How to dry your hair without a hairdryer?

Many women have a hairdryer, as it can be used to quickly dry hair of any length in a short time. However, there are situations when you need to make the curls dry quickly and without this type of technique. For this reason, every woman should know effective home hair drying methods.

Principles of Drying Hair Without a Hair Dryer
A woman with a beautiful hairstyle always attracts the attention of men. Girls have long been looking for ways with which you can dry not only bangs after washing your hair, but also your entire head in 10 minutes without a hair dryer.
Drying your hair at home without using a hair dryer can be done in several ways.
- Hot towel. For this purpose, it is worth taking a terry towel, which is preheated on a radiator or with an iron. After the hair is washed, all moisture is wrung out from it, and a warm towel is wrapped around the head. After 5 minutes, the hair should be tousled, thereby drying the roots and shaping the hairstyle.
This 5 minute drying is usually suitable for short hair.

- Using balm. In order for the hair to dry quickly in a natural way, balms or conditioners are applied to damp curls. Before distributing the product, it is worth squeezing out the strands and blotting them with a towel. Hair with balm should be combed intensively with your fingers.

- Gas. Many girls use gas burners to dry their freshly washed hair. However, this method is considered to be quite dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to bring curls close to an open flame, since all hair can burn out.After turning on the gas stove, you should stand near the burners and, throwing your hair forward, dry it. Evaporation of moisture from the curls will occur quickly due to the heated air in the room.

- Oven. This scalp drying option is very similar to the previous one. To carry out the procedure, it is worthwhile to heat the oven, then open it and stand next to it. The air around the oven will be hot and will help dry your hair quickly.

Overview of methods for short to medium curls
It is really easy for women with short strands to dry their hair without a hairdryer. To carry out this procedure correctly and quickly, you can use an interesting way.
- After shampooing, you need soak thoroughly hairline with a towel.
- Change a wet towel to a dry one and repeat the procedure again. In the process, you should not wipe the strands too much, as this can lead to brittleness and splitting.
- After excess moisture leaves the hair, it is worth applying to them mousse or foam and spread over the entire length... The head should be tilted down while performing the above actions.
- In the process it is worth using rare comb or use your fingers to straighten your hair.
- When the product is almost completely absorbed, the hair will be dry.
- The last step will be bringing the hairstyle to perfection by touching up individual strands... If desired, the result can be fixed with varnish.

How to dry long strands quickly?
After shampooing, many people want long hair to be straight, voluminous. A hairdryer does an excellent job with this task. However, in the absence of it, you can solve the problem and dry the hair using another method. This procedure is rather complicated, but with a strong desire, it can be carried out.
- Having washed your head, it's worth it squeeze out the strandswithout twisting them.
- Hair need roll up with a towel and stand for about 3 minutes. In this case, it is better to use a microfiber or cotton cloth.
- The towel is worth change to dry, wrap your hair in it again and stand for about 3 minutes.
- After take it off and ruffle hair with fingers.
- Roots need to be carefully get wet using a dry towel.
- The head must be lowered down and carried out intense beating of strands... Special attention should be paid to the roots, as they dry much longer.
- After the above activities, the head is comb with a sparse-toothed comb, divide hair into strands and dry separately.

If you want to achieve the effect of "wet hair", foam or mousse is applied to the hair. Further, the curls are twisted with bundles and fixed. After drying, the strands will become wavy and beautiful.
To maintain the desired effect, the hairstyle should not be combed. This styling takes about half an hour.

To speed up the drying process of your hair after washing, professionals give important advice.
- After bathing, it is worth wrap a towel around your head... After absorbing moisture into the fabric, the drying of the hair occurs much faster.
- Can be used air conditioning... This product forms a water-repellent film on the scalp, which not only speeds up drying, but also makes the strands much more manageable. In this case, you should not apply the product to the roots - it is better to distribute it along the entire length.
- Better to use waffle towel or microfiber cloth, as these materials absorb moisture better than others.
- Before drying your hair, stand heat the towel.
- Combing wet curls is worth very neatas they may split or become brittle.
- Long strands are better to dry with the head tilted down.
- During natural drying it costs constantly move your head and hair.
- Helps well with drying strands microfiber brush.
- Women with curly hair no need to rinse out the conditioner, as it promotes good styling.

In the summertime, you can dry a short hairstyle in 5 minutes simply by going out onto the balcony or outside. Under the influence of the sun and wind, the curls dry very quickly. Trying to dry their hair without a hairdryer, some women use radical methods, but experts strongly advise against using these techniques.
- Dry the strands with an iron and appliances that are not intended for this. Such procedures are fraught with injury and deterioration of the hair condition.
- Bring your hair close to the fire as this could cause them to catch fire.
- Use an iron, as it is intended solely for leveling dry strands. Wet, he will cause irreparable harm.
- Dry your hair, using a vacuum cleaner in blowing mode... Dust remains in the unit, which it sucked in when cleaning rooms. Therefore, the newly washed head will become dirty again.
- Use a fan to dry curls... The device may wind up hair, which could result in serious injury. In addition, the cold air of the fan can cause colds.

Experts advise against masking wet hair with a cap, hat or kerchief, as a dried-up hairstyle will be very ugly. From all that has been said, we can conclude that you should not be upset if there is no hair dryer at hand after washing your hair. Drying the strands naturally is a very beneficial procedure that can be quick if one of the above methods is used.
Having chosen one or another method, it is worth thinking about the consequences in advance, so it is better to use safe, but longer-lasting options than to subsequently restore the hair structure.

For information on how to quickly dry your hair without a hairdryer, see the next video.