that your feet "look" into its closed or open opening.
- The bed is not placed against the walls if there is a toilet or kitchen behind them. The noise of the water, the constant hum of household appliances will significantly reduce the quality of rest, and you will not be able to sleep.
- Do not put a berth by the window. Third-party sounds from the street will constantly wake you up.
- The bed is not placed with the headboard against the wall with the presence of a doorway in it. This rule is not important if you live alone, but if you have a large family, all people entering or leaving the room will wake you up with the sound of a moving door.
- If you sleep in a loft with slanted ceilings, or you have heavy beams on your ceiling, you should not place the sleeping area underneath, as they will create pressure when you fall asleep.
- The sleeping bed is placed in Feng Shui so that there are no massive objects over the heads of the sleeping people - heavy chandeliers, shelves with books, bulky paintings - all this will negatively affect the quality of dreams.
- Feng Shui masters do not advise placing a sleeping place near outlets, although many modern people are accustomed to the fact that a phone or tablet can be connected to an outlet for charging so that they are available for the owner lying in bed.
- The most common rule, which even those who are not interested in feng shui know, is the combination of a mirror surface and a bed. It is believed that putting these interior items opposite each other is strictly prohibited.
If your bedroom does not have enough space for such an interior solution, it will be correct to close the mirror while you sleep.

We take into account the cardinal points
Using the Bagua square, all cardinal directions can be easily identified.The best placement for the marriage bed is on the west side of the room, and for the children's bedroom, on the east side. You can calculate in which direction your head is best for you to go to bed and according to the season of birth: if you were born in winter, the southern part of the room will suit you, in the spring - the western part, in the summer - the north side, in the fall - the eastern side.

The cardinal points correspond to their sphere of influence.
- Northern part the bedroom will be responsible for intuition. To increase the influence of your sixth sense, you just need to move your bed to the north.
- North-east - responsible for science and education. This is the most favorable area for those who have started to master a new profession, or are just learning.
- East - this is the side of calmness for the sleeper. It is extremely comfortable to fall asleep here for someone who usually suffers from disturbed sleep.
- Southeast side Is the center of life force. Spending time in this area will give you the confidence you need to take on new things.
- In the southern part the premises "live" on the authority and excellent reputation.
- Southwestern part is responsible for love victories.
- West - this is a zone of fertility and early replenishment in the family.
- Northwestern part rooms are friendship and loyal cooperation, useful contacts.

Bedding color for good sleep
It will be useful to know the basic rules for buying feng shui bedding.
- Type of fabric. The material from which all linen is made must be complete. The fabric should be clean, there should be no holes in the underwear, if you want to keep peace in the family and in the workplace, you do not want money to leak.
- The quality of the canvas. You cannot choose unnatural fabrics; it is better to buy silk, calico or cotton.
- Drawing. It is best to choose the image quality against a calm background, without disturbing pictures. Predators, sharp and broken lines, objects for the bed that are incomprehensible in their semantic meaning should not be chosen, otherwise your sleep will be disturbed, confusion will also be introduced into other areas of activity. The image of water and animals is not entirely favorable, especially avoid drawing waterfalls on your underwear - with such a pattern, you are not far from losing money. Buy designs with plants, very smooth lines, luxurious flowers, any kind of clouds, or choose linen with a solid color palette.
- Colors for linen. Feng Shui dislikes dark colors such as blue and black. They depress the psyche, cause difficult dreams. All colors are clearly energetically divided into yin and yang. Feng Shui bed linen with yin energy is available in snow-white and pinkish fabrics, blue and green colors, and can also be purple. But Yang loves yellow and orange shades, loves red lingerie, to which you need to find a certain approach.

- Green the coloring will calm down after a hard day, relieve irritability, contribute to the direction of all the body's resources to creativity and set you in a favorable working mood.
- Blue coloring relaxes, soothes sagging nerves after serious exertion.
- Pink will give the charm of tenderness to two lovers, make them happy, create a romantic atmosphere.
- Purple the tone will reveal the inner "I", will give intuition and high creativity.
- White underwear will provide comfort, peace after a hectic day. It is considered a classic and very popular color scheme.
- Red - this is a passion, a keen desire, will perfectly contribute to love games. Good for lovers who want to decide and prepare for a serious relationship. You can use this color only in special cases; it is dangerous to use red every day.
- Orange coloring will increase the performance needed to solve difficult problems. Good for romance too.
- Yellow coloring will help increase the mood and a positive perception of reality.
- Brown shade is the color of strength and practicality. Bed linen of this color will give any person a feeling of warmth and stability, increase vitality.
- Blue colors and any shades, even delicate blue, are best selected only in case of serious mental fatigue. In other circumstances, blue can cause discouragement and melancholy.

What to hang at your headboard?
Above the head of a person who is sleeping peacefully should not have any severe forms. Shelves and cabinets located above the headboard, it is better to outweigh it to another part of the room.
The headboard should be pushed against the wall itself. No matter how stylish the forged products may be, such pretentious models should be avoided when purchasing a bed. The same rule applies to other types of lattice headboards.

Lighting will also play an essential role. To activate the necessary area in your own life, you need to highlight a specific area in your home. But the lighting device above the bed, in any case, should not be oversized. It is better to choose interior items in the spirit of minimalism, or even hide the sconces and lamps behind the decor.

The same rules apply to paintings. Only light and understandable motives should be chosen. The frame does not have to be massive. Better if it is translucent.

Helpful hints
To always be in a good mood and a state of peace, you just need to correctly arrange the pieces of purchased furniture in the bedroom and enjoy the life around you.
At the same time, it is impossible to allow littering with various objects of the space and around the bed itself - the number of pedestals, wardrobes, shelves next to the berth should be minimized.

According to Chinese philosophy, odors from the kitchen or toilet should not get into the bedroom. They will have a bad effect on the energy in the relaxation room.
The main rules for a couple are the presence of a single large mattress and one bed for two. Two separate mattresses create a barrier between spouses and a loss of emotional connection. Two beds that are pushed one to the other will bring disunity and disharmony into a relationship. Such disconnection can cause problems, scandals and serious misunderstandings in a couple.

For the ideal Feng Shui bedroom for love, see the video below.