Vase of wealth: what is it and how to make it?

If you are at least a little familiar with such a teaching as feng shui, then you have probably heard more than once about what a vase of wealth or a bowl of abundance is. This is a kind of talisman with which you can attract financial well-being and more into your life. What are the features of such a bowl, and how to make it with your own hands, we will tell you right now.

To begin with, it is worth talking a little about what this cup of abundance is and what it is for. Many eastern peoples actively use such a talisman in their home in order to attract financial well-being and good luck. In appearance, this is the most ordinary pot or bowl, which has a very different filling. Someone fills it with ears of wheat, someone with dried cloves and cinnamon, and someone with sugar and rice. It all depends on what exactly the person wants to attract into his life.
It is worth noting that such a talisman can be made at home on your own. By the way, talismans that you create with your own hands and put your positive energy into them in the process of creating have the greatest power than those bought in a store.

Such a talisman may well attract not only good luck in financial affairs, but it can also become a pot of desires that can attract everything that you dream of into your life.
You can make a money pot or a bowl to attract personal happiness or health, or you can make a pot that will help create an atmosphere of harmony and comfort in the house. It all depends on your personal preferences and desires.
Many people specially attend a master class on making such bowls of abundance on the eve of special holidays, because they believe that it is the New Year or Christmas energy that best influences the creation of such talismans. But if you did not manage to make such a talisman for New Year or Christmas, then you should not be upset. You can do it at any other time. The main thing is your desire, a positive attitude and adherence to some rules, which we will discuss below.

How to choose a bowl?
Before you start making the bowl, you need to make sure that the house has a suitable pot for this. The bowl from which you want to create your special talisman must be round. Pay attention to the rounded, puffy pots. The bottom of the pot should be wide and stable.
If you buy a pot in a store, then be sure to study it from all sides, it should be even, smooth, without flaws. The neck of the future vase of wealth should be slightly narrowed. The smaller the neck, the better it will store all the energy that you will put into the bowl during the creation of the talisman. In addition, any vessel you choose should have its own lid, which allows it to be tightly closed. The fact is that after creating such a bowl, it will need to be closed for exactly one year. This will allow the vessel to gain strength and recharge the necessary energy, and after a year it will be possible to open the lid.

As for the material from which the bowl will be made, here you can choose any one you like.
Try to choose a vessel of a light shade. Avoid black and dark brown pots right away.
The bowl should be made from natural materials. For example, wood, clay or metal. If you liked a certain pot in the store, and you can't take your eyes off it, then you are on the right track. It is your energy that helps you choose the right vessel that is right for you.

What to fill?
So, you have chosen a suitable pot and have already decided what kind of talisman you want to create for yourself. Next, it needs to be filled with those elements that will help you attract everything that you dream of into your life. But before you start filling it, the vessel needs to be cleaned.
It must be clean inside and out, and in order to charge it with the right energy, it is worth cleaning it with the smoke of incense sticks. After that, prepare everything you need, turn on pleasant music and tune in to positive. Such talismans should be created in a calm, serene state, and you must believe in what you are doing and that everything will work out.

Previously, the bowl can be decorated with special symbols, which are painted with indelible paints on the outside of the vessel. These can be a variety of symbols of well-being and prosperity. For example, it can be a dragon, a toad with a coin, a bat, a "bundle of happiness" or some hieroglyph. Then you can start filling the bowl. The filling of such a vase directly depends on your desires.
To begin with, the prepared vessel should be filled with the required elements that will help to charge the bowl with the necessary energy. 5 small colored patches are placed on the bottom. They must be made of natural fabrics and different colors. They are red, yellow, white, blue and green. Next, 5 pieces of tape are placed on top of the flaps. The ribbons should be silk and match all the colors of the flaps.
After that, grains of five colors are placed on top: red beans, yellow peas, white beans or rice, purple beans and green peas.

Next, you need to place a bag on top, in which there should be exactly 10 yellow coins. You can easily find such coins in any store that sells various amulets and feng shui talismans. The bag in which the coins should be put must be made of red silk.
Next, you need to place exactly 10 transparent crystals in the vessel. It is perfectly possible to use rhinestones, which are easy to find in handicraft stores. But it is best to use natural stones. For example, quartz, amethyst, and so on. The energy of natural stones is much stronger, which means that a bowl of abundance will more quickly fulfill all your desires.
After the vessel is filled with all the necessary elements, you can put additional so-called secret objects in it, which will make it possible to realize your personal desires.

In the event that you want to get rich, become a successful and wealthy person, then you need to get land from the garden of a rich and influential person. At the same time, it is very important that he himself allows you to take some land. If you take it secretly, then your talisman will be charged with negative energy, which will entail problems and negative events. The earth should be folded into a silk bag and placed on top of all other elements.
In order to attract financial well-being and financial stability into your life, you can place a banknote in a vessel, which a successful merchant will give you. You can ask the merchant to exchange a large bill for several smaller ones. Place one in a vessel, and keep the other in your wallet and never waste. If you want you to always have additional earnings, and money flowed to you from different directions, then you should place bills of different countries in the bowl.
For those who want to find their own home and dream of a big house, there is also a secret. Place a photograph of the apartment or house you are dreaming of in the vessel. To attract personal happiness and love, you can place a beautiful photo in the bowl, a picture on which there will be an image symbolizing happiness and love. You can use any pictures from glossy magazines for your desires. Cut out exactly the picture that depicts what you are dreaming of and place the picture in the vase. It can be an expensive car, decoration, and so on.

When filling a vase, remember that the fuller it is filled, the better. Therefore, do not limit yourself and your desires, fill your talisman with everything you dream of. Once you fill your talisman with everything you need, close the lid and tie the neck with threads of different colors. It must be red, white, yellow, blue and green thread. The lid can be opened exactly one year later. Do not forget to mark this date for yourself in the calendar, so as not to forget.
Choosing the right place
The best place to place such a bowl is in the wealth sector of your home. It is quite simple to define it. It is enough just to take the compass in hand and determine the southeastern zone. If your personal bedroom, children's room, study or kitchen is located in this area, then this is very good. It is these rooms that have a very strong energy, thanks to which the bowl will work correctly, helping to attract prosperity, prosperity and happiness into your life.
The bowl can be placed on a bedside table, windowsill, and so on. It is not necessary to put it in the most conspicuous place, but you should not hide it from prying eyes either. In addition, there is one more tip that will help you attract what you want into your life as quickly as possible. It is quite possible to place other talismans next to the bowl, which attract well-being to the house. For example, this is a money tree or a toad with a coin.
For information on how to make a vase of wealth in feng shui, see the next video.