Where to put the Feng Shui aquarium?

Most ornamental fish enthusiasts don't realize that just placing the aquarium in a convenient location isn't enough. By placing an artificial reservoir in a feng shui house, you will attract financial well-being and create a favorable atmosphere in the family.
The main thing is to strictly follow the rules of ancient Chinese teachings and observe the necessary care for the condition of the aquarium and its inhabitants.

Happinnes exists!
Feng Shui can be described as an oriental philosophy that promotes an improvement in the quality of life, helps people tune in to positive thinking and become happy. Its origin took place about 3 thousand years ago. These days, Chinese art is a collection of tips to help you make your life vibrant and financially prosperous.
A feng shui aquarium is considered a very important subject, since according to ancient philosophy, it personifies the water element, which can make a person very rich or, conversely, ruin karma in his home.

Making the right choice
An artificial reservoir in an apartment is a source of positive energy, therefore, its choice must be taken seriously. It should harmoniously fit into the home interior and not look like a separate attribute. Aquariums come in various geometric shapes. The most successful feng shui is considered to be round or rectangular. Balanced lines are capable of sending positive energy into space. Choosing a square shape is not recommended.
The aquarium should not be too huge, as an excess of water in the house will "attract" troubles. According to ancient philosophy, you can figuratively "choke on" a lot of liquid and lose your "thirst" for life.

Where to put?
Feng Shui aquarium layout implies three main directions.
- North... A place where the purest energy of water lives. Ideal for businessmen and entrepreneurs who seek to develop their "business". The Northern Aquarium is ideal for study rooms and offices. Thus, the water "talisman" creates a positive atmosphere in the work collective that charges you for success.

- East... This side is at the mercy of the Tree. And as you know, it constantly needs moisture. By placing an artificial reservoir in the east, you will strengthen family ties and create a favorable environment in the family.

- Southeast. A place of prosperity and monetary wealth. The aquarium, located in the southeast, will create a "circulation" of financial flows and increase personal income. You can also put a "money" tree or a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth on an artificial reservoir. This will create a complex talisman.

In order for a beautiful attribute not to become a source of troubles and disappointments, pay attention to the recommendations of specialists.
- Avoid placing your aquarium near your front door, window openings, arches or partitions. Thus, you do not give positive energy to move freely around the apartment.
- There should be no protrusions and no beams above the pond., otherwise its inhabitants will get sick and die.
- Water does not interact with the element of Fire. Therefore, the aquarium should not be in the kitchen. Wealth and financial well-being will simply turn their back on you.
- The color of the stand is also very important. So, you should not choose this accessory in a bright, saturated shade (red, yellow or burgundy). All shades of blue are ideal.
- Do not keep an empty aquarium for a long time. Such a vessel without water can accumulate a lot of negative energy.

Note that aquarium fish should not be in the bedroom. According to Feng Shui, the bedchamber is intended for good rest, in which unnecessary movements are inappropriate. A particularly negative effect can be caused by an aquarium built into the head of the bed.

It is best to put it in the living room where the whole family gathers. In addition, a feng shui aquarium can be successfully positioned in a study or a crowded office.

In a children's room or classroom, a vessel with fish should be in the most inconspicuous place. Children should not be constantly distracted by him. Otherwise, it will affect their school performance and behavior.

In order for the element of Water to fully affect your well-being, you are always facing the aquarium. In addition, there should be no sharp corners and objects near the artificial reservoir.
Number of fish
Chinese philosophers advise placing eight goldfish and one black (odd number!) In the aquarium. Another option involves the purchase of four gold and red fish, as well as one black one. It is generally accepted that the golden aquarium "tenants" personify wealth and financial prosperity. The black fish is a symbol of protection. For their living at home, it is necessary to create good conditions: excellent lighting and constant water circulation. A stale aquatic environment entails not only the death of fish, but also a negative impact on the general atmosphere in the family.

If over time the number of fish decreases, you should not be upset - this is a natural process. According to the philosophy of feng shui, a dead fish should not be flushed down the toilet - it must be buried like any other pet (buried in the ground). In this way, you will cleanse your home of the negative energy that symbolizes Death.
Among other things, the feng shui aquarium can be decorated with decorative figures (ships and gold coins) and beautiful seaweed.
For useful tips on Feng Shui, see the following video.