The meaning of the turtle: where to put, what does it symbolize in jewelry and talismans?

Experts closely associate the talisman in the shape of a turtle with one of the most ancient civilizations with a rich centuries-old culture - China. The symbolism of this animal is of great importance in the Chinese philosophy and teachings of Feng Shui, which are popular today. An ordinary figurine or even a painted image of this slowest animal representative is one of the important attributes for this philosophy. According to her, a turtle should have its place in any home and be sure to be where you work. What else can a turtle stand for? What protective powers does it possess, what benefits can it bring to its owners?

What does it symbolize?
To begin with, it should be noted that the turtle is the most ancient symbol of the structure of the universe and cosmic order. It is not for nothing that in many myths it is the big turtle that holds the Universe on its strong shell. The turtle can be called a symbol of true stability. It also means that for the most successful advancement in life, people just need to take into account the most important laws of the universe, have clear moral principles and faith in basic truths. This kind of basis is similar to a turtle's shell, which protects against danger, provides shelter and proper rest if necessary.

The Chinese very often combine a turtle and a dragon no less revered by them into a single whole - the so-called dragon turtle, thereby creating one of the most powerful protective amulets in order to qualitatively increase the energy level of the owner of this talisman.
If you look closely at this incredible creature, you can easily find body parts from a tiger or a phoenix in it. A turtle that rests on the paws of a dragon means confidence and increased protection from evil spells. Placed in a home, it will successfully withstand various quarrels and unpleasant influences from other people.

Often on the back of such a strange "dragon-turtle" you can see a smaller turtle. This figure is placed where children most often play - so that their connection with their parents develops harmoniously. The dragon-turtle, which sits on coins of gold or holds one of them in its mouth, is established in the zone of wealth and prosperity. You can also buy a turtle with a snake on its shell - a sign of age-old wisdom and protection.

The main life principle of the turtle is "The quieter you go, the further you will be." But here is not meant the well-known slowness of the turtle, but a full-fledged balance of those wise decisions that make it possible to correctly follow the path of life. Everything should go on as usual - without haste, you just need to firmly hold the main goal of your life in your field of vision. Turtle also means flexibility and excellent adaptability, as it can easily exist in two elements - water and earth.

The turtle can be called the standard of commitment and ability to work. Turtles are not very mobile, but they always crawl to the point they need, not paying any attention to any obstacles or difficulties on their long journey. The hard work that the turtle does will always be well organized, successful and thought out to the smallest detail.

Health and longevity
The turtle is a symbol of long life and very good health. These amphibians themselves are long-livers, in addition, their species first appeared millions of years ago and has not changed much since then. The unhurried lifestyle of turtles suggests the only correct mode of life and routine, which will be the basis for excellent health. A strong shell means high immunity, protection from any disease.

In China, the turtle is a well-known symbol of well-being, since the animal usually has a large number of eggs. For stubborn people, turtles help them gain career advancement and therefore increase their well-being. Various nationalities attached all kinds of mythical significance to these animals. The Slavs called the turtles "unclean" or "reptiles".
In Christianity, the turtle was considered a manifestation of evil forces, which means that it belonged to the symbols of sinful feelings. However, in some manuscripts, it was possible to find information that this amphibian can mean decent behavior of a married woman who lives in complete seclusion (as if locked in a shell).

In Iran, the sign of the turtle denotes fertility. Among the Mongols, in various drawings, this animal held the world mountain on its back, black paws pointed to all 4 directions of the world already known at that time. In Europe, the turtle was also a symbol of fertility, faithful love and happy longevity.
The strength of the shell was used in many rituals as protection, and the eyes of an amphibian in a gold frame could serve as an obstacle to a possible evil eye. Among the Greeks and Romans, in legends you can find tools made from the shells of these amphibians, as well as stories about the transformation of the title characters into turtles. The animal was ranked among the underworld of the gods: for example, the name "Tartarus" is derived from the nickname of the turtle - tartaruga.

In Tibet, she was also considered the embodiment of a living model of our universe. The turtle's head was turned to the south, the tail defined the north, and the legs defined the east and west sides. According to the myths of Tibet, creatures emerged from the fat of a turtle, from which various phenomena occurred - a storm, a storm, a hail.And, of course, everyone remembers the old cosmic model of the Universe, where 3 huge elephants hold massive earth on their backs and at the same time stand on a very large turtle.

How can it help?
The properties of a turtle in feng shui are as follows:
- she will help to settle any family matters;
- will bring stability to any relationship;
- will affect the growth of well-being;
- will give good luck.

The turtle ring can be worn in two ways, depending on the purpose you are pursuing. If you need to get the mood for active and fruitful communication, wear the ring with the turtle's tail towards you, and the animal's head outward. Then the talisman will contribute to quality communication. And if you are planning a not very pleasant meeting (reprimand or conflict), then turn the turtle head towards you - you will receive powerful protection from any negativity.

When picking up a souvenir for a loved one or a gift with meaning, you can stop at a small turtle. This universal amulet will serve to protect a successful career, and to protect the family hearth, and to increase the financial well-being of its owner. If necessary, you can choose something more practical - a stylish wallet, a luxurious bag, clothing, or any other item with a "turtle" pattern, like the one found on the shell of most turtles. This image will fully protect the owner from the evil eye.

If you are deeply worried about guilt in a problem that cannot be changed, a turtle made from durable natural stone of black color will bring you relief. Place it on the west side of your home and wash it under water every 3-4 weeks. If you are having troublesome dreams, it is worth putting a small turtle made from such a well-known stone as jade under your pillow. The talisman from it also needs some water - try to rinse it in a container with liquid at least once every 2-3 weeks.

If you like to guess on the thick coffee or on the ashes from burnt paper, and you see the features of a turtle in them, then you need not rush in the future, but aim at a successful development of events. If the question you have raised concerns the fulfillment of any desire, then what you have planned will certainly come true, but you should not rush the development of events.
According to the Zoroastrian calendar, for those people who were born in 1946, 1978 or 2010, the turtle is considered a totem symbol - a special creature that can endow a person with mythical qualities. If your year of birth is among the list, be sure to buy an amulet with a cute turtle for yourself, then the effect of the totem will increase many times over.

This symbolic animal chooses the north from the cardinal points, and according to the calendar, it has long winter months. Don't put off summer jewelry for the winter - try to wear them as often as possible. Wipe them dust, rinse them in water at least once a week, talk to them and share your own thoughts.
How to arrange in the house?
For a turtle figurine, their correct position will be of great importance. According to Eastern philosophy, this symbol is best placed in the northern premises of the dwelling - there is a career growth zone. A good option would be to place a figurine or hang a drawing of a turtle over the head of the bed - this is how the totem animal will protect your "rear". If you need to strengthen family life, Feng Shui advises you to put a turtle in the east corner of the room. For this place, you can still pick up a special amulet - 3 turtles standing on top of each other.

Where in the house is it best to put the chosen product in order to finally achieve material prosperity? Feng Shui will advise the southeast side of the room. Here you should put a talisman of gold color or made of wood.It is allowed to place it in the north-west, if you need to get someone's patronage (except for the eastern part, where you can place three turtles, this is the second place - an exception, where you can put not one, but 6 figurines at once).

Legends testify that the dragon turtle is the protector of people from the wrathful attacks of the dark prince Tai-Sui. It is necessary to place this creature so that its head is turned towards the west. The owner of such a souvenir will receive long-awaited protection and will attract good luck. The black color of the product will allow you to get ahead at work.
The meaning of talismans and decorations
A figurine, a neat photo, a drawing, an original piece of jewelry - all this can act as a protective amulet, and a living animal can also play this role. In a dwelling, usually, as a talisman, they put 1 statuette of small parameters or a normal-sized picture in a frame, 1 oversized figurine is picked up in the office. As an amulet for women, you can pick up a brooch or an interesting pendant, a noticeable pendant for a massive bracelet, a ring, a creative navel earring or an earring in the ear. It is better not to buy paired earrings, because a turtle can be a protective product only when it is alone, and not in a pair.

Most often, these protective figures are made of natural stone. Everyone considers the jade turtle to be a common option - after all, this ornamental stone has long been considered a symbol of eternal wisdom. Oriental craftsmen often use agate (onyx turtles are especially in demand), products from aquamarine and bright topaz are popular. A bracelet in the form of a product with a precious stone must be dressed in a gold or silver setting (silver is better suited for a talisman).
If you want to create an amulet with your own hands, you can choose any natural material that is available for manual processing.

The most effective talisman, according to the teachings, is the presence of a live turtle in the dwelling. At the same time, one must also remember that there is a small container with water in the dwelling, in which more than one animal can live. It will be a great gift from you for those people whom you want to protect from negative influences.
For what the turtle symbol means, see the next video.