Lo Shu square: history, calculation and meaning

Lo Shu Square has a rich history and plays an important role in Eastern metaphysics. To obtain accurate predictions, it is actively used not only abroad, but also in our country. Also, the Lo Shu square is considered a magical feng shui tool, with which you can find out the fate of a person and some related predictions. Using this figure, you can draw up a map of the energy of any room, for example, an apartment, and maintain a special harmony in it, smoothing out some of the shortcomings.
In our article, we will take a closer look at the history of the square and how to correctly calculate it yourself.
A bit of history
Lo Shu Square is considered a gift from the gods, and there are several legends regarding its origin. Its use started around about 600 BC.
According to one of the legends of China, once a turtle crawled out to the banks of the Luo River, on whose back an unusual pattern was visible, which one of the then emperors could see. According to his description, on the shell of a turtle, he saw an inscribed in the form of a square with unusual symbols inside. Since then the Chinese people and began to use Luo Shu cards to predict human destinies.

The main difference between the square was that any numbers from the same row, even diagonally, always add up to fifteen. For the Chinese, this number is still considered special to this day, as it symbolizes the lunar cycle. The Chinese sages were sure that with the help of this square you can learn a lot that is inaccessible to the simple human eye, what the Universe still hides from the human essence. That's why The Luo Shu square is used not only to make personal predictions, but also to determine the potential of a particular room in Feng Shui.
Since ancient times, Chinese sages have decided that each number from a square has its own unique properties. These numbers are responsible for both the natural elements and the cardinal points.

Square structure
The numbers in the Lo Shu square are arranged according to a certain rule. The square itself is very often called a map or diagram. In total, the square is divided into nine sectors. Therefore, sometimes experts make a description of the so-called grid of a square. So, the first row horizontally includes the numbers 4,9,2, the second - 3,5,7, and the third - 8,1,6.
Let's take a closer look at what each of the sectors of the square is responsible for and to which element it belongs:
- 4 - Monetary or wealth sector (element of the tree);
- 9 - Glory and influence (element of fire);
- 2 - Marriage and mistress (element of the earth);
- 3 - Families (element tree);
- 5 - Prosperity and good luck (element of the earth);
- 7 - Children (element of metal);
- 8 - Training and knowledge (element of the earth);
- 1 - Careers (element of water);
- 6 - The owner and teachers (the element of metal).
When comparing a square with a room, it is very important to place it taking into account the cardinal points.
The sides and numbers of the card (square) have a special direction. The main ones are north, west, south and east, and the additional ones are northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest and center. It is believed that it was on the basis of this square that the practice of feng shui arose, as well as a philosophy called Taoism.

About harmony in the room
According to some teachings, each of the sectors of the square is responsible for certain aspects of human life, be it career growth or personal relationships. Each of the zones of the square is tied to its element, side of the world and color.
To determine the zones of a square in a particular room it must be superimposed on the floor plan of the room itself. And based on the data obtained, make a selection of colors and furniture. However, this issue has its own nuances, because some experts believe that it is imperative to adhere to the cardinal pointsand some say that one should proceed only from the layout of the premises.
Some feng shui experts are sure that the square should be positioned in such a way that its north side (the sector with the first digit) corresponds to the entrance to the house.

When calculating and establishing a figure 1 (north side) in a certain room, it is best to use light shades, as well as white, blue, sky and black. In such a northern room, for which the element of water is responsible, mirrors, transparent decorative fountains and aquariums with crystal clear water are especially good for energy.
Wavy pieces of furniture are preferred.

But the correct design of the northeast direction can contribute to academic success, gaining new knowledge and wisdom. The main thing is to find this room correctly, correlating the map with the plan.
It is very important to arrange the room to which the number 8 belongs. The element of fire is responsible for it on the map, so any blue and blue shades, as well as an aquarium, are completely contraindicated here. There should be nothing of the water that will suppress the energy of the fire.
In this case, it is better to give preference to shades from warm colors, for example, orange, yellow, red and milky. But it is best to refuse blue and black shades.
A globe and various crystals of power in such a room will be very useful.

The northwest compartment is responsible for the head of the family's zone, as well as travel. When decorating a room with the number 6, it is best to give preference to metallic shades, since the element of metal is responsible for this number.
Red color and all its shades are strongly not recommended.

Speaking about the eastern sector of the square, one cannot fail to mention the number 3. In such a room, it is best to use all natural shades, since this area of the square is subject to the elements of wood, and its main element is water.
Red tints in such a room are undesirable or their presence should be minimized. For the development of positive energy, flowers and berries can be grown in this room, and furniture made of wood can be chosen. Cacti in such a room are undesirable.

The west side of the square is the number 7. Recommended for the possible location of the bedroom. Since the number 7 is influenced by the element of metal, it is best to use colors and shades with a metallic sheen in this room, light shades, lemon and gray are also allowed.
In general, the west side symbolizes childhood and creativity, and therefore children's photographs, decorative objects of an oval or square shape will be useful in such a room.

Speaking about the south side under the number 9, which is a symbol of fame and glory, it is worth mentioning that it is fueled by the element of the earth. That is why experts in interior design recommend using green and red, as well as their shades. Also, in such a room, the location of the kitchen area, stove or fireplace is allowed.
It is very important to pay due attention to good lighting.

For the southeast side (number 4) purple, green and red are considered favorable colors and shades. But you should be careful with the latter, there shouldn't be much of it.

The southwest direction (number 2) is responsible for relationships and love. Here red, all shades of pink and brown are considered auspicious colors. To improve the energy in the room, you can place candles and a variety of decorative lamps.

Features of use
With the help of the Lo Shu square, you can not only learn how to properly and harmoniously equip your home, but also create your own numerological birth chart. The essence of correct calculation is to correctly enter the date of birth in the required cells of the Lo Shu square, and then analyze the results obtained.
To correctly draw up the square, first you need to translate your date of birth into Chinese format, European will not work. For this, experts recommend using a ready-made Chinese calendar.

When receiving certain data on the diagonal in the square, the so-called arrows of fate and strength. So, arrows of power are called three numbers on the birth chart, which are lined up horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
For example, if the numbers 8,1,6 coincide, then this means that you have an arrow of prosperity in front of you, which is especially good for people planning to do business.
The coincidence of the numbers 3, 5 and 7 creates an arrow of spirituality, which allows its owners to find inner peace over the course of life. The numbers 4,5,6 represent the arrow of emotional balance. 8,5,2 is the arrow of determination.
Experts also distinguish arrows of weakness, which they call at once 3 empty cells in a square, which are lined up horizontally, vertically or diagonally. For example, if an arrow is -3, -5 and -7 lined up, then it means an arrow of loneliness, which is inherent in vulnerable and sensitive people.

Of course, it will probably be quite difficult to make a calculation of fate and understand the true meaning of the numbers in a square on your own, which is why in this case to obtain reliable results and correct mapping, it is better to seek help from the masters of feng shui. Moreover, professionals will help to carry out a high-quality decoding of the entire square and help with compatibility.
For more information on the Lo Shu square and its practical application, see the next video.