Feng Shui: the basis of the concept, talismans and rules

Feng shui teaching becomes more popular every year. But few can tell what it is, and how to properly use the ancient Chinese teachings in life. Skeptics, in turn, perceive feng shui as something frivolous and of little use in everyday life. In this article, we will tell you how to properly use your knowledge of Feng Shui in everyday life, and how to try to change your destiny.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese wisdom about space and energy, which is based on good goals. Literally translated into Russian, feng shui is "air and water." In fact, the science of feng shui teaches people to live in harmony with nature in order to find prosperity, health and good luck.
In any room, as in the Universe as a whole, there are various flows of energy. A person's mood depends on the circulation and interaction of these streams. And the main goal of feng shui art is the harmonious interaction of man and all living things in the Universe.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science, but it is different from the western base. Art is based on three principles:
- Qi energy is responsible for the energy in all living things and in the Universe;

- harmonious complement of Yin and Yang;

- balance of five elements: wind, earth, metal, wood and water.

All principles are aimed not at changing the interior of the room, but at to change the understanding of oneself in general and learn to live in harmony with oneself and the Universe. This means that harmony and inner feelings of auspicious force can become an inner source of energy.
History of origin
Many ignorant people believe that feng shui is the science of the dead, but it is not. Feng Shui originated about 3 thousand people.years ago in Ancient China and went through time, experiencing ups and downs, and continuing to develop. The founder of the teaching is Yang Yi, a Chinese master, whose works are the basis of the principles of feng shui. And the original task of feng shui was to protect people and their homes from climatic disasters.
Later, the teachings were used to protect the members of the imperial family. But over time, the direction expanded and began to be used as a practical guide to attract well-being, harmony and wealth.

The mastery of the art of feng shui has been passed down from generation to generation, and, as a rule, only the eldest son of the family learned it. Only after many years of study could the eldest son be considered a Feng Shui master.
Now, after several centuries, each of us can learn Feng Shui and use new knowledge to improve our condition and environment.
The essence of the concept
The concept is based on the Chi energy, which is responsible for life force. In other words, Chi energy is present in nature, plants, animals and people. And the purpose of feng shui teaching is in finding and building the right flows of energy to achieve balance and benefit for all living things.

For example, in areas of accumulation of Qi energy, there is fertile soil, and in places where there is a lack of vital energy, there is dry land without growing plants. And if we cannot change the flow of Chi energy in a large space, then indoors, feng shui science helps to harmoniously fill the space with positive energy.

In addition to this, there are yin and yang forces, which are opposite, but together create harmony... Yin symbolizes calmness, serenity, silence and relaxation. Yang is the male energy responsible for vigor, strength, light, fire.
The harmonious combination of the two initials Yin and Yang can be compared with black and white, sweet and bitter, day and night, good and bad - together these combinations complement and create balance.

Consider the basic recommendations for arranging space in feng shui.
- Old things, broken dishes, objects that give negative associations - all this must be ruthlessly thrown away. Even your favorite coffee cup with a crack will symbolize disagreements in the family, so such dishes should be replaced with a new one at the slightest chips and cracks. The same goes for a burnt out light bulb or a stopped wall clock.

- Vintage items that have been with several owners can carry negative energy. When purchasing any antiques, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their history.

- Check that all reflective surfaces: mirrors, windows, glass, are not cracked or scratched. They should be replaced immediately if necessary.

- Indoor corners negatively affect the energy of the space. To neutralize negative energy, you can soften the corners with crystals or decorate the floor lamp with balls with edges.

- The reflection of mirrors should not reflect corners and other elements that carry negative energy. It is good if natural flowers, plants, jewelry boxes and other objects that have positive energy are reflected in the mirror.

- The basic rules of feng shui say that good luck and prosperity freely enter the house only through perfectly clean windows.
It is important to observe this rule not only in order to attract positive Qi energy, but also in order to create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in the apartment.

- Houseplants carry positive energy... Particular preference should be given to plants with large leaves or sturdy stems. But do not place indoor plants in the bedroom and recreation area.

- Any objects and additional elements, be it decor or images, should have positive energy. Nothing in the environment should broadcast aggression, pain, loss, anger and other negativity.

- The tree carries the positively charged energy into the house. It is good if the front door to an apartment or house is made of wood.But if the door is metal, then it is worth complementing it with wooden accessories.

- Can be placed in different areas of the house to create a welcoming atmosphere aroma lamps or incense with the scent of lavender, mint, rosemary or lemongrass.

Feng Shui basics not disproved or scientifically proven, therefore, the ancient Chinese teaching cannot be attributed to pseudoscience. With the help of Chinese science, life can be changed for the better. And also feng shui can be used as a way to heal a person's fate.
Elements and colors
In ancient Chinese science, there are 5 elements: earth, fire, water, wood, metal, and they are all inextricably linked. Positive energy harmoniously binds the elements together in a vicious circle. Water flows into wood, wood into fire, fire into earth, earth into metal, metal into water. To one degree or another, one of the elements dominates in our state, which is reflected in the living space that we have created around us.

The definition of the element is not necessary in order to correctly, from the point of view of feng shui, arrange furniture or choose a decor for a room. And the main task is to know yourself and learn how to build harmonious relationships with others.
People born in different years have different elements. You can determine your element according to the following table.
Last number of the year of birth | Element |
0 | metal |
1 | metal |
2 | water |
3 | water |
4 | wood |
5 | wood |
6 | Fire |
7 | Fire |
8 | Earth |
9 | Earth |

For example, if you were born on September 11, 1985, then your element is a tree. And if you were born on February 16, 1992, then your element is metal. The last digit of the year of birth determines the element of the person. But people born from January 1 to February 20 need to be guided by the figure of the last year. Since in this case, the Chinese calendar is taken as a basis.
Metal is responsible for prosperity and well-being. The metal man puts career and money at the forefront, and only after that follows family, health and love. Such people are confident and convinced that they are right. But sometimes this is not reflected in the best way on the fate of a person and his environment. And if the situation in the living space provokes the human condition to repeat the same cyclical circles that do not lead to stability, then it’s time to make changes to the interior.
You can soften the interior with beautiful textured curtains for curtains, elegant dishes, textiles in delicate shades.

Fire symbolizes optimism and noise. A person who belongs to the element of fire has a rich and vibrant life, in which something often happens. And the hectic life is reflected in the living space. The element of fire helps to raise self-esteem and self-esteem. But a large accumulation of elements can cause fatigue and nervousness. And in order to reduce the increased incandescence of the fire, the situation should be diluted with a calmer element.
The element of earth, which is damaged by fire, is ideal for this. Yellow curtains or a tablecloth in a light soothing shade will calm down the fiery energy in the room.
But you cannot dilute the interior of the fire with wooden elements, since wood feeds the fire, and, thus, the peak energy will accumulate in the room even more.

Water is the most powerful element in feng shui, it symbolizes tranquility and peace of mind. People born in this element have a gentle character and can quickly establish relationships with others. But if the atmosphere is too calm, the room can seem passive and boring. The element of wood will help to correct the situation and add positive dynamic energy. Shades of greenery, indoor plants or fresh cut flowers will help to dilute the interior.

Wood combines flexibility and strength at the same time. And, like a plant, a person born in the element of a tree overcomes all obstacles in his path and continues to reach for the sun - the intended goal. But positive energy easily becomes unstable. A person can stop rejoicing in little things, thinking about new things.To raise the level of calm and holistic energy of the element of wood, it is necessary to make some changes in the space of the living room.
You can place pictures with beautiful landscapes, tall lamps and a vase with fresh flowers on the walls.
You can also add sparks of fiery energy: light candles, dilute the interior with rich colors, for example, a red rug and bright curtains, add a few family photos in frames on the walls.

The earth is a symbol of solid support and stability. The power of the earth transforms fire into metal. The people of the elements of the earth can be classified as melancholic, they are reasonable, calm and practical. And the interior of such a person speaks of peace, care and abundance. In such a room, one feels a powerful impetus to life, where all problems are gradually extinguished and go away. With the calm flow of the energy of the earth, a warm and cheerful friendly atmosphere is felt in the house, and the interior is dominated by shining amber and yellow shades.

But with an excess of earth energy in the apartment, the feeling of life rhythm, home comfort and warm radiance is lost, and all cabinets and shelves are overflowing with various objects and things. This signals that it is time to reconfigure the environment at home. First, you need to get rid of unnecessary junk and reduce the oppressive feeling of bulky furniture. You can also paint the walls in light colors and remove large paintings in weighty frames.

Using the right colors balances the energies of the different elements. There are certain features of flowers in Feng Shui.
- Red refers to the element of fire, helps fight depression and promotes quick decision-making. But a large amount of red in the interior of a living room can not have the best effect on well-being: nervousness and anger may appear. According to feng shui, red should be used carefully. For example, it's a good idea to place a red tape above the front door - it will protect against negative energy.
- White, silver, bronze and light shades of gray can be attributed to the element of metal. These colors bring wealth, well-being and prosperity to life.
- Beige, yellow and all shades of brown are in the element of the earth. Yellow is great for Yang and Yin, neutralizes negative energy, and visually enlarges the space. Yellow can be used to paint the walls of any room in the house, be it an entrance hall, kitchen, living room or bedroom.
- Green color refers to the element of wood. Rich and deep greens help to relax and calm down, so they are great as the main color in the bedroom. And light and calm have a positive effect on mental work and study, such shades will be appropriate in the study or student's room.
- Dark shades of blue, aquamarine, purple and black belong to the element of water. Prevailing in the Feng Shui interior, these colors bring lightness and abundance.

The zodiac patron in Feng Shui, unlike the horoscope known to us, changes not once a month, but several times a day. And therefore, the character and state of a person is greatly influenced not only by the exact date of birth, but also by the time of birth and the corresponding zodiac patron.

With this knowledge, you can, to some extent, change your destiny and direct energy in the right direction. You can also find your own "happy hours", during which positive energy surrounds you and contributes to the solution of any problems.
Patrons change every two hours a day, that is, 12 animals change in 24 hours of the day.
- Bull hour enters its full-fledged action from 01:00 to 03:00. This time is ideal for both relaxation and productive work. During these hours, the body can fully fall asleep or work mentally. During this period, work, study and any mental activity will bring maximum pleasure.
- Tiger hour comes from 03:00 to 05:00.During this period of time, we see the most vivid and memorable dreams. And if at this time you are still awake, then engage in meditation or do breathing exercises, this will help the body to relax and fall asleep.
- Cat or rabbit hour lasts from 05:00 to 07:00. Here, waking up seems especially difficult, and raw carrots or crunchy crackers will help you finally wake up. At this time, you should not start quarrels and serious conversations with others.
- Dragon hour valid from 07:00 to 09:00, this time is ideal for deep reflection, discussion of pressing issues and decisive action.
- Hour of the snake comes into effect from 09:00 to 11:00, and this time must be used for intellectual work, learning something new and gaining skills. During these hours, you can conduct negotiations, arrange presentations, resolve conflict situations and establish communication.
- Horse hour lasts from 11:00 to 13:00, at which time all important negotiations with work partners or family members should be postponed. This period is ideal for full physical work. The gym will be especially enjoyable.
- Goat hour occurs from 1 pm to 3 pm. During this time period, it is useful to take a short break to chat on distractions with colleagues or family members. But you should not be distracted from the main task for a longer period, otherwise the impulsiveness of the goat will not allow you to finish the work you have begun.
- Monkey hour presents surprises from 15:00 to 17:00, and they can be both pleasant and not very good. All problems that arise during these hours must be resolved instantly.
- Rooster hour lasts from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, during which time you can make serious purchases or make important decisions.
- Dog hour patronizes from 19: 00 to 21: 00. At this time, you can try something new, start practicing a hobby, bring brightness to a calm and measured life, or just meet with friends.
- Boar or Pig Hour valid from 21: 00 to 23: 00, and you should not start work or new activity at this moment. Better to relax, unwind, read a book, and get ready for bed. Often at this time, resentment, capriciousness and whimsicality awaken in a person, and the best way to get rid of such a mood is to try to switch over and tune in to rest.
- Mouse or rat hour comes at 23: 00 and ends at 01: 00, and if a person is not yet in the kingdom of Morpheus, then anxiety, haste, and an urgent need for something begin to seize him. At this time, you should not be harsh, this will negatively affect your well-being. It is wiser at this time to do painstaking and not laborious work or read a book.
But days also have zodiac patrons. And depending on the day and hour of the patron, the energy can change. It is especially important to take this into account when solving important issues.

Unfavorable hours by day of patrons:
- day of the goat - unfavorable time from 01:00 to 03:00;
- monkey day - from 03:00 to 05:00;
- rooster day - from 05:00 to 07:00;
- dog day - from 07:00 to 09:00;
- pig day - from 09:00 to 11:00;
- rat day - from 11:00 to 13:00;
- bull day - from 13:00 to 15:00;
- tiger day - from 15:00 to 17:00;
- rabbit day - from 17:00 to 19:00;
- dragon day - from 19:00 to 21:00;
- day of the snake - from 21:00 to 23:00;
- horse day - from 23:00 to 01:00.

During this period, one should abandon the adoption of important decisions, fateful negotiations and new beginnings.
Talismans and amulets
Since feng shui has the word "water" in its name, then many talismans and amulets are related to the water element. Figures of toads, turtles and herons, an aquarium and a decorative fountain symbolize the water element and carry positively charged energy. But such talismans should not be placed in the recreation area: the bedroom and the nursery. It is better to free the relaxation zone from symbols and images of water, blue shades and any manifestations of active and violent energy.

Monetary symbols are attuned to wealth and prosperity. These talismans include a cat with a raised paw, a rat, and Chinese coins with a red ribbon. Crystals help dissipate negative energy and can be used to decorate a ceiling chandelier or be placed to "soften" outside corners in a room. Before placing crystals indoors, they should be washed in water with sea salt, dried and charged with positive thoughts, and then hung with a red thread.
The Buddha figurine will bring good luck, but do not forget to stroke it on the belly. A good talisman for mutual understanding in the family will be a red Chinese lantern with wishes of happiness and love.

Circle of creation
Drawing up a circle of creation - an important and significant element in feng shui. It can be compared with a magical ritual, with the help of which they tune energy in the right direction, thereby contributing to the fulfillment of desires. And in this case, it is not so important how a person treats feng shui - skeptically or not. The technique still works.
When drawing up the circle of creation, all the elements are taken into account: earth, water, metal, wood and fire. And at this moment, you can add the missing element to the space in order to maintain the energy balance.

There are certain recommendations when drawing up a circle of creation.
- Think carefully about your desire - what do you want to receive through energy.
- The word “want” should not be used in the wording of the dream. And desire must be present. For example, instead of "I want to have a lot of money", it is worthwhile to formulate "I am happy and easily make a lot of money."
- The intended goal should not harm other people.
- The ritual is performed strictly on the growing moon.
- A symbolic item is used for each element. Metal can mean any metal part, fire - a candle, wood - a branch, water - a vessel with water, earth - a pot with an indoor flower. After that, all the elements are placed in the following sequence: water, wood, fire, earth, metal.
- Sit comfortably near the circle of creation and mentally repeat your dream. Spend 5 minutes for the ritual for several days in a row, and do not forget to change the water in the vessel every day.
- Repeat the procedure as desired. Ideally, the ritual should be carried out until the dream comes true.
If performed correctly, the positive Qi energy will have a beneficial effect on your life and will contribute to the fulfillment of your dreams.
For about feng shui talismans, see the next video.