Feng Shui Tips for Raising Money

Financial well-being is a concern for most people. Of course, this issue is solved only by real actions, but for additional stimulation, you can turn to the eastern philosophy of feng shui.

According to the Feng Shui teachings, money has a very strong energy, which is often blocked at home. Having occupied important areas of the apartment with inappropriate things, not only will you not be able to get rich, but it will even turn out to bring financial troubles on the family. In addition, the Chinese way of attracting money and happiness involves respect for funds. Cash flows should be recorded and tracked. Other tips for money involve getting the person close to the energy of success. Alternatively, you need to communicate with successful people, attend events where they go, choose the same types of activity. Basically, you can surround yourself with photographs of inspiring personalities.

Money requires careful handling. It is important to keep the bills straightened in a neat wallet. Do not stuff them with crumpled pieces of paper in your pockets or carelessly whisk them into a drawer.
Each bill and each coin must be carefully folded into a wallet, also selected in accordance with Feng Shui
This accessory should be made of high quality material, ideally leather, and painted in shades of red, gold or green. The rectangular shape is considered optimal, as well as the presence of a special compartment for coins.
Inside, you can place three tied Chinese coins, a mint leaf, a bean pod, or an image of a desired item that requires a significant financial investment.It is very important to clean up your wallet, throwing away extra checks and unnecessary pieces of paper. The outside of the wallet will have to be promptly cleaned of stains and scratches should be avoided. Experts recommend putting a one dollar banknote inside so that it is never empty, and money is attracted on an ongoing basis.

When placing furniture in an apartment, it is worth adhering to some recommendations. For example, a bed cannot "look" at a door. It is believed that such an arrangement makes a person defenseless, including in financial matters. You can't litter your own apartment, especially with broken or unloved things, save up old items. Such blockages negatively affect all areas of life. Revisions for the analysis of broken, unused items, as well as those that contain any negative, have to be carried out regularly.
Regular cleaning is important: cleanliness activates cash flow. Windows and doors should be kept open as often as possible, allowing light and fresh air to fill the rooms. It is a good idea to place plants and flowers on the windowsills that attract Qi energy. The space near the front door requires special attention - it must be cleared of debris, freeing the passage for financial flow. It is important that there is enough light in the corridor, and there is a mirror that does not reflect the door. If possible, then all shoes and jackets should always be put away in the closet. It is better to get rid of shelves and other objects hanging over a person's head: they prevent positive energy from moving upward. The same applies to mirrors, which are often found at the head of the bed.

So that an atmosphere of wealth reigns in the apartment, and money is always found in the wallet, it is worth using certain money amulets in the interior design, but in a limited reasonable amount. As a rule, most often such figures are painted in colors that resemble the shade of a coin: orange, brown, gold, metallic yellow. Correct images, for example, a waterfall or a bouquet of chrysanthemums, can also bring good luck to your home. However, professionals do not advise choosing Niagara Falls, as the energy of such a picture may be excessive.
To support a career, still lifes or landscapes with flowering plants, symbolizing flowering and well-being in life, or images of water are suitable.
Very often hieroglyphs are used that are responsible for attracting wealth and good luck: "prosperity", "justice", "wealth". Fish in an aquarium can also attract wealth into your home. According to Eastern philosophy, there should be an odd number of them: 8 gold and 1 black.

Another interesting feng shui money sign is a golden toad with three legs holding a gold coin in its mouth. When placing her in the interior, it is important to remember that she should not look out the window or at the door. It is best to place the amphibian near the aquarium. By the way, the toad will have to be additionally activated: dip it in water and let it dry naturally. Both the toad and the aquarium, if the size allows, should be placed on the desktop in the nearest left zone. A metal lamp should be placed on the far left.

A common money talisman is Hottey, which is a pot-bellied smiling man who brings not only wealth, but also happiness to the house. The figurine is made of clay or stone. There are different designs of Hottei, but the variation with a man sitting on a stand from his own hands is considered the most effective. So that the figure does not stop working, it will regularly have to be stroked on the stomach. It is important to mention that you cannot place a deity in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Suitable for attracting money and crystals, as well as the coins themselves, for example, tied in three pieces with a red ribbon.

In China, money rugs or napkins are actively used.Having chosen a decor item in a red or gold shade, it will be placed in the southeast. If possible, then you should take an item decorated with the hieroglyph "arriving money".
When the rug is placed at the door, it is customary to hide three tied Chinese coins or the same amount of ordinary five-ruble coins under it.
If the money napkin is located on the desktop, then you can put another money talisman on it. To increase the strength of the rug, it is on it that you should count your own funds from time to time.

Choosing plants
Most often, a money tree is used to attract wealth to a house, as you might guess from the name, but there are also less trivial options for choosing plants in the house. For example, calla lilies, orchids, rosemary and even scented geraniums are good solutions. By the way, when the money tree grows up and gets stronger, you can hang coins on its trunk with the help of scarlet ribbons. Vine branches are a symbol of wealth and prosperity, therefore, if the size of the room and the general style allow, they should be used in the design of the house.

Will rituals help?
The main ritual of activating cash flow in an apartment or room is a properly carried out cleaning, since any accumulation of dirt and disorder is considered an obstacle to the flow of success. Energy in a cluttered room, in principle, is not able to move. You should start cleaning up by saying the phrase: "There is no place for dirt and lack of money." A few drops of essential oil are poured into a bucket of water for a pleasant scent. While washing the floor and wiping the dust, one should repeat from time to time: "I clean the house, attract money into the house."
After cleaning, you can leave a few coins in the east or south part of the house. When cleaning up in the southeastern sector, it is important to throw out not only all old or broken objects, but also to eliminate dried plants, and also to remove all buckets in another place. It is believed that it is better to rearrange the refrigerator located there. For the zone to work, you must also free it from sharp objects.

The most useful colors for money well-being are those that resemble the hue of coins, ranging from brick to yellow. In the working area, bright details of fiery tones work well, for example, red, burgundy, orange. You can also put a red envelope filled with coins here. When choosing figurines or some decor items, it is better to focus on a combination of red and gold. In order not to overload the sector with bright colors and not create aggression, such paints can be diluted with white, green or purple.

Zone selection
According to the teachings of Feng Shui, attracting money is possible when working in the southeastern sector of an apartment or room. The desired direction will be easy to determine with a conventional compass. It is believed that the activation of the northern zone is sometimes triggered. The simplest solution is to place a money tree in a pot here, making sure that natural light does not block out, and also put a few coins nearby or put a piggy bank in which to collect change. Above the child's bed, you can additionally hang an amulet in the form of a coin, and the coin should also lie under the rug by the door or under the bed.

There is no need for a large number of talismans and unusual decor in a particular area. It is enough to choose one southeastern corner in the house or the window sill of the window looking in the same direction, and that is what you need to design.
Before placing a money talisman in the room, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning.
Feng Shui rules suggest that it is better to place a desktop with a computer in the northern zone of the room, especially if the technique is actively used for matters that contribute to the emergence of finances.The computer itself must be placed in the left corner, and next to it there must be a suitable figurine or wooden box with a picture of a turtle.

It is reasonable to store money and valuables in an apartment in a closet located in the same southeast sector. Putting a box or envelope with money inside, you need to do it with positive thoughts that wealth is constantly increasing. Leaving home, you can leave a few paper bills near the mirror in the corridor. It is believed that such a move will contribute to the growth of income.
It often happens that a toilet is located in or near the required southeastern zone, which creates a negative impact on any area. For neutralization, experts recommend bringing a large stone into the room, which will block the flow of negative energy into the apartment.

Specialist recommendations
It is worth mentioning such an important point that no feng shui will help if you have incorrect financial settings. Before rearranging furniture in the house and acquiring talismans, you need to clear your head of everything that has accumulated in it over the past years. This includes such stereotypical statements as “money comes with hard work”, “you can only become rich through dishonest means” and other attitudes.
In addition, it is important to start accustoming yourself to good money, allowing at least rare but desirable luxuries, for example, expensive cheese, a beautiful set of underwear, an unplanned trip to a coffee shop.
Having changed your thoughts, it's time to move on to changes in the house. Minimal processing of space in Feng Shui will work without additional spending on amulets and figurines. Having correctly determined the area of action, it must be washed and cleaned of objects that carry negative energy. Then in the sector it is enough to place any wooden things, even ordinary sticks or twigs collected in the forest, a few stones and candles. Thus, the zone can be activated using the energies of the elements.

For information on how to attract money into your feng shui life, see the next video.