How to equip a feng shui love zone?

Not many people believe in the energy of feng shui, but those who have tried this art on themselves, are convinced of its effectiveness. This also applies to the zone of love, located in the southwest. A “working” corner of love can be created by the one who dreams of meeting his soul mate, as well as the one who has already met her, but wants to strengthen the relationship.

It is customary to equip the zone of love in the bedroom. It is here that two loving hearts spend minutes of bliss. It is necessary to free the south-western sector from furniture with sharp corners in advance, since the corners separate the smooth flow of energy by the edges. If a girl spends a lot of time in the office, then a love corner can be organized here as well.
It is important to place paired objects in the love sector. These can be figures of swans, paired soft toys. If the landlady is already in a relationship and wants to strengthen it or get closer to marriage, then you should definitely put a joint photo in the love zone.
If the girl is still in search of a life partner, then it is recommended to place a clipping from a magazine in the southwest, which depicts a love couple.
Has more power the picture in which the woman depicted looks like the landladyfor example, she is also blonde or has the same style of clothing. Some ladies prefer to pay more attention to the man in the photo. If they are attracted to athletic brunettes, then this is exactly what they will find in a paired magazine photo. Better to choose illustrations, on which faces are not visible. Let it be abstract image, for example, a kissing couple or two lovers hugging against the backdrop of a sunset.Photos of not only people, but also symbols are suitable, for example, the image of wedding rings.

Items that are effective obtained from the bowels of the earth. This is due to the fact that it is the Earth that is an element of the southwestern sector. For example, semi-precious stones or rhizomes are suitable. Remember that all items must be paired. According to feng shui, a peony is considered a symbol of eternal and passionate love, therefore it is recommended to place it in a love corner Natural flowers. A ceramic vase will enhance their effect, since ceramics is an element of the Earth. If there were no fresh flowers, you can limit yourself to the usual picture of peonies.
Feng Shui believes that bright light attracts the energy of the Earth, which dominates the southwestern sector, so it is important to place lamps in the love corner. Crystal products are especially energetic. To enhance the effect of lighting devices, it is recommended to turn them on for a couple of hours at night. Don't forget the symbols of love. For example, talismans in the form of hearts have a very strong energy. You can make them yourself from red threads, or you can buy them in a gift shop.

The main color of the love zone is terracotta. Green shades echo him. But don't go overboard with these colors, you don't have to choose all the furniture in the right colors. It is enough to use terracotta souvenirs and pendants, and the actions of the green shade will allow you to achieve artificial plants and greenery in vases. The color of love should not activate the love zone, it is needed for harmonious inclusion in the energy of the room.
The use of materials in the corner of love should also be attributed to the issue of color. As already noted, the main element is Earth. Fire is considered to be the generative element.and the weakening one is Metal. Wooden objects are capable of destroying all the magical effects of the love sector.
When decorating the southwest corner in Feng Shui, fiery shades can also be applied, since the Fire element forms the Earth element. Red, pink tones will enhance the magical effect.
It is good if sand, yellow, cream, beige shades are present, since they symbolize the Earth and can give constancy to the relationship, increase the attraction of partners to each other.

Activation of the zone of love and marriage
To activate the love zone, it is recommended to decorate it with additional elements. For example, you can put chocolates here. This delicacy is considered a symbol of emerging romance, and therefore will enhance the effect of other items.
Butterflies are a symbol of lightness, joy, purity. You can hang a picture of these insects. The presence of your own energy is always important when arranging a love zone, so it will be very good if the hostess can embroider or draw butterflies on her own. Do not forget that all objects must be paired, that is, it is better to depict two butterflies.
If the girl has not yet met her lover, then it is recommended to proceed as follows: write the desired character traits of the future partner on a red piece of paper, put it in a scarlet envelope and place it in the love sector. This manipulation will send the desired data into the universe.
Beautiful romantic music and pleasant aromas will help to activate the work of the corner of love. To lure love into an apartment or strengthen a love relationship, you can use any aromatic ester such as jasmine or ylang-ylang. Fire will help clear the way for energy. For example, you might place two candles on the southwest side and light them periodically if there are disagreements and disagreements in the marriage. Scented candles will have a double effect.

Prohibited items
In order not to weaken the energy effect of the love sector, do not place indoor plants in pots and dry bouquets in the southwest.Autumn landscapes are permeated with a melancholy mood, therefore it is also recommended to refuse such paintings. The whole love zone should be imbued with a sense of future happiness, freshness, lightness, positive.
Never place photographs of deceased people in this corner, even if the memory of them is very dear, do not use photographs of men and women with sad faces when decorating.
To avoid setting yourself up for a lonely existence, avoid placing photographs in which a person is depicted alone. Only paired illustrations are allowed.
Pictures depicting barns, old castles, swamps, stagnant lakes have a bad energy. Garbage and other rubbish should not accumulate here. Energy works only in the zone of perfect purity. If a vase standing in this sector has broken, then it can no longer be put back, even when glued, otherwise discord can be expected in a love relationship. It is important to remove all objects that symbolize water, since the sector of love is subject to the action of the element of Fire. Things related to water can extinguish the fire of passion and desires with their energy.

It is important to be guided by some rules in the design of the room as a whole. According to feng shui practice, in order to maintain love, you cannot sleep with your feet to the door, and your head should not be directed to the window during sleep. It is recommended to abandon the use of metal things in the interior, as they weaken the effect of objects that belong to the element of the Earth. The most preferred alternative to metal is stone.
A few tips from a Feng Shui expert will allow you to find and equip your love zone correctly.